
Local businesses need opportunity in agro-business

Martin Endjala The Landless Peoples Movement {LPM} leader Bernadus Swartbooi took the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation for allegedly undermining the capacity of local businesses to participate in agro-businesses at the Neckartal Dam, outside Keetmanshoop. Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah said the minister showed her ignorance by excluding local entrepreneurs, during a visit to the Karas Region where she was selling investment deals with businesses from the United Arab Emirates. Swartbooi was addressing about 400 people at Block E in Rehoboth when he referred to Ndaithwaj's visit to the Karas Region as a joyride. "'When did she…
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Attempted suicide and 2 murders in weekend crime report

Attempted suicide and 2 murders in weekend crime report

Tujoromajo Kasuto On Friday, 04 March, a 37-year-old man in the Oshana Region attempted suicide by slitting his throat with a panga at Omaalala village, Ongwediva Constituency. A police officer was summoned to investigate an incident in Omaalala that a suspect was destroying items in the house, threatening and cutting his housemates with a panga. When the suspect saw the police officers, he became more violent and attacked one of them with a panga, which the officer blocked with his left arm, causing serious injury to the officer's arm. The suspect then attempted suicide by slitting his throat and is…
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Supreme Court blasts Home Affairs for inhumane behavior against gay man

Supreme Court blasts Home Affairs for inhumane behavior against gay man

Eba Kandovazu THE Supreme Court today ruled that the Home Affairs Ministry's behaviour was appalling after it declined to issue a Certificate of Identity to Mexican national Guilermo Delgado without informing him of reasons, leaving him no choice but to unexpectedly leave the country to South Africa via Botswana. Delgado, who is married to Philip Luhl, a Namibian male, says he was only informed about the ministry's decision at the Ngoma border in January 2020, when he was intending to travel to the Victoria Falls in the company of his visiting sister and companions. Although he had applied months prior,…
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Model Law on PFM could assist Parliaments tackle corruption

Model Law on PFM could assist Parliaments tackle corruption

Moses Magadza The SADC Model Law on Public Financial Management (PFM) that the SADC Parliamentary Forum is developing to promote responsive, accountable and transparent use of public resources is the latest addition to the SADC Region’s arsenal against corruption. The Chairperson of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) of the Parliament of Zimbabwe, Honorable Brian Dube, has said the SADC Model Law can, among other things, help National Parliaments strengthen their PACs and stem corruption in the use of public resources. Dube is also the Deputy Secretary General of the Southern Africa Development Community Organisation of Public Accounts Committees (SADCOPAC). He…
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Recon Africa puts Venaani worries at ease

Recon Africa puts Venaani worries at ease

Martin Endjala RECON Africa has assured the Popular Democratic Movement leader, McHenry Venaani that its exploration for oil in the Kavango Basin in environmentally friendly and therefore will not contaminated underground water resources or spoil the environment. This assurance was given during a high powered delegation of Recon Africa lead by its founder, Craig Steinke to Venaani this week in Windhoek, Roberto Dirkse, Venaani’s spokesman told the Windhoek Observer. Venaani, during his election campaigns in 2019 was outspoken about the promotion of a clean environment and is particular concerned about the use of environmentally friendly exploration methods in the Kavango…
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Prime Minister hails importance of vocational education

Prime Minister hails importance of vocational education

Tujoromajo Kasuto AT a consultative workshop this week, Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila called for a shift in the public perception of vocational training as inferior to the academic stream and therefore less prestigious. Vocational training, she said, plays a dynamic role in addressing many current problems such as underemployment and unemployment and poverty alleviation particularly among young people. Kuugongelwa-Amadhila emphasised that technical and vocational skills are vital to make in poverty reduction, economic recovery and sustainable development. Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) can also play a role in ensuring the transferring local knowledge and skills between generations, thus…
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Shaningwa tells Otjozondjupa mobilizer to “back off”

Shaningwa tells Otjozondjupa mobilizer to “back off”

Eba Kandovazu SWAPO Secretary General Sophia Shaningwa has written a letter to Otjozondjupa regional mobilization officer Clive Kavendjii, requesting that he desists from acting as the party’s leader in the region while the regional coordinator Susan Hikopua is still in office. The regional executive committee suspended Hikopua in December on allegations of abuse of party finances and properties among others. Hikopua, according to Kavendjii, also orchestrated demonstrations against the leadership of the party in the region and acted outside the party’s constitution. Kavendjii also alleges that Hikopua is sowing division among Swapo members in the region and therefore has been…
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Study permit application deadline extended

Eba Kandovazu THE Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety and Security has announced the extension of the deadline for foreign students to submit applications for student permits from 28 February to 31 March 2022. The ministry’s Executive Director Etienne Maritz said all applicants should comply with all the stipulated requirements when applying for students permits. “Moreover, students must be in possession of valid legal status in Namibia at the time of applying for their students' permits. Failure to provide valid status would be in contravention of Section 29 of the Immigration Control Act (Act No. 7 of 1993). Furthermore, foreign…
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Outreach NC program concludes on positive note

Outreach NC program concludes on positive note

Martin Endjala The two week outreach program of the National Council’s (NC) chairperson Lukas Sinimbo Muha was concluded on Saturday in the Kavango East Region at Omega in Mukwe constituency in positive spirits, NC secretary advocate Tousy Namiseb told the Windhoek Observer in a wide ranging interview. He said the lack of information about what the National Council does as one of the legislative arms of the State is worrying, he said. Namiseb described the outreach program as fruitful, and believes that its objective has been achieved. ''What is left now is to write a detailed report and hand it…
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Mining to spearhead 2022 economic recovery

Mining to spearhead 2022 economic recovery

Tujoromajo Kasuto The Namibian economy is expected to improve this year and 2023 building on the moderate recovery it showed in 2021. Its performance will be aided by improved growth in the mining industry and most tertiary industries. According to the Bank of Namibia's February economic outlook report, diamond mining is predicted to grow substantially in 2022 and 2023, as the new Debmarine N$7 billion mining vessel is expected to begin production in the second quarter of 2022. The diamond mining industry was expected to rise by 2.3 percent in 2021, and then by 26.2 percent and 16.5 percent in…
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