
8150 Posts

The day before lockdown

Writing this editorial the day before lockdown is sobering. What message should this paper’s editors share that has relevance at such a time? Originally, we wanted to opine about the impact of the few new faces in the Cabinet. Analysis of the changes in the Parliament now that there are loud opposition voices was in order. We wanted to query the decision to merge ministries instead of coldly implementing drastic cuts in the Civil Service payroll. We wanted to give a thumbs up to Finance Minister Iipumbu Shiimi and lament the poisoned chalice he has been given to drink. We…
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Debmarine vessel construction on track

Debmarine vessel construction on track

Staff writer The construction of Debmarine Namibia’s latest innovation is progressing well at the Damen Shipyard in Mangalia, Romania, the company announced this week. The new vessel when completed, will be the company’s largest and most advanced diamond recovery vessel to-date. “The project started 10 months ago with steel fabrication and cutting. We are proud to announcethat, on Wednesday, 11 March 2020, the keel laying ceremony of Debmarine Namibia’s 3rdAdditional Mining Vessel was held at Damen Shipyards Mangalia. The ceremony marked thesecond major official construction milestone in the life of this ground breaking vessel. We take this opportunity to thank…
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Namibian government’s sneaky trick to tap local retirement funds

Namibian government’s sneaky trick to tap local retirement funds

Staff Writer Namibia’s budget speech to its parliament is nearing, and the question is how the new finance minister is going to fund the mineral-rich country’s state spending after pension funds were indirectly used last year. The nation of less than 3m people relies heavily on developmental aid from South Africa – in the form of customs revenue sharing – to fund its public outlays. Namibia, however, has a large pool of investment money relative to its economic output. It was this segment that the country’s finance ministry targeted last year and the year before. In a similar vein to…
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Pressure mounts over AgriBusDev’s tender

Pressure mounts over AgriBusDev’s tender

Staff Writer Local fertilizer producers have rubbished claims by the Agricultural Business Development Agency (AgriBusDev) Managing Director, Petrus Uugwanga that the country did not have local fertilizer producers and thus had no option but to award a multimillion-dollar fertilizer supply tender to South African company, Kynoch. One company that claims to be able to provide these products is Greenfield Organic Fertilizers (GOF). Based in Okahandja, this product provider has been in operation for years. According to the company’s owner, the business has the capacity to produce over 12 tons of organic fertilizer a day. This capacity makes them more than…
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Lockdown calorie burning ideas

Lockdown calorie burning ideas

Don’t get lazy and flabby during quarantine! Some couch potato stuff, reading books and long naps are good; but sitting around feeling anxious or frightened will make you crazy. Get up, look around and find something to do that needs doing. While moving around in the house and garden, you can lift your spirits, but also burn calories. Gyms are closed because of Covid-19. Social distancing is the norm. You can burn calories when you do chores around the house or in the yard. House or yard work can boost your metabolism and help manage your weight. Vacuum Carpets and…
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What happens the day after?

What happens the day after?

The CEO of the Government Insurance Pension Fund (GIPF), David Nuyoma made a comment this week that needs to be repeated. He said, “The GIPF will not be making any rushed investment decisions [due to the virus].” This wisdom needs to be injected into our Covid-19 mitigation ideas and plans right now. Programs must not be entered in a rush of ‘doing something’ about Covid-19. When the virus emergency passes, as it eventually will, the after crisis recovery could be worse for the already-stressed Namibian economy. When the Titanic hit the iceberg, the crew, in its haste to ‘save as…
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Celebrity desert trek place Namibia on map

Celebrity desert trek place Namibia on map

A mixture of well-known celebrities among them radio DJ's, television broadcasters, a singer and a TV judge, last month embarked on a 100-mile trek across the Namib desert to raise vital funds to transform the lives of vulnerable people and communities throughout the UK and internationally. The challenge was filmed for a BBC One documentary, The Heat is On: Sport Relief, which aired on Wednesday last week. Every year a bunch of determined celebrities take on a gruelling challenge or Comic Relief or Sport Relief and this year, it was not different. Celebrities, including Nick Grimshaw and Frankie Bridge trekked…
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Couch Kitten: Don’t let ‘imposter syndrome’ get you

Thandizo Kawerama Imposter syndrome is when you downplay your achievements. You dim your own shine and shy away from opportunities you would otherwise benefit from. When you find yourself in a position you are qualified for, you get paranoid that your inadequacies will be exposed – so you shrink away from high performance. It’s basically shooting yourself in the foot. Last week I watched the critically acclaimed, Oscar winning South Korean film Parasite. It was brilliant. Outside of being a great critique on our classicist society, the film served as reminder as to why we shouldn’t let imposter syndrome get…
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Philander’s satirical drama confronts corruption

Philander’s satirical drama confronts corruption

Clementine Tjameya Frederick Philander is an iconic, talented playwright, social historian, actor and director. He uses his gift to express his love of Namibia and its people. Last month, we published an article announcing that Philander had finished his latest satirical political courtroom drama, I am NOT corrupt. He is now preparing it for a full stage presentation. Without giving spoilers, this play is based on a true Namibian court case that recently captured national headlines. Rehearsals for the play started last week and are continuing throughout the months of March and April. The Windhoek Observer had the privilege to…
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Preserve and get what you deserve in your golden years

Preserve and get what you deserve in your golden years

Patricia Olivier Chief Executive Officer Old Mutual Corporate Segment Did you know that retirement planning and its benefits is all up to you? There is no legislation for example, compelling you as a member of a retirement fund, to preserve your benefits when exiting the fund upon changing an employer. In fact, currently members of retirement funds may take 100% of their retirement savings in cash and most do. Doing so however will probably add to a series of obstacles standing between you and your retirement goals which may be to retire with financial independence. Perhaps you haven’t even given…
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