
Is there money in real estate in Namibia?

Is there money in real estate in Namibia?

Malcolm Ndjiharine Are you the real estate guy? Is there money in real estate? Are you making a lot of money? If I bring you a client, how much will you give me? These are the questions that get fired at me almost every time I meet with someone who has seen us on Facebook, Instagram or some other social media platform. The most interesting part is that these questions are fired in quick succession without them waiting for me to answer any one question. Can you imagine? Then there are the more sophisticated and serious guys who ask questions…
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6 Items you need to spruce up your wardrobe

6 Items you need to spruce up your wardrobe

Nguundja Kandjii Closet full of clothes but nothing to wear? This is a common occurrence as we get into the habit of buying outfits instead of essentials. Today I’ve rounded up 6 timeless items you need in your closet to elevate and spice up your wardrobe. Leather Jacket You neeeeed a leather jacket ! Its trendy, hip and timeless all in one breath There are different variations of this Jacket so purchase according to your personal style. Personally I love a leather coat in tan,it really elevates in the most basic of outfits.Throw it overtop a jean and white tank…
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Martin Pombili on the power of his dreams

Martin Pombili on the power of his dreams

Jordan Sinvula “My journey to where I stand now in this industry wasn’t an easy one. I’ve been rejected countless times, I’ve written concepts and proposals that were rejected and at times I’ve not gotten recognition I deserve. But I kept moving,” says local media personality Martin Pombili. He is also an award winning comedian, influencer and actor, originally from Okeeke, Ogongo in the Omusati Region. Martin has made a name for himself in skits, on social media and in the social circles of Namibia’s ‘Who’s who’s’. “I believe in the power of my dreams but believe even more in…
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Women’s Day is not a celebration

Women’s Day is not a celebration

Nameya Jacobs The day I’m writing this, it’s International Women’s Day. Every year, on the 8th of March, we (supposedly) celebrate women and their achievements socially, culturally, politically, and economically. I’ve been a woman for 24 years now, have lived through 24 Women’s Days, and I don’r know about you, but I haven’t felt very celebrated. From the minute I could understand gender, I was taught that being a woman would come with a myriad of unwanted responsibilities, courtesy of a demographic who take to the internet to ask if personal hygiene is considered “gay”. Because I was bound to…
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2021 records poorest part-time matric performance  …. English achieves lowest score at ordinary level

2021 records poorest part-time matric performance …. English achieves lowest score at ordinary level

Eba Kandovazu PART-TIME candidates who sat for the 2021 Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate(NSSC) Ordinary and Higher level performed the weakest compared to the last three years, with 28 percent of the candidates not being graded in Ordinary Level subjects. Announcing the results today, Education Minister Anna Nghipondoka said that on the Ordinary Level, the performance was more alarming with a higher decline from Cs to Gs observed. English, as a second language, received the poorest results with 57 percent of the candidates not graded, followed by commerce subjects with more than 30 percent ungraded. On Higher level, accounting performed the…
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NUST expands its wings to Ohangwena Region

NUST expands its wings to Ohangwena Region

Tujoromajo Kasuto THE Namibia University of Science and Technology (Nust) today unveiled its first satellite campus at Eenhana in the Ohangwena Region. The new campus will offer various disciplines ranging from agriculture, business management, computing and informatics, horticulture, logistics and supply chain management, science,technology, engineering and mathematics to Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET). These programmes will be offered from certificates to PhD programmes. NUST Chancellor Peter H. Katjavivi, commended the Vice-Chancellor, Erold Naomab, stating that there have been significant events, accomplishments and undertakings at NUST since January 2021 when he took over office. He said this is significant because…
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Small stock sales decline by 50% in January

Tujoromajo Kasuto Small stock sales of goats and sheep in January 2022, declined significantly month-on-month. The sales dipped from 43 465 recorded in December 2021 to 21 572 in January, which is more than a 50 percent drop. The drop is noticeable in both industries with sheep marketing having experienced the greatest drop of 51 percent to 15,102 in January 2022 from 31,093 the previous month. The decline can be associated with the January breeding and restocking season. The low sales have impacted abattoir performance adversely. This is contained in the Agricultural Bank of Namibia (Agribank) monthly market watch for…
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Independence Day celebrations destined for the coast

Independence Day celebrations destined for the coast

Eba Kandovazu NAMIBIA’s Independence Day celebrations will be hosted by the Erongo Region at the coast, the Windhoek Observer can exclusively reveal. The Executive Director in the Ministry of Information, Communication and Technology, Mbeuta Ua- Ndjarakana says that the government is yet to decide between Swakopmund and Walvis Bay. Namibia will turn 32 years on 21 March, having gained its independence on the same date in 1990. This year's independence will be celebrated under the theme “A People United For Prosperity”, he said. Although the Office of the Prime Minister earlier this week said that a total N$2.5 million has…
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Angolan fuel not answer for cheaper pump prices

Angolan fuel not answer for cheaper pump prices

Eba Kandovazu THE Director of National Planning and Commision, Obeth Kandjoze says that importing fuel from Angola would cost the Namibian government more than it currently spends on fuel imports from other sources. This, he says, is because oil from Angola would have to be refined again to be brought to the same standard as the fuel used in Namibia. The specifications of fuel used in Namibia is stricter in terms of impurities such as sulphur and lead content. Kandjoze also said that even if fuel refined in Angola is imported into Namibia, the same levies and taxes are loaded…
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Age limitation in education against human rights

Age limitation in education against human rights

Martin Endjala The Landless People’s Movement Member of Parliament, Utaara Mootu has condemned the announcement by the Ministry of Education that learners older than 21 years and who have completed their Namibia Senior Secondary Advance Certificate and the Senior Secondary Ordinary Certificate through Namcol cannot return to full time schooling. However, all learners younger than 21 years will be granted a second opportunity to return to class and take on their AS level. Mootu said this is the promotion of inequality in the education system and goes against freedom of education regardless of age. She said this today via a…
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