
The Benefits of Mulching

The Benefits of Mulching

Hanks Saisai In Arid and semi-arid countries such as Namibia where water is a scarce resource it is always advisable for farmers to engage in water conserving practices. The tillage or cultivation of land for the purpose of crop or vegetable production often exposes the soil to scorching sunlight which speeds up evaporation and depletes moisture. A common method that has been used to ensure water retention in fields or gardens is mulching. Simply defined, mulching is the practice of covering the surface of the soil (seedbed) between growing crops or vegetables with a layer of material. Mulching has several…
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PDM urges ECN to play fair in the upcoming election…as political parties are upbeat

PDM urges ECN to play fair in the upcoming election…as political parties are upbeat

Helena Johannes The Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) has urged the Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) to ensure fair play in the upcoming election. This comes as the country is set to hold Regional Council and Local Authority Elections on the 25th of November and use ballot papers, a process which was phased out in 2014 following the introduction of Electronic Voting Machine (EVMs). Due to the outcome of a court challenge about the legality of EVMs without a verifiable paper trail for each vote cast, the machines will not be used in the upcoming elections. “I never trusted EVMs without…
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Business demands Govt pays up…as only N$2.5 billion is paid

Business demands Govt pays up…as only N$2.5 billion is paid

Clifton Movirongo The Namibia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NCCI) says seven months on, some of its members are yet to be paid by government since the Minister of Finance, Iipumbu Shiimi, announced on April 1, 2020, a N$3.8 billion accelerated value-added tax (VAT) refunds and payments for goods and services supplied to Government. The funds were part of an Economic Stimulus and Relief Package to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 in Namibia. Government in collaboration with Social Security Commission (SSC) and other development partners adopted a Stimulus and Relief Package amounting to N$8.1 billion in total in April. It…
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SME bank – yet another money-loss debacle . . .when will we learn?

When will Namibia learn to guard its wallet better? We allow ourselves to be pick-pocketed far too often. This time, the named culprit is Enoch Kamushinda, a director of the now-defunct SME Bank. But, the real culprits are all who ignored a Bank of Namibia (BoN) warning and still allowed a man with shaky business histories in several countries to have the keys to a bank full of Namibian taxpayer dollars. These people must be named, shamed, held accountable. They should be in the dock alongside their criminal buddy. All who took quiet ‘loans’ from Kamushinda or smoothed the way…
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Fanfares, colourful regalia the order

Kae Matundu-Tjiparuro Less than a month before the Regional and Local Authority elections on November 25, the only visible thing about what voters should expect from those to be voted are fanciful colourful party regalia, singing and dancing jamborees and razzamatazz and empty rhetoric. But little if any ideological content from most with the exception of one which seem to be ideological clear about its vision in the radical transformation of the City of Windhoek. Not to mention the fact that many of the candidates at this eleventh hour, and at most of the belated rallies, only been shadows of…
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Advice to men: question ‘protector, provider and priest’

The Time Traveler: Hugh Ellis What I’m going to say here might upset some people - I say it nevertheless. One of the requirements for ending gender-based violence is for men and women to being to see things through each other’s eyes. Another is that we men begin to embrace traits that were once seen as feminine, such as gentleness and nurturing. To do this, we will have to break down the very concept of gender itself. Often, we grow up believing that men are one thing and women are something completely different. Indeed, I grew up thinking the same…
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The protests are a cry for help, not a threat

Thandi Kawerama October 31st is the deadline #ShutItAllDownNamibia protesters gave Doreen Sioka to resign from her position as Minister of Gender Equality and Welfare. As I type this, protesters of all ages are most likely prepping their cooler boxes for the farewell ‘bring and braai’ scheduled to be held outside the Ministry of Gender Equality, Poverty Eradication and Social Welfare on 30 October. The event demonstrates the youth’s commitment to knocking on the doors of the various avenues that were given the mandate to protect those vulnerable, in a society that values male comfort over women, children and non-gender conforming…
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Your religion is yours; mine is mine

Jackie Wilson Asheeke I am very disturbed about the explosion of violence by young Muslim men against people in France, regardless of what they claim is the reason. They have killed human beings due to their wrong belief that bloody murder is a statement of religious loyalty. Thankfully, such acts are not representative of Islam or Muslims in general. But, Muslim leaders around the world must scream out that this is NOT their faith; that killing people who do not believe as they do is not an act of religious purity, but cold, heartless murder. I cannot believe that any…
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Confessions of a Couch Kitten: My pets, Marcus and Marcel

Khanyiswa Mogotsi I recently got two new pets, a kitten and a bunny, and I already know what you are thinking. “What a random pair of animals” and four weeks in, I am starting to realise that I might have made a mistake. My kitten, Marcus, is just a little over eight weeks and Marcel, the bunny, is around two and a half months and before I got both of them, I might have romanticised how fun it would be to have both a kitten and a bunny. I would daydream about how cute it would be if they cuddled…
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Breast cancer cases are on the rise

Breast cancer cases are on the rise

Clifton Movirongo The cases of breast cancer in Namibia are increasing at an alarming rate with over 500 new cases reported annually. At an interview on Friday, Head of the Department (HoD) of Medical Oncology at the Windhoek Central Hospital Dr Annelle Zietsman has warned of the burgeoning rate of breast cancer cases over the last three of years. “Breast cancer is the number one cancer in the country. There are more than 500 new cases of breast cancer recorded every year. The main cause of breast cancer in less than 10 percent of the cases is hereditary. They have…
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