
8205 Posts
INFINOX Capital expands into Namibia

INFINOX Capital expands into Namibia

Staff Writer INFINOX Capital, a leading CFD trading broker with international presence and market expertise is announcing its expansion into key economic African countries with one being Namibia. This follows its recent launch of operations in Nigeria, and the company’s intent to launch an African hub in South Africa in the coming months. Jay Mawji, Managing Director of INFINOX Capital, attributes this decision to the fact that the continent has a high youth population makeup combined with the improvements made through the implementation of technologies and the accessibility thereof. “For any financial institution, Africa is the place to be.There is…
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Agribank inaugurates new regional office

Agribank inaugurates new regional office

Staff Writer Agribank has inaugurated its newly relocated regional office in Katima Mulilo on Friday, to improve its client experience as well as to ensure conducive working environment for staff when servicing farmers and potential farmers in the Zambezi region. Though the Bank has been operational for some years in the town, the new office according to the lender, elevates the it’s visibility and accessibility to clients and other stakeholders. Zambezi Regional Governor Lawrence Sampofu in a speech read on his behalf said the opening of the new Agribank office in Katima Mulilo is a welcome expression of the trust…
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Botswana defends killing of Namibians by army…as investigation continues

Botswana defends killing of Namibians by army…as investigation continues

Helena Johannes and Andrew Kathindi The Botswana government has defended its defense force following the killing of the three Namibian brothers, Tommy, Martin and Wamunyima Nchindo, and a Zambian national, last week, Thursday. The Botswana army’s Colonel Tebo Kacho Dikole, who confirmed the incident stated, “in its mission of defending Botswana's territorial integrity, sovereignty and national interests, the Botswana Defence Force (BDF) informs the public about an incident between members of the BDF and poachers which resulted in four poachers being killed.” According to Colonel Dikole, the incident happened at around 23h00 hours in Sedudu area (southern channel of Chobe…
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Over 1.4 million registered to vote…as five constituencies will go uncontested

Over 1.4 million registered to vote…as five constituencies will go uncontested

Andrew Kathindi Over 1.4 million Namibian voters are expected to cast their votes in the upcoming regional and local authority elections slated for the 25th of November, Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) has revealed. This comes as the election body revealed that nearly 10,000 have been removed from the voting system. According to reports 1,643 of these are deceased voters, with duplicates of 7,895 voters removed through the Automatic Fingerprint identification System (AFIS) or manual litigations. “A total of 69,676 new voters were registered during the SRV process. There are 95,066 voters were existing voters who received new voter cards…
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Protests and, pronouncements solve nothing

Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) are the norm in the Republic of Namibia. The majority of women can expect to be victims on varying levels at some point in their lives. Speeches, meetings and protests will not save a woman from a bullet, a knife or fist in her face. We need to move to the stage where we are willing to dig deep into the core of the sickness in our men who perpetrate GBV and rape and cut it out at the roots. To do this is a game-changer that society is not yet ready for…yet. It…
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BIG cannot solve ills inherent to Capitalism!

Kae Matundu-Tjiparuro The headline in the New Era recently, reading “Govt says Big feasible”, could not but catch any one’s attention. For two reasons. One because Yours Truly Ideologically has been following the Basic Income Grant debate closely. Without never at any point ever entertaining the notion and/or illusion that some time or the other historical epoch in Namibia, BIG would ever become the panacea for the workers and the downtrodden in Namibia. Safe for being realistic that the exploited, until their deliverance from the capitalist system, nevertheless still need reprieve from the capitalist yoke, albeit temporarily. This is as…
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“…One nation under God, indivisible…”

Jackie Wilson Asheeke I use words from the American Pledge of Allegiance as my column’s title. As a child in catholic school we began each day with a prayer and the Pledge. Given the divisiveness of Donald Trump, the Pledge has lost its meaning. If the President doesn’t live by it, how can it still hold? The key lessons from this year’s US presidential election are not about Trump vs Biden or who finally wins the 270 electoral votes. It is about a United States of America that has violated its own Pledge. It is about the small minority of…
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Advice to men: confront your fellow man

The Time Traveler: Hugh Ellis ‘Confront your fellow man when (or better, before) he does wrong to women and children’ is not easy advice to follow, but we must do it. In my first two columns on ‘advice to men’ I talked about how we should learn to control our anger and resolve conflicts peacefully, looking for win-win solutions. I explained why should question society’s assumptions about what it means to be a man. In the last of the series, I argue that these steps are meaningless if we don’t go out into the world and challenge our fellow men…
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Couch Cat: The time to say goodbye to a beloved pet

Jackie Wilson Asheeke My girlie doggie baby, Artemis, a Labrador retriever, is now 13. She is blind, has a heart issue, and has arthritis in her back legs. I have let it go on too long. I have taken the decision that is going to put me in tears and sorrow. I have to take her in to the Vet for the last time, and let her go. Saying goodbye to a beloved pet is hard. Those who are like me and love their pets like babies, ‘get’ me on this one. I have been putting the inevitable decision off…
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Baby Shiloh family yet to receive answers from Health Ministry

Baby Shiloh family yet to receive answers from Health Ministry

Andrew Kathindi Over three months after the death of Shiloh-Dean Ponhele, the Ministry of Health and Social Services is yet to confirm to the parents, Lavinia Kanyumbo and Damson Kosmas what transpired. A legal case will be pending. This comes as the Kanyumbo and Kosmas still maintain that their son did not die from COVID-19 but rather negligence. Health Minister Kalumbi Shangula stated in August that an investigation had been launched to explain what happened. The Health Ministry recorded Shiloh's death as a COVID-19-related death in August, the youngest in the country, however, the mother of the baby, Kanyumbo insisted…
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