
PDM Parliament hopefuls to approach court…as Parliament is set to open

PDM Parliament hopefuls to approach court…as Parliament is set to open

Andrew Kathindi With Parliament set to open in just over a week’s time, Lawyer Norman Tjombe has threatened to approach the courts to have his clients’ gazetted as Members of Parliament. This comes after a High Court ruling, delivered in July last year, ordered that Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) members Charmaine Tjirare, Reggie Diergaardt, Frans Bertolini, Yvette Araes, Mike Venaani and Tjekupe Maximilliant Katjimune be added to the opposition party parliamentary list, an order which is yet to be implemented. The High Court ruling had further ordered that a public gazette be published in that regard. “As a result of…
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I am tired – Jooste

I am tired – Jooste

Maria Hamutenya Public Enterprises minister, Leon Jooste says he is tired of seeing public enterprises being dragged to court due to governance failures that can easily be prevented. The minister’s frustrations come as the Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST) joined the growing list of public enterprises that have been taken to court over various transgressions. “I will always be concerned when there's an aggrieved party due to any process that should be conducted in a fair and transparent manner. I'm really tired of seeing Public Enterprises constantly being dragged to court, in particular when it's due to governance…
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A new way to handle the unthinkable

Namibia must tackle the issue of so-called ‘baby-dumping’ a different way. The conservative mindsets of past generations are insufficient to handle this deadly challenge. Rather than punishment, communities must look at what drives a girl/woman to do the unthinkable to her infant. A solution to this problem lies in focusing on why it happens. What is going on with the birth mother? Far too often, the first response to reports about finding another newborn baby discarded is about whodunnit. This allows the problem to repeat itself. It is time to get our heads out of judgmental church prayerbooks when seeking…
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Nuclear science can fight climate change- Dr Schneider

Nuclear science can fight climate change- Dr Schneider

Francis Lungu AS most African countries continue to grapple with the effects of climate change such as extreme weather conditions resulting in floods and droughts, which in turn affects food and drinking water security, nuclear science can play a critical role to avert the situation. Namibian Uranium Institute (NUI) Director Dr Gabi Schneider said in an interview that the utilization of nuclear science in developing technologies of drought-resistant crops and the identification of new groundwater resources can effectively address the pangs of climate change. “However, it has also become clear that if the World wants to achieve the goals set…
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Agribusdev investigation report out next month

Agribusdev investigation report out next month

Maria Hamutenya The Public Enterprise ministry is next month set to release the long awaited report into its investigations into the operations Agricultural Business Development Agency (Agribusdev) including its late Managing Director, Petrus Uugwanga. The investigation which was commissioned last year, came after the government owned agency had been embroiled in various scandals, including alleged questionable acquisitions of materials such as fertilizers for its green schemes and the recruitment of the South African consultant who was believed to be close to Uugwanga. Public Enterprise Minister Leon Jooste confirmed to the Windhoek Observer that his ministry had been presented with a…
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Pressure mounts on Swapo

Pressure mounts on Swapo

Andrew Kathindi Calls continue to mount for Swapo to again clarify its involvement into the Fishrot saga after lawyer Sisa Namandje damning allegations contained in an affidavit presented to the Anti-Corruption Commission that he had made payments to the ruling party from funds allegedly illegally funneled out of Fishcor. Despite the party having previously denied its involvement, its deafening silence over the recent revelations have raised concern among its rank and file and the official opposition party. Popular Democratic Movement Secretary General, Manuel Ngaringombe challenged Swapo to address the allegations. “PDM challenges SWAPO to come clean on Fishrot, and for…
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The types of chicken production systems

The types of chicken production systems

Hanks Saisai Farming is an activity that primarily focuses on the production of food and fiber inclusive of commodities such as wool and cotton for example. In Namibia, chicken farming is an emerging venture that is on the rise with a focus on producing table eggs and meat to supplement the daily protein needs of many households. For one to farm successfully with chickens for either egg production (layers) or meat (broilers), it is of great importance to implement a certain production system. By definition, a chicken production system is the way or method in which chickens are kept and…
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Schools get N$70m for sanitisers

Schools get N$70m for sanitisers

Maria Hamutenya Public and private schools have benefited from N$70 million availed by the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture for the acquisition of sanitisers ahead of school opening this week, Executive Director, Sanet Steenkamp has revealed. N$14 million was availed to private schools last December as a once-off grant, with N$56 million dispersed to the ministry’s regional offices this year to assist public schools in implementing COVID-19 measures. “Almost N$ 70 million was allocated by the Ministry of Education to different schools to help fight the spread of Covid-19,” Steenkamp said. The ministry will, however, no longer avail masks…
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Healthcare workers threaten strike

Healthcare workers threaten strike

Andrew Kathindi The Public Service Union of Namibia (PSUN) has threatened to rally healthcare workers this Thursday (28 January) to leave their work until the matter of risk allowance is resolved. Health minister, Kalumbi Shangula, earlier this month revealed that over 1300 healthcare workers have been infected by COVID-19, with six deaths from the sector. “Healthcare workers were also forced to perform duties without the necessary personal protective equipment (PPEs). If the government is not recognising them, why should they have to avail themselves and to risk their lives any further? And that is what we are going to do.…
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Land issues in 2021 will no longer wait

The time to get something going on land redistribution and land reform is now. 2021 is the time for the new normal. The same old meetings, platitudes and fake solutions are bankrupt. The people who want land for themselves (there is little concern about a national policy) are tired of waiting. Decision-makers must think about land reform differently and begin to enact even partial solutions, now. Land grabbing cannot be allowed. Forced redistribution of private land owned by others even with the compensation offered, is illegal in most cases. It is unpolitic to make these statements bluntly, but it must…
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