
9379 Posts
Strong regulatory framework required for positive impact from oil revenues

Strong regulatory framework required for positive impact from oil revenues

Staff Writer The Minister of Mines and Energy, Tom Alweendo said the discovery of oil in Namibia will not necessarily make petrol pump prices cheaper. Alweendo said this in a ministerial statement in the National Assembly yesterday to answer to frequently asked questions coming with an oil discovery in a country. The minister said another obvious question that follows this is, would it be cheaper if we were to invest in a refinery to process the crude locally. With the skyrocketing prices currently experienced, Namibians are looking for cheaper alternatives suggesting that the country imports from Angola, where refined fuel…
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Commonwealth should engender shared prosperity

Commonwealth should engender shared prosperity

Martin Endjala Speaker of the National Assembly, Professor Peter Katjivi emphasized the importance of the Commonwealth Charter, which fosters cooperation for the good of the Commonwealth family, as he addressed Commonwealth and other ambassadors and international representatives in the country on Commonwealth Day yesterday. The Commonwealth is historically connected to the British Empire and the countries that resorted under the British during the colonial period, but any independent nation can apply to become a member. Namibia is a member of the Commonwealth countries. Commonwealth Day was celebrated in Parliament Gardens on Monday in Windhoek. “We wholeheartedly welcome and echo the…
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Masks no longer mandatory

Masks no longer mandatory

Eba Kandovazu AS of midnight, the wearing of masks in public will no longer be compulsory and the gathering of people has been increased from 500 to 1000, while fully vaccinated travellers will not be required to provide negative PCR results upon entering the country. These were the Covid-19 relaxed health measures announced today by President Hage Geingob, who also said that recently the World Health Organisation adjusted the Covid 19 outbreak from a pandemic to an endemic disease. “A reprieve does not mean the end of the pandemic. We must continue to care for ourselves and the vulnerable members…
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AR bill against sole foreign land ownership

AR bill against sole foreign land ownership

Martin Endjala The Affirmative Reposition (AR) representatives had a field day with the National Assembly Standing Committee on Natural Resources today as they presented a proposed amendment bill on foreign ownership of land in Namibia. It is the first time a political party or a civil society organization succeeds to inititate a full proposed law to the legislature. The presentation today follows the recent delivery of a petition by AR to the Office of the Speaker of the National Assembly in which they demanded for the introduction of a law to control of foreign ownership of land in Namibia. After…
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Alleged girlfriend killer delivers body to mother’s house

Eba Kandovazu A 42-year-old man who allegedly killed his girlfriend last Saturday at Outjo and delivered the lifeless body to her mother’s house was denied bail this morning when he made his first court appearance. PIET Gamaseb is accused of hitting Duffie Hannes with an iron bar on the head at the couple’s home in the early hours of Saturday. He allegedly took the deceased’s body to her mother’s house in a borrowed wheelbarrow. Preliminary police investigations suggest that Hannes suffered multiple head injuries. Gamaseb has since been charged with murder and has opted to apply for legal aid. The…
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Sioka avoids jail time

Sioka avoids jail time

Martin Endjala The Windhoek High Court on Friday exonerated the Minister of Gender Equality, Poverty Eradication and Child Welfare (MGEPECW) from failing intentionally to submit on time a report to the Ombudsman on the Safety of Children in Jail and Detention Centers. The Ombudsman applied to the High Court to find Sioka guilty and convicted of contempt of court. Government attorney Freddy Kadhila represented Sioka. The general rule is that costs of suit shall be allowed to the successful party as a matter of course. However, as both parties are funding with taxpayers money, the court did not give any…
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LPM an all-season party – Swartbooi

LPM an all-season party – Swartbooi

Martin Endjala The Landless People’s Movement (LPM) leader says the party is in a healthy state and is moving in the right direction in building a better society. The party which almost made a clean sweep in the last local and regional council elections in the Hardap and Karas regions lately seems to have been rocked by what appears to be an infighting and has recalled nine of its councillors and replaced them with new ones. But, Bernadus Swartbooi maintains that the party ‘’wants to demonstrate trust in our young people’s leadership right now. So that they grow and become…
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7 kidnappers of a cab driver still on the run

7 kidnappers of a cab driver still on the run

Tujoromajo Kasuto 7 men who kidnapped a 30 year old taxi driver with a lime green Nissan march and used the vehicle to execute a robbery in Mondesa in Swakopmund at midnight on Saturday are still on the loose. Erongo Regional Crime Coordinator Erastus IIkuyu said that the suspects are on the loose and so far nothing has been recovered yet apart from the car. The driver was stopped by a group of men that he found in front of a Bar in Mondesa, whom he thought were genuine customers in need of transport. The suspects started assaulting him with…
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Covid-19 affects CoW bus routes

Covid-19 affects CoW bus routes

Eba Kandovazu THE war in Ukraine and the Covid 19 pandemic have disrerrupted the supply of some essential parts for the maintenance of the City of Windhoek buses. City of Windhoek spokesperson Harold Akwenye says for the last two weeks it has been difficult to acquire the parts required from South Africa. Some of the routes of the City bus service have been affected by the disruption of the supply of parts. According to Akwenye, the needed parts are mainly ordered from South Africa, which is struggling to maintain stock levels, because of disruptions of the supply lines on the…
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SAA wins N$13m fraud case against former employees

SAA wins N$13m fraud case against former employees

Tujoromajo Kasuto The beleaguered South African Airways, the country's flag carrier airline, won a court case today against the first nine accused to be prosecuted jointly and severally for damages totaling N$13 265 298.05 as a result of extensive fraud, theft, and irregularities in relation to and involving fraudulent baggage claims that occurred at their Windhoek office in 2014. High Court judge Hannelie Prinsloo today delivered the judgement against the Sixth Defendants of which the First, Second and Seventh Defendants a judgement was granted on 20 March 2020. The judgement requires payment in the amount of N$13 265 298.05 at…
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