
9234 Posts

Observatory: Let’s not forget about mental well being

Thandizo Kawerama The lockdown caused by COVID-19 is obviously going to have a lot of economic implications over a very long term. As stated by the minister of finance, our economy is estimated to be losing N$285 million per day. A stimulus package has been prepared and I think it’s great to see steps being taken toward providing a financial cushion. I do however believe we also need to put urgency on preparing for the social problems that will most certainly increase in light of our new reality. People don’t always react positively to change. In the face of a…
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The alleged discrimination against Africans in China

Dr Ngarikutuke Tjiriange Some of us highly appreciate how the Chinese Government helped us during our protracted liberation struggle. The Chinese government trained our people in the military in China and in Tanzania and also supplied us with weapons during those difficult years. We shall always be thankful for that. Now that we are independent, we have to remain together as good friends. I was however disturbed by the surprising revelation in the local newspapers that Chinese authorities had subjected an African student who are studying in China to racial discrimination. It is alleged that the authorities in Guangzhou apparently…
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The Time Traveler: One

Hugh Ellis ‘One’ is a 2006 song by Irish rock band U2 and African-American soloist Mary J. Blige. You can’t un-hear it. With earworm electric guitar riffs, Mary J’s unique voice, and sarcastic lyrics like, ‘Did you come here to play Jesus/ to the lepers in your head,’ it’s not a tune to forget. You won’t see much of me on the dance floor, but play ‘One’ and I’m there, air guitar and all. The song, an ode to frustration in relationships, has a chorus that goes like this: ‘We're one, but we're not the same We get to carry…
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The Ministry of Labour has overstepped

…stop hurling threats and help find solutions instead Jackie Wilson Asheeke The Ministry of Labour has overstepped the line. In the middle of the worse crisis ever, they are throwing shade rather than finding options. There is no law of this land that forces a private company or individual to employ someone. There are laws about conditions of employment, minimum wages, and procedures to follow for termination. There is a labour court to challenge wrongful dismissal. There are civil courts to sue employers who do not pay wages earned or for unsafe working conditions. This is how it should be.…
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Hats off for a top media rating for Namibia

There is a time to crow about good things. During the bad financial and economic news about the COVID-19 financial backlash, we want to cheer about this country’s number one rating in Africa for media freedom from Reporters without Borders (Rsf). As we move on from COVID into a new reality of how the world now works, we can look to the Rsf assessment and feel proud. In their brief assessment note on their website ( this country is given kudos mainly for the legal judgement against the national security agencies that wanted to silence a news report about their…
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Bank Windhoek launches Hey Jude Rider Service

Bank Windhoek launches Hey Jude Rider Service

Staff Writer With the current COVID-19 pandemic, leaving home to get groceries and essentials has become a daunting task for many. However, Bank Windhoek customers can now comfortably stay in their homes while the new Hey Jude Rider Service shops on their behalf and delivers groceries and other essentials on their doorstep free of charge. The Rider Service was launched on Thursday, 16 April 2020 and is an add-on service to the Hey Jude for Bank Windhoek App, an exclusive mobile application for Bank Windhoek customers that connects them to their very own Personal Assistant available 24 hours a day,…
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FNB Namibia cuts interest rates

FNB Namibia cuts interest rates

Staff Writer FNB Namibia has announced an interest rate reduction, following the Bank of Namibia’s repo rate cut last week of another 100 basis points. “The prime lending rate has been reduced to 8 percent, while the home loan rate will decrease from 10 percent to 9 percent, effective from 25 April 2020,” said Elzita Beukes, FNB Communications Manager. She said further changes have been made to the credit card rates which have been reduced to 12,80 percent for all the various credit card categories. Beukes added that the bank decided to meet those customers dependent on interest income by…
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Government must not over-promise

…credibility is legal tender in an emergency Government must stop over-promising and under-delivering. People are taking the government at its word. They are cheering for the great pronouncements about support for the people in this new Covid-19 world. Then, the promises can’t stand the light of day in terms of implementation. It is glaringly apparent that announcements of bailout packages were intentions and not programs. A drowning person desperately grabs for anything that looks like a lifeline, even if it is not. Those offering possibilities, therefore, must be very careful that what they throw out there is the real deal.…
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How socially responsible are corporates during COVID-19?

How socially responsible are corporates during COVID-19?

Jefta Gaoab Corporate social responsibility (CSR) helps a company be socially accountable—to itself, its stakeholders, and the public. By practicing corporate social responsibility, also called corporate citizenship, companies can be conscious of the kind of impact they have on all aspects of society, including economic, social, and environmental. Essentially, it is about listening and responding to the needs of a company’s stakeholders. COVID-19 has been declared as a global health pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). It not only has caused massive economic knocks but greatly impacted the health and wellbeing of many citizens globally and Namibia is not…
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Retirement: A new chapter in the story of your life

Retirement: A new chapter in the story of your life

GIPF Manager: Strategy & Projects Desmond Nikanor There is an old adage that says “retirement is not closing the book, it is just a brand new chapter”. This saying is especially true because it correctly implies that you have the ability to author and take control of this chapter in your life. The extent to which you will enjoy your retirement depends largely on the financial decisions and other support structures you have put in place before and during your retirement. Whether you have prepared well or not, it is never too late to improve your current retirement living. The…
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