
Mutorwa speaks truth about poor performance

We are impressed that Works and Transport Minister John Mutorwa said that corruption, favouritism, and nepotism are dragging the country down. Given that many ministers are cautious when they speak out about anything that could be perceived to be ‘negative’ in government, Mutorwa spoke bravely. He was speaking to his staff in Windhoek during a presentation on capital infrastructure projects for 2020/21. He gave an example of officials not hiring for positions that are open because they claim they cannot find the right person. He said the real reason is that these people cannot find someone they prefer or someone…
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Eros Airport runway rehabilitation begins

Eros Airport runway rehabilitation begins

Staff Writer The Namibia Airports Company (NAC) says it has begun rehabilitation works on the Eros Airport Runway, project which will last for about three months to improve the runway which has outlived its lifespan. The development comes as the Windhoek Observer revealed the airstrip had exceeded its design life of 25 years. “Contractors’ Otesa/Roadmark were appointed for the remedial works at a cost of N$23 million. The project is fully funded by the central government with NAC as the project implementation partner and the works include the mill and replacement on the runway to address the bumpy runway and…
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A few key essentials in managing your finances responsibly

A few key essentials in managing your finances responsibly

Otto Makemba In a very short time the coronavirus has changed so much about our lives. It is easy to think you’ll never get ahead when you have mounting bills to pay, on a reduced or lost income and limited savings, all because of a pandemic that no one saw coming. But, it can be done. Take confidence in knowing that with determination, understanding the support options available to you and having a realistic plan, debt and bills can be managed. Here are a few key essentials in managing your finances responsibly : 1. Financial Knowledge and Confidence: During times…
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NAMCOR board appointed

NAMCOR board appointed

Staff Writer Public Enterprises minister, Leon Jooste on Monday announced a new National Petroleum Corporation of Namibia (NAMCOR) board to be chaired by Nampost Executive, Jennifer Comalie. MTC Chief Human Capital and Corporate Affairs Officer, Tim Ekandjo who was recently appointed Deputy Chairperson of the Namibian Broadcasting Corporation, will take up a similar role in the new look board, which has seen former board Chairperson, Engelhardt Kongoro becoming an ordinary board member. Professional Coach, Movational Speaker and Human Resources Executive, Florentia Amuenje was also appointed to the board with Namdia board member, Selma Shimutwikeni. Tresia //Gowases and previous board member,…
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Taxis plan N$15.40 fare

Taxis plan N$15.40 fare

Andrew Kathindi The Namibia Transport and Taxi Union (NTTU) has given unilateral notice of their own 10 percent taxi fare increment for 1 September, which they hope will increase the current N$14 rate for a taxi trip to N$15.40. This, comes as the Union had previously attempted to make the N$14 increment, which the Ministry of Works and Transport had announced in May as a subsidy during the state of emergency, permanent. The union had argued that the increase would be on the basis of a notice that they had given in 2018 which government did not approve. “For the…
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Ndeitunga calls for penalties on Corona spreaders

Ndeitunga calls for penalties on Corona spreaders

Andrew Kathindi Namibia Police (Nampol) Chief, General Sebastian Ndeitunga has called for stringent penalties to be imposed on those putting public lives at risk by knowingly spreading COVID-19. This comes as Namibia has witnessed increased cases where those with Covid-19 have knowingly left quarantine facilities and interacted with the public. In some cases, COVID-19 positive individuals have gone out on drinking and partying sprees, posing a health risk to hundreds of people, with the latest case being one involving a Windhoek-based male. “If a person knew or suspected that they are positive, the person is not supposed to spread it.…
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Tuli works for the well-being of women

Tuli works for the well-being of women

We wanted to check in on someone we admire for her achievements in the world of dance, entertainment and personal development. Read her own words and catch up with Tulimelila Shityuwete – Ed. About a year ago, I launched a consultancy with my friend and mentor, Patsy Church. We believe that a magic exists when you bring groups of people together for a shared purpose and so we named our consultancy Alkimia, for alchemy. We started the consultancy after writing a workshop for women and realizing that we really wanted to focus on working with issues of gender, equality and…
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Time for an ideological paradigm shift

Yours Truly Ideologically - Seventh Installment: Kae Matundu-Tjiparuro In a post-colonial Namibia, a cluster of the various socio-economic classes, which drove and spearheaded the liberation war, dating back to the war against German colonialism and imperialism, and ultimately against South African occupation, have been the ones in charge, politically. Of course with the help of the invisible hand of the former colonisers, this time in the form of corporate businesses, especially transnational corporations. While the local political elite has been seemingly in charge, actually since they are not in control of the economy, their being in charge is only nominal…
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Online accessibility should be a priority for all

Observatory: Thandizo Kawerama People from all walks of life have had to make the switch to digital platforms to continue being productive during lockdown and beyond. This has dispelled the longstanding myth that technology and being internet savvy, was only for the youth and people in tech related fields. Being literate on digital platforms is in high demand. Gym sessions are being held via Zoom, concerts are being streamed on Instagram live, and court is back in session via Skype. Many have been able to adapt, but once again the less privileged have been left behind to struggle with lost…
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Jobs are gone – what is the plan?

Jackie Wilson Asheeke The new normal means that an unknown number of jobs that are lost due to COVID-19 may never return. A few employers might take advantage of the pandemic to cut salaries or job categories permanently. Most jobs that will vanish will be an honest reflection of a shift in how some sectors do business. How will Namibia get ahead of this crisis in the making? What is the plan? Will we wait (as usual in Namibia) until we are in a crisis over permanent job losses? Or, will we make move to begin re-training programs and unemployment…
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