
Tourism is too big to fail . . . banks must step up in this time of crisis

Tourism is too big to fail . . . banks must step up in this time of crisis

The financial crisis that the country has experienced over the last three years is heightened for the tourism sector due to COVID-19. The sector is drowning right now with a lockdown and closed borders. There will be major business contractions in 2020; this is unavoidable. But, some industries are “too big to fail”. Tourism (including restaurants/cafes, professional hunting and communal conservancies) is one of them. The banks must take the lead, along with government and the private sector, to make tangible, well-considered bailout plans to save the stronger parts of the industry before it is too late. We note that…
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Cancelled Events

Cancelled Events

In light of the infectious coronavirus outbreak that has spread across the globe with no expectation of Namibia, the following events have been cancelled. 30th Independence concert The Independence concert that was scheduled to happen on Saturday, 21 March 2020 at the Hage Geingob stadium has been postponed until further notice. MTC, Tafel Lager, NASRIA, Profile Investments and Huawei who are the organizers of the event assured the public that already bought tickets can either ask for a refund or wait until the new concert date has been announced. Contact 0818882000 for more information. Kasi Vibe Namibia Kasi Vibe Namibia…
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Oh men!

Oh men!

WELLEM KAPENDA You’re doing it wrong, 5 tips to get it right. Have you ever walked down the street and a group of girls is checking you out? There you go, feeling like ‘the man’ but have you ever asked yourself WHY they are looking? Well, allow me to let you in on something. If you assume it’s because you emptied half your bottle of cologne on yourself that morning, you are wrong! Here are 5 things we think we are doing right but are in fact wrong. 1. Yes, we all want to smell good and yes we also…
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So . . . How bad do you really want “eat”?

So . . . How bad do you really want “eat”?

Ndatyoonawa Tshilunga The prevalent reference to fasting in the bible occurs where Jesus was tempted by the “ prince of darkness” to prove his trust in God through questionable mechanisms while alluring Jesus into acquiring a false promise land through deceit. One can only imagine the magnitude of self- awareness, resilience and focus needed to survive the irritable yet attractive rewards offered by the devil. On a more relatable and technical spectrum, fasting is defined as the abstinence of all or some kinds of food or drinks, in modern literature. This is habitually done for several aims. Fasting in our…
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My top 15 handbag essential

My top 15 handbag essential

Robyn Nakaambo How often have you heard men say “I don’t go into a woman’s handbag because they carry everything with them”? This saying is such a cliche that if ever men wondered exactly what women have in their bags, today would be the day I give them insight on what we carry. Here are the 15 items my handbag can’t go without. 1. Purse 2. Tissues 3. Wet wipes 4. Lip care 5. Hand lotion 6. Mints and Gum 7. A smaller bag that contains sanitary products eg tampons, pads and pantyliners 8. A smaller bag that contains pain…
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Eat your way to flawless skin

Eat your way to flawless skin

Robyn Nakaambo What we eat believe it or not has tremendous effects not only on our weight but our skin. When it comes to skincare in order to have great skin we need to indulge in food that is high in vitamin A, C, E and zinc among other nutrients. Here are a few foods that will aid your skin in glowing and looking smoother.   1. Eat fruits high in Vitamin C such as Oranges, Strawberries, Papaya, Kiwi fruit, Tomatoes; blueberries, avocados etc. 2. Eat vegetables such as Sweet potatoes, red & yellow peppers and broccoli as they contain…
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How to maintain a Natural Glow

How to maintain a Natural Glow

Robyn Nakaambo How many of us stick to a failing skin regime of facial washes, cleansers, toners and moisturizers in the hope of them one day Producing your desired results? If unwanted blemishes, black heads and breakouts have been making your life a living hell, consider those days history. Read the following tips and create a new regime to remedy your skin to the perfect glow. Top 10 tips to the perfect glow 1. Drink at-least 2 litters a water daily (flush out toxins) 2. Sleep between 6-8hours a day (rid bags under your eyes) 3. Tea Tree Skin Clearing…
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Banks dodge loan relief

Banks dodge loan relief

Staff Writer Namibian banks are reluctant to offer relief packages to their clients in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic as the country battles to contain any possible transmission from the 11 confirmed cases, despite banks in other countries including South Africa having done so. This comes amid calls for banks operating in Namibia, which have been recording multimillion-dollar profits over the many years, to assist their clients during this period. In South Africa, Standard Bank announced that it will offer a three-month payment holiday for students with loans and small businesses with a turnover of less than N$20 million…
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Africans vs social distancing

Africans vs social distancing

As we reach day 3-4 in our national lockdown, one of the logistical ‘gaps’ to emerge is the Namibian understanding of social spacing vs that of the world health officials who have made the global call for it. While our government has been exposed as lacking in pre-planning, situational needs anticipation and implementation capacity to properly enforce the lockdown, at least they are trying. Though, protecting against a virus that can stay alive on surfaces for days and hang in the air for minutes, our kind of ‘trying’ is a weak link in the chain. What sense does it make…
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Foods to boost the immune system

Foods to boost the immune system

As coronavirus (COVID-19) has impacted communities around the world, many people have wondered whether there are steps they can take to stay healthy. Everyday preventive measures—such as handwashing, avoiding contact with sick individuals, and good hygiene—can go a long way in reducing your risk for viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens. But studies have also shown that healthful diet and lifestyle habits can help boost the body’s natural defenses: Diet Eating a low-fat, plant-based diet may help give the immune system a boost. The immune system relies on white blood cells that produce antibodies to combat bacteria, viruses, and other invaders.…
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