
Land/home ownership dreams are equally valid

Land and home ownership is a dream of people who have it and those who don’t. This is a reality rarely reflected in conversations, articles and social media. The tragic stories about families being evicted paint the legal land/home owner as the perpetual bad guy. In fact, the anger over evictions of poor families is misdirected. The ‘bad guy’ in this reality is successive governments that have failed to provide enough quality, low cost housing. We have masses of people who can never buy a home and will never earn enough to consistently pay rent. They need free or subsidized…
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Marginal growth recorded in 2019 – NSA …as GDP contracted by 1.6 percent

Marginal growth recorded in 2019 – NSA …as GDP contracted by 1.6 percent

Staff Writer The size of the Namibian economy is estimated to have grown by N$225 million, from N$181.0 billion in 2018 to N$ 181.2 billion in 2019, the latest Namibia Statistics Agency (NSA) annual national accounts estimates show. This comes as Namibia’s gross domestic product (GDP) contracted by 1.6 percent in 2019 compared to a growth of 1.1 percent recorded in 2018. “The contractionary performance of the economy in 2019 was mainly due to the Primary industries that declined by 8.9 percent. The contraction in the Primary industries was observed across all sectors namely ‘Mining and quarrying’ (-11.1 percent) and…
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Namibia records spike in suicide cases

Namibia records spike in suicide cases

Helena Johannes According to the Ministry of Health and Social Services, suicide cases in Namibia have spiked during the COVID-19 pandemic period. Although the current statistic of people who have committed suicide this year is unknown, the ministry says suicide cases reported this far during the pandemic is worrisome significant numbers of people are choosing to end their lives due to different unbearable situations. According to Ministry of Health Social Worker Jenifer Lifasi, cases of minors committing suicide in the country are on the rise, with Namibia ranked 11th in the world for these tragic cases according to an international…
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COVID crisis rocks Windhoek Central Prison

COVID crisis rocks Windhoek Central Prison

Andrew Kathindi A COVID-19 crisis has hit the Windhoek Central Prison, amidst allegations of shortage of medicine, isolation facilities and proper care of infected inmates. This dire situation according to an insider is alleged to have contributed to the death of one inmate, a death confirmed by the Namibian Correctional Service (NCS). Information made available to the Windhoek Observer alleges that many of the inmates that have contracted COVID-19 are not are left without being tested or provided with medical attention. “Some inmates are lucky get medication from their families from outside, but others, just have to wait. They are…
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Going broke makes you look closer

There is a silver lining to the country’s current economic state of near collapse. The tenderpreneurs, 10-percenters, inside traders, embezzlers, tax evaders, and loophole exploiters have reduced income streams. There is not enough left in state coffers to feed waste and corruption. The public demand to fulfil existing state obligations and handle the pandemic trumps all. Going broke has made the officials that should have been watching the bottom line, wake up and watch the money better. Now that the Treasury’s accounts have cobwebs instead of cash, questions are finally being asked about where it all went. Closer looks are…
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NAMDIA declares N$80 million dividend

NAMDIA declares N$80 million dividend

Clifton Movirongo Namib Desert Diamonds (Pty) Ltd (NAMDIA) has declared a N$80 million dividend payable to the Government of Namibia for the financial period 2019/2020. The company’s full year profit after tax amounted to N$95.2 million, down 41 percent from prior year’s N$161.9 million, with N$63 million paid in taxes to the Ministry of Finance. NAMDIA also paid export levy amounting to N$19 million for the period under review. “NAMDIA performed relatively well during 2019/2020, despite an extremely challenging year for the diamond industry. This positive financial performance is attributed to a well-executed strategy that focuses on revenue maximization for…
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No voting day extension – ECN

No voting day extension – ECN

Andrew Kathindi The Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) has ruled out the possibility of the upcoming regional council and local authority elections taking place over more than one day. This comes amid concerns that COVID-19 could impact on voting due to health and safety restrictions, with Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) leader McHenry Venaani has urged the ECN to consider a new strategy which will allow more time for people to vote. “There are people calling us from the regions saying I'm afraid to even go and stand in the queue to register because I do not know if I am…
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FIC flags N$17 billion worth suspicious transactions

FIC flags N$17 billion worth suspicious transactions

Staff Writer Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) during its financial year ending year ended 31 March 2020 says it flagged transactions worth N$17 billion which it suspects to be proceeds of crime and are now subject to investigation by law enforcement agents. During the period under review, the centre, according to its annual report contributed to 84 investigations conducted by various law enforcement authorities. “The top five underlying predicate offenses investigated include fraud, corruption, poaching, dealing in drugs, illegal deposit taking/pyramid schemes and money laundering. Furthermore, investigations by these law enforcement agencies with assistance of the Office of the Prosecutor General…
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Kayone admits Angolan voter registration . . . as church, ECN officials are fingered

Kayone admits Angolan voter registration . . . as church, ECN officials are fingered

Helena Johannes Swapo Omusati regional coordinator Sackey Kayone has confirmed to the Windhoek Observer that Angolan nationals are being registered to vote in Namibia. He said his office had received a report from Okalongo councilor’s office on Tuesday stating that church leaders together with individuals from the Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) are assisting Angolan nationals to get voting cards. “The story of Venaani is misleading because it is not the councilors who are involved in this issue, but these Angolans are being assisted by church representatives together with some individuals from ECN to get voting cards,” he told the…
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Local referees undergo FIFA online course

Local referees undergo FIFA online course

Namibia Football Association (NFA) match officials are being taken through the ropes through the FIFA Member Association (MA) Elite Referee Online Course this week. The course is designed to develop and train referees remotely in order to be as safe as possible. The course will involve video presentations, online polls and questions-and-answer sessions. The four-day FIFA MA Referees online course which has thirty-five participants is being conducted by Tracy Lovell (Physical Instructor) and Ali Ahmed (Technical Instructor). Due to the major impact of the Covid -19, FIFA has been searching for alternative ways to continue their mission of supporting and…
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