
NCE launches two new websites

NCE launches two new websites

Staff writer On Friday 29 May, the Namibia Chamber of Environment will launch two Namibian Environmental websites: The Environmental Information Service (EIS) and Conservation Namibia. Information about these sites will be spread widely via social media. The EIS has been in the works for more than 15 years. It is now the most comprehensive single source of information on environmental issues in Namibia. The NCE announced a detailed revamp and modernisation of the EIS. It has a new home page to quickly direct the public to different parts of the site, a new fast and easy search engine for the…
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Couch Cat: Clean, red, chapped hands

Jackie Wilson Asheeke I ‘get it’ that we have to wash our hands or have ‘sanitizers’ sprayed onto our hands before we enter every store or building. But, here is the thing. ‘Sanitizers’ is too general; it is not defined. We have some places spending the money to use actual alcohol-based hand sanitizers. The majority are cutting corners. They are using floor cleaners, bathroom disinfectants and industrial detergents mixed with an undefined amount of water and spraying our hands with it. I have the chapped, red and peeling hands to prove it. A visit to the mall may mean entering…
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The Time Traveler: Fixing social media

Hugh Ellis At one time of my life I had four social media accounts. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn. Oh, and Tumblr for a brief while, and Tinder for a whole five days. Now I only have one, Instagram, and one is the right number of my mental health. Also WhatsApp, maybe, if you call that a social medium, but I only use the message service part of it - a glorified email, really. Unless your profession depends upon it (and many now do), I’d advise one social medium, for one hour a day maximum, is the right amount for most…
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Using COVID for a marketing gimmick?

Jackie Wilson Asheeke I went to Woolworths and Donna Claire in Maerua Mall the other day and was shocked to be harassed at the door by security guards demanding that I ‘sign-in’ before entering the store. What sort of nonsense is that? Why is my name, date of birth, ID number and telephone number needed to enter a store? What has that information to do with blocking the spread of COVID-19? I must receive the numbered tag that ensures the store is not overcrowded, but why is my birthdate a prerequisite for getting that number? And it is selective. I…
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Observatory: Is there hope for 2020 graduates?

Clementine Tjameya Ask any 2020 graduate how they imagined their graduation to be. I don’t know about the rest but I would have wanted to make mine memorable. I would love for my parents to witness me get the qualification I have been working for all these years. But, with the current state of emergency, graduation ceremonies will remain only a figment of my imagination. Worse, job openings for recent graduates are virtually non-existent. Not only is there no celebration of our achievement, we have almost no careers ahead of us where we can use all that we have learned.…
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Praise the Lord and pass the masks

We are aware of the continuing debate about restricting churches during the pandemic. This is not an easy debate, but it is a necessary one. People need hope, faith and courage in these difficult times. Will their churches rise to the challenge to serve? The government has not only the right, but the obligation to protect the people in national health emergencies like this one. At the same time, the constitution declares that church and state must be separate. High Courts in different countries are being asked to apply their minds and decide if government has the right to block…
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ANIREP makes acquisitions

ANIREP makes acquisitions

Staff Writer Namibia Stock Exchange listed Alpha Namibia Industries Renewable Power Limited (ANIREP) has announced that it’s in the process of acquiring stakes in two renewable energy projects in Namibia. The company has targeted a 70 percent stake in a 10 MW solar power plant commissioned in 2015 and 2016 connected to the national grid through two 5MW solar PV with a 25 year power purchase agreement contract. The company’s second planned acquisition is an 80 percent stake in a contracting company which has installed about 100 MW of the 150 MW solar PV in Namibia. “In February 2020, shareholders…
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MTC voted Most Admired Brand in Namibia

MTC voted Most Admired Brand in Namibia

Staff Writer MTC has been voted the Most Admired Brand in Namibia in a survey to determine which companies are held in high regard by the public. The announcement, which included Namibia for the first time, was made by Brand Africa. MTC leads the local listing that included Mshasho at #2 and Top Score at #3. Namibia Breweries Limited was recognised as the most admired brand listed on the Namibian Stock Exchange. Mshasho was recognized as the #1 African brand in Namibia ahead of South Africa’s MTN and DSTV, with local stalwart brands Windhoek Lager and MTC rounding off the…
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PAY lends helping hand during Covid-19 crises

PAY lends helping hand during Covid-19 crises

Staff Writer Physically Active Youth (PAY) has reach a total of 353 people in 55 households with food and toiletry packages as part of their outreach program carried out during the Covid-19 lockdown. “The support and resources to power this project are drawn from both corporate and individual support as well as local and international support. We are grateful for the support we received towards our community outreach programme that has ensured the continued engagement and reach of our beneficiaries and their families,” Thuba from PAY said. Revonia Kahivere, FirstRand Namibia Foundation CSI Manager expressed her gratitude that PAY has…
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Vessel crew to be repatriated

Vessel crew to be repatriated

Staff Writer Government says foreign nationals from the passenger cruise liner which docked at the port of Walvis Bay on Friday will all be repatriated to their countries and not allowed uncontrolled entry into Namibia. They will not pose any threat to on-going government efforts to curb the spread of COVID-19 in the country. The Carnival Fascination passenger cruise liner was finally allowed to dock at the port of Walvis Bay on Friday after days of being refused permission to do so. The development saw over 189 crew members made up of Zimbabwean and Namibian nationals being allowed to disembark…
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