
9379 Posts
Orange River dividing Namibia, SA

Orange River dividing Namibia, SA

Staff Reporter The Namibia South Africa Bi-National Commission has been called off indefinitely because the two countries could allegedly not agree on some agenda points. The Windhoek Observer is reliably informed that South Africa postponed the event that was set to start tomorrow, 9 April until 12 April protesting against the inclusion of the Orange River boundary issue on the agenda. The border of the river falls on the northern bank, the Namibian side, instead of the deepest middle mark of the river, as per international law. The current border arrangement denies Namibia to be a full sharing riparian partner…
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Over 50 000 IDs uncollected

Over 50 000 IDs uncollected

Staff Reporter The Executive Director at the Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety and Security, Etienne Maritz said the ministry is sitting with 52 899 uncollected identification documents at its head office since last year and is calling on the public to collect their identification documents. “The ministry has produced a total number of 114 353 identification cards out of which 61 455 have been collected. That means a total number of 52, 899 ID cards are still uncollected and are piling up at our offices. The ministry is humbly calling upon those who have applied for identity documents to…
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NUST introduces course to address water scarcity

NUST introduces course to address water scarcity

Martin Endjala The Namibia University Science and Technology have launched a SASSCAL Graduate Studies Program in Integrated Water Resources Management that will do research to ensure the availability of quality and quantity water in Namibia and the SADC region at large. The launch of the programme took place today at the NUST-Tech Plaza building in Windhoek, which was accompanied by a handover ceremony of scholarships to 15 beneficiaries across Namibia and other SADC countries. The program initiative received three million euros funding from the federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) Germany government, which was represented by Svenja Kruse, who…
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Okorukambe Elders Council restructuring delayed

Okorukambe Elders Council restructuring delayed

Tujoromajo Kasuto Swapo Party Elders Council (SPEC) mandate renewal meeting that was scheduled for Tuesday in the Okorukambe Constituency of the Omaheke Region was cancelled after some party district members claimed they were not informed of the meeting and did not approve the agenda. The meeting was to elect delegates to represent the council at the Elders Council congress that is due to take place in July this year. However, according to the SPEC Secretary Pijoo Nganate the agenda was endorsed by the regional executive of the Elders’ Council, as there is no district executive in place. The meeting, Nganate…
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Namibian diaspora needed for development – Swanu

Namibian diaspora needed for development – Swanu

Martin Endjala SWANU President Tangeni Iyambo is concerned about Namibians in the diaspora who do not come back home and apply their knowledge gained locally such as in government services. Iyambo raised this yesterday during the 8th State of the Nation Address by President Hage Geingob in Parliament yesterday. He said young people who gained knowledge through attending foreign universities should plough their knowledge back at home Himself foreign educated, Iyambo said they had to leave the country as they were systematically deprived by apartheid of receiving quality education. The system forced them to endure hardship in order to be…
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Compulsory pension savings on horizon ….no withdrawal of 75 percent of pension money until 55 years

Compulsory pension savings on horizon ….no withdrawal of 75 percent of pension money until 55 years

Tujoromajo Kasuto The Namibia Financial Institutions Supervisory Authority (NAMFISA) Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Erna Motinga cautioned the Namibian public against mass resignations in an attempt to Access their pension savings, because of the introduction of compulsory preservation of retirement benefits for people who withdraw from their retirement funds before retirement age. In terms of this new regulation when someone resign, change jobs or stop working they will be required to preserve 75 percent of their minimum individual pension reserve, until the prescribed early retirement age of 55 years. This has ignited heated public debate on social media and news platforms,…
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N$15 million paid for human wildlife conflict

N$15 million paid for human wildlife conflict

Staff writer The Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism has paid out N$ 15 126 402 on human wildlife conflict cases over the past three years. This is according to statistics released to the Windhoek Observer yesterday by Romeo Muyunda, the ministry’s spokesperson. The figures indicate that since 2019 to date the ministry has disbursed N$7 890 550 to conservancies, N$2 454 402 for livestock losses, N$2 291 450 for crop damages, N$2 000 000 for loss of life and N$490 000 for injuries caused by human wildlife conflict. Furthermore, the statistics indicate that there were 20 case of people…
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Automation of job application systems not priority for govt

Automation of job application systems not priority for govt

Tujoromajo Kasuto Office of the Prime Minister says although the automation of systems in the government service is a no brainer, it is unlikely that the government would automate its employment application system anytime soon. The chief public relations officer in the Office of the Prime Minister, Rhingo Mutambo says that calls for automated applications is raised in many government deliberations and is working quietly to digitise its systems. ‘’Only the wheel of change has a wider orbit to reach its full circle, for many to see progress made. We will sooner or later get there,’’ Mutambo affirms. Meanwhile, the…
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Food Bank beneficiaries to get N$500 monthly

Food Bank beneficiaries to get N$500 monthly

Tujoromajo Kasuto A cash payment of N$500 to replace food assistance to Food Bank beneficiaries has started this month. The first recipients of the cash payment will be current beneficiaries in the 28 constituencies where the Food Bank programme was active. The programme is currently service 9 967 household across all fourteen regions and will disburse cash of N$500 to these households. Despite many communities welcoming the payment, others are of the view that the food parcels had more cash value than the N$500 dollars, especially now that food prices have skyrocketed. Meanwhile President Hage Geingob in his 8th State…
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Venaani’s black Merc in the house

Venaani’s black Merc in the house

Staff Reporter The State of the Nation Address in Parliament today saw opposition parliamentarians and President Hage Geingob calling each other out on different issues. The State of the Nation Address gives opportunity to members of parliament to ask or engage the president on any issue of national concern. Parliamentarians in particular have been found to get hot under the collar when the president does not respond to their questions as they would have liked. Sometimes the house also goes into overdrive, when the debate gets into personal attacks and forceful removal of MPs, because of threatening behaviour of some…
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