
Workers are their own liberators

Kae Matundu-Tjiparuro Concerning the drive towards a true and meaningful radical socio-economic transformation, to herald the Second Phase of the Namibian Revolution, which in Namibian political parlance has been hailed as the phase of the economic struggle or emancipation, Yours Truly Ideologically believes after 30 years of independence, and the obvious decadence and blatant ideologically retrogression, the jury has been out who can lead the Second Phase of the Namibian Revolution. The State or Namibian government, if any of its previous the self proclamations on socialism by some but few of the leaders, foremost of the leading liberation movements of…
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The Masquerade

Hugh Ellis Former George Washington University Associate Professor Jessica Krug has been the focus of controversy for the last couple of weeks, after she disclosed in an essay she had, for years, pretended to be black. The Professor, with research interests including, ahem, the effects of colonialism and imperialism, faked various racial identities, including being Algerian-American and Bronx-bred Afro-Puerto Rican. As an activist, she went by the name of ‘La Bombalera’, from Bomba, an Afro-Puerto Rican style of music and dance. In a September 3 blog post, Krug confessed that: ‘I have eschewed my lived experience as a white Jewish…
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Mental Illness in the workplace

KHANYISWA MOGOTSI As a society, we love screaming about how mental health matters but do we really care or is this all just performance activism? I was diagnosed with severe anxiety disorder and depression in 2016 and since then, navigating in the work industry has been so eye-opening. My first internship gave me a lot of room to grow and build myself in a safe space without me ever having to put my mental health on the line just to come off as a great employee and I believe that was because people in the office were extremely progressive. The…
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Trump has committed treason

Jackie Wilson Asheeke The American president has constantly been the source of buffoonery, unseemly Tweets, school yard temper tantrums, hypocrisy, sexist remarks, racist innuendo and point blank lies. He has embarrassed himself around the world with his jaw-dropping ignorance. No other American politician would ever have been given the free pass to say and do the outrageous things that Donald Trump has. And now, he uttered words I thought I would never hear from an American president in my lifetime. In effect, he said that he will not turnover power as required by the constitution unless elections are ‘free and…
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Couch Cat: Don’t let life get you down!

Jackie Wilson Asheeke Economic numbers in the newspapers say how poorly Namibia is doing economically. The bad news should be no surprise. Covid-19 stuff knocked us flat. We all knew that. But, we must not get depressed and hide our heads in the sand! If we curl up and let the bad news take over, we can never rise. Let us find ways to laugh, sing, enjoy family and friends, be smart about saving and buying and re-charge our batteries to fight the good fight. We cannot let the bad days drown us. We have to keep thinking and hoping…
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Check out the music of Fasie Kay!

Check out the music of Fasie Kay!

Staff Writer Big Ben, one of the best Namibian musicians and performers has announced a new musical brotha’ on the scene. His name is Fasie Kay. According to the news release: “We hereby wish to announce the release of an exciting brand new song by a new Namibian artist FASIE KAY called Mutima. The song was written by the artist himself being a songwriter and performer and was co-produced by Big Ben. In the song ”Mutima” Fasie Kay expresses how he felt a lot of pain and hurt in the world, seeing so many people but no humanity and the…
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Namibia is correct to demand UN SC changes …but no one votes themselves out of power

It is long past time for the slow-moving, United Nations to stop talking about reforms to the Security Council and start doing it. Since 1993, the UN General Assembly has hotly debated Council reform but has not been able to reach an agreement. President Hage Geingob’s demand for reform is spot on. Sadly, his voice has very little power in the United Nations (UN) - as is the case for all General Assembly members. The UN will remain a body controlled under post-WWII decision-making structures from 75 years ago. It is unresponsive to 21st-century global power realities. The problem is…
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Meatco  engages ‘weekend’ farmers

Meatco engages ‘weekend’ farmers

Staff Writer The Meat Corporation of Namibia (Meatco) recently hosted a Stakeholder Engagement Meeting mainly with boardroom farmers or weekend farmers, as they are otherwise known, and members from the Namibia Emerging Commercial Farmers Union (NECFU) with the aiming of engaging on their contribution to the agricultural sector value chain. Meatco’s Chief Executive Officer, Mwilima Mushokabanji, in his introductory remarks, highlighted how the agricultural sector has evolved from the way it operated 20-30 years ago. Mushokabanji pointed out that the contribution of agriculture to the gross domestic product of Namibia has gradually declined from 1990 because of declining production. “More…
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GIPF appoints UK consultants…as RisCura loses contract

GIPF appoints UK consultants…as RisCura loses contract

Staff Writer The Government Institutions Pension Fund (GIPF) has announced the appointment of two new United Kingdom based investment consultants. According the fund, Lane Clark & Peacock LLP will consult on investments, while BFinance UK Limited, will consult on the selection/search of asset managers. “Lane Clark & Peacock LLP will consult on investments, while BFinance UK Limited, will consult on the selection/search of Asset Managers. Both entities are domiciled in the United Kingdom and both bring a wealth of financial and investment expertise to the Fund. The selection process, which was advertised late last year, was guided by, and in…
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ECN won’t investigate illegal voter registration

ECN won’t investigate illegal voter registration

Andrew Kathindi The Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) has ruled out investigating allegations that Angolan nationals are being illegally registered as voters, a move which opposition political parties have said will impact on the credibility and outcome of elections. The decision by the ECN flies in the face of a confirmation by Swapo Omusati regional coordinator Sackey Kayone that he had received a report detailing how Angolan nationals are being registered in his area. According to Kayone, the report from the Okalongo councilor has fingered church leaders and ECN officials for assisting Angolan nationals to get voting cards. When quizzed…
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