
9396 Posts
Are Political Parties’ key Roles in Parliament still commonsensical?

Are Political Parties’ key Roles in Parliament still commonsensical?

Martin Endjala Namibia's post-independence era has seen the growth of establishment and the growth of parliamentary democracy. In this democratic architecture, political parties have been pivotal in driving national debate on pertinent national issues, as well as playing a watchdog role to ensure that the ruling party delivers on its election promises. “Of course, this is done to carry the message of its electorate and that pertinent issues are debated,” says Landless People’s Movement (LPM) assistant national spokesperson Dephine Simasiku in a conversation with the Windhoek Observer. ''Certainly, the LPM will be a force to be reckoned with, as it…
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NO to slaughter of the innocent – Pro Life Namibia

NO to slaughter of the innocent – Pro Life Namibia

Tujoromajo Kasuto PROLIFE Namibia today handed over a petition opposing the legalisation of abortion on demand to Doreen Sioka, Minister of Gender Equality, Poverty Eradication and Social Welfare and Lydia Kandetu, Secretary to the National Assembly, in which they argue that abortion is "slaughter of the innocent." In the petition, Pro-Life Namibia coordinator, Sasha Louw claims that "the pro-abortion camp frequently uses the micro-scopic size of an embryo to try and undermine the very foundation of human life." Pro-abortionists seek to dehumanize what is human by viewing the embryo as nothing more than a lump of cells in order to…
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Journey into the self with yoga

Journey into the self with yoga

For many people, the practice of yoga can seem like such a foreign thing. Every image most people have of it makes them believe that all it is about is stretching and folding yourself, and not getting much else done, but many do not that it emcompasses so much more that can grossly improve your mental and physical well being, whether used in part or as a whole. We at Young Observer want to help demystify the tradition for you and help you discover how you can incorporate some of its principles into your daily life, to achieve mindfulness in…
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Keeping up with Kennedy

Keeping up with Kennedy

What a time to be alive. We are squarely in the middle of the age of the influencer and social media mavens and stars are taking over. This new world isn’t like it used to be at all, and the possibilities in life are becoming more and more infinite with time. I think it’s pretty cool that we live in an era where people are becoming fully fledged businesses in their own rights, and making a name for themselves as personal brands. Be it through modelling, marketing or simply just being their fabulous selves, many Namibians are dead set on…
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AG says Model Law on Public Financial Mgt good for SDGs

AG says Model Law on Public Financial Mgt good for SDGs

Special Correspondent The Auditor-General of Namibia, Mr. Junias Kandjeke, has commended the SADC Parliamentary Forum for developing a SADC Model Law on Public Financial Management (PFM), saying the regional soft law can help in efforts to meet Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Good PFM is widely seen as an enabler in achieving SDGs because it promotes evidence-based budget allocation and prudent management of scarce public resources to support public infrastructure and social investments. For example, Target 12.7 of the SDGs seeks to promote sustainable public procurement practices while Target 16.6 focuses on development of effective, accountable and transparent institutions. Last week,…
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Prisoner sues Govt for N$2m for alleged torture

Prisoner sues Govt for N$2m for alleged torture

Tujoromajo Kasuto AN inmate at Windhoek Correctional Facility, Eliphas Gomeb is suing the Ministry of Safety and Security N$2 million, for alleged ill treatment and torture he experienced at the hands of police officers, who he says refused to give him medical attention. Gomeb wants N$1 million for ill treatment and torture, N$600 000 for constitutional damages and N$400 000 for Post Traumatic Stress disorder in August 2018. The hearing was proceeding in the High Court this week before Judge Marlene Tommasi and was postponed to 25 February for judgement. Gomeb says his claim for damages stem from the alleged…
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Geingob describes Muheua as reliable and hardworking

Geingob describes Muheua as reliable and hardworking

Martin Endjala PRESIDENT Hage Geingob has described the late Alpheus Muheua as a reliable, hardworking, and a pleasant patriot to work with in his condolence message. Muheua's death yesterday in the Swakopmund Hospital was confirmed by a family member. His daughter said Muheua succumbed to Covid-19 complications. “My father suffered from a stroke from which he recovered and lived a healthy life up until he contracted covid-19, and later succumbed to covid-19 complications”, she said. “I have learned with sadness about the passing on of comrade Alpheus Muheua, a committed patriot who served the country with dedication and distinction until…
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PDM unhappy with Namcor selling shares to Recon Africa

PDM unhappy with Namcor selling shares to Recon Africa

Eba Kandovazu THE Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) says it is against the proposed plans of the National Petroleum Company of Namibia (NAMCOR) to sell half of its 10 percent stake in the petroleum exploration license (PEL 73) in the Kavango Basin to Reconnaissance Energy Africa (ReconAfrica) for N$414 million. Namcor's managing director Immanuel Mulunga was recently quoted in media reports saying that Namibia’s 10 percent stake in Recon Africa’s exploration is of no use and therefore they decided to turn five percent of their stake into shares, to enable Namcor to trade on the stock exchange to generate an income.…
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More charges added to Zim couple accused of murdering child and burning remains

More charges added to Zim couple accused of murdering child and burning remains

Eba Kandovazu THE Prosecutor General, Martha Imalwa has decided to add seven more charges to a Zimbabwean couple accused of murdering their nine year-old girl Natalie Chipomho, whose remains they are alleged to have burned at a dumping site in Windhoek in 2020. Caroline Nkata and her husband Edward Nkata, who is the father of the deceased made their first appearance in the Windhoek High Court today on charges of murder, after Imalwa decided to transfer their case from the Magistrate's Court. The child’s mother, Rachel Kureva, who was initially charged together with two, has been acquitted and set free.…
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Chica the Bear launched in support of fighting childhood cancer

Chica the Bear launched in support of fighting childhood cancer

Martin Endjala A project to increase awareness to raise funds for children affected by cancer was launched in partnership with the Cancer Association of Namibia and Liberty Life. The public can support the programme through buying 'Chica the Bear' for N$180 whose proceeds will go towards CAN to fight cancer in Namibia, the marketing communication officer of Liberty, Warren Kozonguize said at the launch. The project launch was yesterday during the commemoration of International Childhood Cancer Day that is remembered every 15th of February. Chica is a light blue bear with a sweet smile that is intended to give hope…
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