
Avoid suspicion, be transparent and face the music

The stories capturing headlines about an ‘oil exploration deal’ involving Recon Africa, a Canadian gas and oil company, are disturbing. The area targeted for drilling is one of the most environmentally sensitive conservation and wildlife areas in the country. More must be revealed about this story; there are many unanswered questions. Decision-makers seem to be caught up yet again in their unattainable obsession for secrecy. When will they learn to face the public with their plans and tackle issues directly? Namibia is reeling from COVID-19 and financial hardship. Fishrot and other corruption scandals have made the public distrust politicians and…
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Corruption and mathematical witchcraft

Dr Rukee Tjingaete You don’t need to consult Figaro the earth while mathematical genius to ask why 32,000 laptops would cost N$180 million at an average laptop market-related price of N$6 500 per laptop. (I have surveyed the market). He would mock at you in his grave. The true estimate price would be in the range of N$208million or more. In Namibia, they normally fool you by giving you a low estimate cost price at first to convince you that such project is financially viable. But once approved they slowly start to inflate figures with new calculations which in this…
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!Gawaxab commemorates 100 days in office

!Gawaxab commemorates 100 days in office

Staff Writer Bank of Namibia (BoN) Governor, Johannes !Gawaxab on Thursday commemorated his 100 days in office, while outlining his vision for the apex Bank. !Gawaxab took over the reins at the Bank at a time when the country was grappling with the negative impacts of COVID-19 on the economy. He was appointed as the third BoN Governor by President Hage Geingob in April, 2020. “I experience first-hand the resilience of the Namibian people who must face this situation daily, while the pandemic dominates without a clear ending, and who selflessly strive to save lives and the livelihoods of their…
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Baobab investments safe – GIPF …as NAMFISA de-registers fund manager

Baobab investments safe – GIPF …as NAMFISA de-registers fund manager

Staff Writer The Government Institutions Pension Fund (GIPF) says N$87 million invested by its now-deregistered fund manager Baobab Capital (Pty) through Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV), Baobab Growth Fund (Pty), remain secure. The GIPF had committed N$140 million in October 2016 to the Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV), which has a venture capital mandate to invest in start-up companies. This comes as the Namibia Financial Institutions Supervisory Authority (NAMFISA) on Wednesday announced that it had de-registered the fund manager. The de-registration comes after NAMFISA conducted its own investigations into the affairs of Baobab Capital (Pty) and Baobab Growth Fund (Pty). “The Fund…
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69 apply for NSFAF tender

69 apply for NSFAF tender

Helena Johannes Nearly 70 companies have applied for a tender to provide students with laptops valued at N$6,000 per unit, Namibia Students Financial Aid Fund (NSFAF) acting CEO Kennedy Kandume announced on Thursday. The Ministry of Higher Education according to fund, will pay 50 percent of the total amount for each laptop while students will be required to pay the other 50 percent which is equivalent to N$3000. “NSFAF received 69 applications to carry on the tender of student laptops. The laptop will come with a 10GB connectivity device which costs N$690,” Kandume said. He added that students will also…
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Venaani hits back at SWAPO over Zim motion

Venaani hits back at SWAPO over Zim motion

Clifton Movirongo Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) president McHenry Venaani has hit back at the ruling party’s decision to vote down a parliamentary motion tabled by his party on the current “crisis” in Zimbabwe, even before the motion was motivated. “To us, it is a greatest act of cowardice and in a gross disregard of the plight of the people of Zimbabwe. While I do respect and abide to the majoritarian rule tenet that applies to constitutional democracies such as ours, we also do not condone majoritarian rule that defies logic,” Venaani said. The PDM leader hints that instability in Zimbabwe…
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State of emergency comes to an end

State of emergency comes to an end

Andrew Kathindi The six-month state of emergency which was put in place in March, and lapses at midnight on Thursday 17 September, will not be extended, President Hage Geingob has announced. This comes as it emerged that Geingob did not have the legal power to make an extension without making overtures to the opposition as the move will require parliamentary approval. The President, however, said his government had assessed and weighed both the positive and negative impacts of the regulations and considered the additional capacity created during the six-month period, which led to the decision. “This is a defining moment…
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“If I don’t win, it was rigged”

The above words are perhaps the greatest modern-day threat to democracy. We all must be vigilant when anyone running for office says an election is rigged unless they win. We don’t have a perfect country, but it is the only one we have. Those claiming to be loyal, proud Namibians are obliged to make sure this country operates according to the constitution. Those proved to have broken the law or calling for the law to be broken, must be held accountable. In the USA, presidential candidate Donald Trump is stoking (and perhaps hoping for) a violent insurrection after national elections…
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PayPulse adds new venders

PayPulse adds new venders

Staff Writer Standard Bank is proud to announce that it has added Liberty Life, Olusheno and MTC Data to its bouquet of partners on its Cardless Transaction Application, PayPulse, as part of the strategy to offer variety and enhance the mobile payment experience for our partners and customers. With the addition of the three partners, Standard Bank says customers are now able to pay their Liberty Life insurance premiums, as well as pay for the off-grid home lighting Olusheno kit and MTC Data using the convenience of PayPulse. “As the leading payment App in Namibia, PayPulse has been at the…
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MTC starts SIM upgrade campaign

MTC starts SIM upgrade campaign

Staff Writer MTC in a drive to continue the acceleration of digital transformation, has announced that it will allow prepaid customers the opportunity for a one-time FREE sim (2G/3G) upgrade to a 4G sim card. MTC Manager Retail: Infrastructure and Development, Alan Krohne, said that "the campaign will run from 15 September - 15 December 2020, and customers who swaps their sim during this time will qualify for free 3G of Data, which will be awarded over a period of 3 months." Krohne said only prepaid customers are eligible and will qualify for free SIM Swop Campaign and that sim…
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