
Old Mutual extends ALI agreement

Old Mutual extends ALI agreement

Staff Writer Old Mutual has announced that it will invests N$900 000 in total over three years to train government school principals and department heads through Africa Leadership Institute (ALI). The 3-year agreement is an extension of an existing 14-years partnership between Old Mutual and ALI, with the aim to equip school management with the necessary leadership knowledge and skills through the Transformational Leadership Certificate as endorsed by the Ministry of Basic Education and Culture, as well as the National Qualifications Authority (NQF level 5), in Namibia. Old Mutual’s investment will be channelled towards the learning material, class facilitation and…
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Meatco directors resign

Meatco directors resign

Staff Writer Material differences including issues to-do with the direction of the company have seen Chairperson of the Meatco board, Johnnie Hamman, his deputy Clara Bohitile and Kay Dieter Rumpf tendering their resignations. Their resignations which are with immediate effect, came after the meat processor’s board meeting last Thursday. Public Enterprises Minister, Leon Jooste, appointed the current board of directors in terms of the Meat Corporation of Namibia Act of 2001 for a term of three years. Hamman and Bohitile were nominated by Meatco members in the category “Expert “in terms of Section 5(1) d and Rumpf in the category…
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FNB warns against eWallet scam

FNB warns against eWallet scam

Staff Writer Jerome Namaseb, Head of Retail Transactional Banking, warns that a new scam has emerged where fraudsters access and manage customers’ eWallet accounts on the FNB App. “We have seen this new scam making the rounds and urge our customers to take note of how it works to protect themselves, he said. • first, fraudster will a select random cellphone number and attempt to link the eWallet of selected number to their own smartphone, which triggers a notification (with an OTP – one time pin) asking to confirm if customer is indeed the one attempting to link their wallet.…
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Govt raises only N$189 million from hake auction

Govt raises only N$189 million from hake auction

Andrew Kathindi Government has only raised N$189 million from a hake auction in which a potential N$462 million was targeted, the Ministry of Finance has revealed. The wet and frozen hake was auctioned off for Government’s quotas for its governmental objectives on 16 April. “Of these funds N$183.9 million have already been deposited into the State Revenue Fund at the Bank of Namibia, and the balance of N$6 million will be settled next week,” a joint statement by Finance Minister, Iipumbu Shiimi, and newly appointed Fisheries Minister, Derek Klazen, reads. This is the Government’s second auction of its fishing quotas…
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Sodomy unacceptable – Swapo elders

Sodomy unacceptable – Swapo elders

Andrew Kathindi and Tujoromajo Kasuto The Swapo Party Elders' Council (SPEC) has condemned a proposed move by the Justice Ministry to repael a law that would make sodomy in Namibia legal. The ruling party elders’ position comes as the Swapo Party Youth League (SPYL) two weeks ago also condemned the planned move , calling the practice of homosexuality in Namibia demonic and satanic, with SPYL Secretary, Ephraim Nekongo, refusing to back down on the league’s position. “In Namibia we understand that some people are demanding a law that would protect the homosexual/gays and lesbians. In Namibia, by law, homosexuals (gays…
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Signing sham deal tantamount to committing second genocide

Kae Matundu-Tjiparuro Though it has as yet not been confirmed officially by both the Namibian and German governments, it has emerged through the grapevine that the lives of thousands of Ovambanderu, Ovaherero and Nama, is no more worth than the pitiful billion Euros. Not that one can really put a price on these lives but as much accepting these as justiciable and justifiable redemption of these lives, is nothing but committing a second genocide against those have already perished from the same act in 1904-1908. It is simply and literally killing a dead person. Not to mention thousands and thousands…
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Same old Soccer House shenanigans

Same old Soccer House shenanigans

Jefta M Gaoab Wonders shall never cease to happen and wonders constantly keep on happening, wrongfully at the Soccer House. We have accused the previous administration of all corrupt sorts of practices and the current administration is at the forefront, thereof. Just as we thought that football was being normalised, it’s the direct opposite and I stand to be proven otherwise. Wrong is wrong and wrong can never be right. I wonder what the values of Football House are, and if they are living according to their values and purpose in their daily operations, or as they go about their…
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Shangula announces revised COVID-19 regulations

Shangula announces revised COVID-19 regulations

Kandjemuni Kamuiiri Health and Social Services Minister, Kalumbi Shangula on Friday announced an extension to the current COVID-19 regulations, with minor changes to the measures, including reducing the maximum number of people to attend both indoor and outdoor events to 50, from the current 100. “The Public Health Covid-19 General Regulation as published in Government Gazette No 7522 of the 30 April 2021 remains in force. The Public Health Regulations that came into force on 1 May 2021 will expire at midnight on 31st May, 2021 and under the amended dispensation, which will start on the first of 1 June…
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Apology not accepted – Rukoro OTA denounces deal

Apology not accepted – Rukoro OTA denounces deal

Tujoromajo Kasuto and Andrew Kathindi The Paramount Chief of the Ovaherero, Advocate Vekuii Rukoro, has declined an apology issued by Germany’s Foreign Minister Heiko Maas over the slaughter of over 60 000 Ovaherero and 10 000 Nama between 1904-1908. The apology was issued on Friday morning after the European nation officially recognized for the first time, the slaughter that was committed a hundred years ago as genocide. “If I was in my kraal, I would have said that its bullsh*t because the Germans do not want to recognise our genocide and what they did to our ancestors, “Rukoro told the…
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State House rushes to contain COVID-19 spread

State House rushes to contain COVID-19 spread

Rose-Mary Haufiku State House has rushed to contain any more infections that could emerge after President Hage Geingob and first lady Monica Geingos tested positive for COVID-19. Press Secretary Alfredo Hengari told the Windhoek Observer that COVID-19 health protocols had been activated, with the President’s close proximity staff and their families being tested for the virus, while State House would be fumigated. “The necessary COVID-19 health protocols have been activated to ensure the speedy recovery of the President and the First Lady, including the protection of the entire entourage of the First Couple. Moreover, family and staff members who work…
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