
Govt eyes N$105 million from new quotas auction

Govt eyes N$105 million from new quotas auction

Andrew Kathindi The Ministry of Finance together with the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources are expected to raise around N$105 million in a new round of governmental objective fishing quotas auctions. The auction, which is meant to raise revenue for Government expenditure with a deadline for the 16th of April, has set a minimum price of N$6,000 per metric tonne. According to the Ministry of Finance, the bids will be placed on 11,164 metric tonnes of Wet Hake and 4,784 metric tonnes of Freezer Hake, both of which are targeted at 50 percent for Namibians, and the remaining 50…
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MUMI appointed to GIPF incubator program

MUMI appointed to GIPF incubator program

Staff Writer MUMI Investment Managers (Pty) LTD has been appointed by the Government Institutions Pension Fund (GIPF) as one of its six incubator asset managers. The Asset Management Incubation programme is being implemented by the GIPF to provide an opportunity for previously disadvantaged individuals to participate in the mainstream asset management industry, and in doing so create Namibian based skills in the field of Investment and Asset Management. MUMI Investment Managers which officially commenced operations in 2019, possesses combined experience of over 20 years in portfolio research and investment management and currently manages about N$880 million of GIPF assets as…
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Low turnout marks COVID vaccination

Low turnout marks COVID vaccination

Andrew Kathindi The Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS) has expressed concern at the low turnout of people being vaccinated for COVID-19. Only 218 people have so far been vaccinated with the Sinopharm vaccine under the first phase of the of the ministry roll out plan which ends on the 16th of April. “There is still low uptake of the COVID-19 vaccines, we encourage the target population groups, especially health care workers to get vaccinated,” said Health minister, Kalumbi Shangula. He argued, “Studies continue to show that COVID-19 vaccines work very well at keeping you from getting COVID-19 and…
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Namibia’s unemployed graduates’ crisis

Namibia’s unemployed graduates’ crisis

Rose-Mary Haufiku Amid rising numbers of unemployed graduates in the country, questions have begun to be raised on whether the country’s top universities are offering relevant courses to the country’s existing socio and economic conditions. The latest university survey shows that approximately 7 383 students graduated from the country’s top three universities, namely University of Namibia (Unam), Namibia University of Science and Technology (Nust) and International University of Management (IUM) in 2020, with majority eyeing to be absorbed into the job market. According to the Ministry of Higher Education, Technology and Innovation (MHETI) there are over 67 000 unemployed graduates…
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Sweat pants and baggy shirts for me please, the tales of a young entrepreneur

Sweat pants and baggy shirts for me please, the tales of a young entrepreneur

I believe there is a big misconception with regards to what a business owner/entrepreneur is. Many have been sold the suit and tie symbolic status with regards to what it means to be a business owner. Rarely have I seen the highlights on the brutal truths on what the business market entails. Sleepless nights, financial constraints and may I never live to forget the anxiety, fear and doubt that never leaves the minds of those who decide to venture into the unpredictable world of the business market. Hi, my name is Nelago Johannes, I am 23-years-old and I run a…
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96 succumb to COVID in one month …As Namibia surpasses the 500 mark in deaths

96 succumb to COVID in one month …As Namibia surpasses the 500 mark in deaths

Rose-Mary Haufiku and Maria Hamutenya Namibia’s COVID-19 death toll continues to grow at an exponential rate, with the country recording over 96 deaths in one month. Since the outbreak of the virus, the country’s COVID-19 deaths have now surpassed the 500 mark according to the latest figures from the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS), with a total of 502 deaths recorded. This comes after four deaths were announced from Omuthiya, Tsumeb, Gobabis and Mariental districts. Namibia began its first roll-out of the Chinese manufactured Sinopharm vaccine last Friday after receiving 100 000 doses from China, and an additional…
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Namibia gets N$1.5 billion AfDB loan …as planned use is questioned

Namibia gets N$1.5 billion AfDB loan …as planned use is questioned

Andrew Kathindi Africa Development Bank (AfDB) has approved a USD100.27 million (N$1.5 billion) to the Namibian government to address the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and help maintain Government’s welfare programmes. The approval of the loan to be repaid over 15 years on Wednesday 17 March 2021, follows a government request which was made in June last year. "As the country prepares for the post-pandemic era, the Government is pursuing reforms in a wide range of areas. The proposed Governance and Economic Recovery Support Programme (GERSP) operation is designed to support the Government's response and help to achieve inclusive post-pandemic…
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Stanford Seed programme, a growth catalyst for entrepreneurs

Stanford Seed programme, a growth catalyst for entrepreneurs

Staff Writer The Stanford Seed Transformation initiative, is a programme which partners with entrepreneurs in emerging markets to build successful enterprises that transform lives. It has returned at a timely opportunity for Namibian entrepreneurs to expand their capacity to succeed. The programme, a collaboration between the Stanford Graduate School of Business and the De Beers Group, allows leaders to gain critical skills to grow their companies and create jobs which in turn will lead their regions to greater prosperity. With applications for the 2021/22 Southern Africa Seed Transformation Program (STP) now open, entrepreneurs with a mind-set to grow their businesses…
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Pendukeni demands answers from Kapofi

Pendukeni demands answers from Kapofi

Kandjemuni Kamuiiri Former Home Affairs minister, Pendukeni Iivula-Ithana, has demanded answers from Home Affairs, Immigration and Security Minister, Frans Kapofi, after the minister accused her of being the cause of the current problems facing the ministry. According to the Namibian Sun, Kapofi was not pleased with the credit given to his predecessor for bringing efficiency to the Home Affairs ministry’s operations. “Ask Mr. Kapofi himself, what has collapsed? Is it the computerised system? Is it those who were trained to operate them? What has really collapse?” According to Iivula-Ithana, Kapofi should not just state that things have collapsed with no…
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Namcor in N$600 million fuel fix

Namcor in N$600 million fuel fix

Kandjemuni Kamuiiri The National Petroleum Corporation of Namibia (Namcor) is in fix after importing fuel worth N$600 million despite its service stations only able to consume eight percent of the order. Namcor imported 20 million litres of ULP (unleaded petrol) of which 3.6 million litres still remain, 37 million litres of ADO (diesel) of which 17 million litres still remain, and nine million litres of lower sulphur fuel oil (LSFO) of which four million litres are still remaining. The large volume of the import, brought in the country as part of the commissioning of the National Oil Storage Facility, has…
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