
9424 Posts
Media should “leave Swapo business alone” – Shaningwa

Media should “leave Swapo business alone” – Shaningwa

Tujoromajo Kasuto SECRETARY General (SG) of the Swapo Party of Namibia, Sophia Shaningwa, says the media fraternity should leave Swapo business alone and stop trying to be part and privy to the SGs explicit functions and duties. Shaningwa further points out that her ill treatment by members of the media fraternity is a response to the hostility she has experienced from the media and the allegations they have made about her. However, she remains tight lipped on completion of the party’s headquarters and if whether it will be hosting the Seventh Elective Congress there. “You people are allergic to Swapo…
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Deputy Finance Minister, AR Activist embroiled in  N$1 million defamation suit

Deputy Finance Minister, AR Activist embroiled in N$1 million defamation suit

Eba Kandovazu DEPUTY Finance Minister, Maureen Hinda, is suing Affirmative Repositioning (AR) activist and leader, Job Amupanda, to the tune of N$1 million. She says Amupanda last July posted a picture of an unknown woman saying it was Hinda during the liberation struggle. In court documents, Hinda says the picture implies that because she is Damara she will not hesitate to stab anyone. She says Amupanda refuses to apologise or remove the social media post. Hinda, who is of Otjiherero descent is also fluent in Damara/Nama. A mediation session is scheduled to take place on 3 February. The initial post…
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Women dominate COVID-19 positive ratio as 902 759 Namibians are tested

Eba Kandovazu UNTIL last week Saturday, Namibian females have tested positive more than males, at the rate of 53 percent, totaling 81 996 women positive with the virus. In total, 902 759 Namibians have been tested for the Coronavirus, out of the total 2 550 226 population. Of these, 154 536 positive cases were recorded, representing six percent of the population. This was revealed in Namibia’s situation report for 13 March 2020 to 15 January 2022. Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS) Spokesperson, Manga Libita, says that out of the total confirmed cases, three percent are health care workers,…
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Community gives Namibia’s “Florence  Nightingale” a heroin’s farewell

Community gives Namibia’s “Florence Nightingale” a heroin’s farewell

Staff Writer Only the Covid-19 regulations, with a ceiling lately and currently of no more than 200 people at any public gathering, be it a meeting, funeral and/or sports activity, barred the community of mourners from giving late 84-year-old Agnes Kapenangumui “Kapee” Hindjou, a befitting community heroin’s farewell. That is only if a heroin’s sendoff is and can be defined in terms of the number of mourners. But by the content of those paying tribute to her at three different events, first a memorial service at the Namibia College of Open Learning (Namcol)’s Jetu Jama Centre in Windhoek’s Independence Avenue…
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Conservatives protest against abortion and same-gender marriage …as landmark same sex marriage judgment is slated for Thursday

Conservatives protest against abortion and same-gender marriage …as landmark same sex marriage judgment is slated for Thursday

Tujoromajo Kasuto About less than 20 people this morning protested before the Windhoek High Court against same-sex marriages and abortion. The High Court is expected on Thursday to deliver a judgement in a case where same sex couples are suing the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration for violating their right to dignity, equality, family and to live, work in Namibia freely. The couples lawfully married in South Africa and Germany state that the ministry’s refusal to recognise their civil unions have impacted the families’ rights to be recognised as guardians of their children and to be domiciled in Namibia.…
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“I remain a member of cabinet until process is concluded”- Jooste

“I remain a member of cabinet until process is concluded”- Jooste

Eba Kandovazu MINISTER of State-owned Enterprises (SOEs), Leon Jooste, says he will still be in this position for the next two to three months until the reintegration of the ministry into a department within the Ministry of Finance (MoF) is concluded. Jooste is not concerned about whether or not he will be redeployed at the moment, saying his focus is fully on the transition process for now. “I remain a member of Cabinet until the process is concluded, probably two to three months,” he adds. “Everything is going according to plan. We’ll be attending the MoF’s Strategic Planning session next…
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A 16-year-old raped at knife point

A 16-year-old raped at knife point

Tujoromajo Kasuto A 16-year old girl was yesterday allegedly raped after her cousin forcefully dragged her to his friends place in Windhoek’s Damara location. Police say the rape occurred around 00h30 on Sunday after the victim’s two cousins and a male suspect forced her to the suspect’s house to sit and hang out. It is alleged that the suspect took the victim into the house under false pretences, threatened her with a knife and raped her. According to Namibian Police (NamPol) Spokesperson, Deputy Commissioner Kauna Shikwambi, the suspect has not yet been arrested and efforts in tracing him are underway…
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Coffin “pointing” to alleged witch triggers mob attack …. Church condemns brutality amidst two separate “witch-hunts”

Eba Kandovazu A TRADITIONAL Kaokoland ritual in which family members of a departed member carry the casket at the burial site, asking it to point in the direction of those responsible for the death, has led to the arrest of eight people, after a 61-year-old man was beaten up last Saturday on allegations of witchcraft. Kunene Police Commander, James Nderura, says the victim was beaten up by his family members at Otjakati Tjovahimba village, who accused him of being responsible for the death of his 17-year-old nephew. “It is a tradition for the Himba people. What happens is that people…
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Suspended IPC councilor drags party to court

Suspended IPC councilor drags party to court

Eba Kandovazu SUSPENDED Independent Patriots of Change (IPC) Councilor, Ciske Smith-Howard, has now turned to the High Court to have her suspension nullified and declared void, barely a month after the party summoned her to a disciplinary hearing in Windhoek. Smith-Howard, prior to her suspension was the constituency councilor of Swakopmund. She was also the Chairperson of the Erongo Regional Council. In combined summons filed in the Windhoek High Court this afternoon, Smith-Howard also wants the court to set aside the party’s decision to discipline and charge her. She was suspended last October reportedly facing nine charges, including misconduct after…
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Kora case judgment next Thursday

Kora case judgment next Thursday

Eba Kandovazu THE Windhoek High Court today postponed a judgment in which the Namibia Tourism Board (NTB) is suing Kora Music Awards organisers, Sarl Mundial Telecom, a company owned by Ernest Adjovi. Adjovi is being sued for about N$ 23.5 million (US$ 1.5 which NTB paid in 2015 to host the show in Namibia. The show was scheduled for March 2016 although it never happened. The NTB, represented by Advocate Thabang Phatela, in its heads of argument said that the case concerns one of the most far reaching abuses of a Namibian public entity by a foreign company in its…
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