
9396 Posts
ReconAfrica gets approval from communities

ReconAfrica gets approval from communities

Martin Endjala An investigation by the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Natural Resources has found that ReconAfrica exploring for oil in the two Kavango regions have the support of regional leadership, local communities and traditional authorities. The standing committee chairperson, Tjekero Tweya tabled the informative report in the National Assembly yesterday.“It is the committee’s conviction that the objectives and mandates extended to it by the house, has been executed successfully and in an objective open, fair and transparent manner,” Tweya asserted. The attributable reasons for the overwhelming support, is said to be centred on economic and social Benefits, which have to…
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Irimari satisfied with agriculture, business growth

Irimari satisfied with agriculture, business growth

Obrein Simasiku The governor of the Oshana Region Ellia Irimari hailed the political stability in the region, saying it is a cornerstone for good governance, steering the region into a prosperous direction of sustainable development and accelerated development. "This situation is attributed to the prevailing good political setting in Namibia, which is anchored on the good governance principles of our democracy. Political stability remains an important condition for sustainable development and investment in the region. Hence, I call on my leadership to continue embracing the principles of good governance, and to promote public participation both in policy reforms and programmes…
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Gaob Kooper has finished his race<br>but the relay is not finished-OGF

Gaob Kooper has finished his race
but the relay is not finished-OGF

Staff Writer To uphold the legacy of Gaob Simon Petrus Kooper, the descendants of the victims of colonial Germany’s genocide against the Nama, Ovaherero and Ovambanderu must at all time remain vigilant. Says the Ovaherero and Ovambanderu Genocide Foundation (OGF) paying tribute to the fallen Kai-//Khau Gaob on behalf of Ovaherero and Ovambanderu traditional leaders like Paramount Chief Aletha Karikondua Nguvauva of the Ovambanderu Traditional Council (OTC), Chief Vipuira Kapuuo of the Ovaherero Traditional Authority (OTA), Chief Sam Kambazembi of the Kambazembi Traditional Authority, Chief Turimuro Hoveka of the Hoveka Traditional Authority and Chief Rikurura Kukuri of the Ombandi traditional…
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Two-year cap to address accommodation for students

Two-year cap to address accommodation for students

Obrein Simasiku The Governor of the Oshana Region Ellia Irimari has given the three local authorities of Oshakati, Ongwediva and Ondangwa, two years to fast track land provision for the construction of affordable accommodation for students. This is because students of a lack of adequate accommodation and the subsequent exorbitant rental charges. Irimari said the provision of affordable housing remains a challenge in the region as the demand for decent shelter continues escalating. He, however, said that significant progress is being made by the three local authorities, hence further encouragement to service more land in the region to avail land…
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NEFF disappointed in justice system as activist are remanded in jail

NEFF disappointed in justice system as activist are remanded in jail

Obrein Simasiku The Namibia Economic Freedom Fighters (NEFF) has claimed political manipulation of the justice system, as its activist Michael Amushelelo together with Affirmative Repositioning movement's (AR) Dimbulukeni Nauyoma, were remanded in custody until 28 July, as they made their second court appearance today. "This is a waste of time and state resources. How can they continue postponing the matter when they (justice) know they have no strong case against our activists. We know and understand that this is politics at work, and we shall make sure that those chaffing the cards will be taken to task," said NEFF's second…
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Suppliers rake in N$2.3 million in duplicate payments

Suppliers rake in N$2.3 million in duplicate payments

Obrein Simasiku Three suppliers raked in a whooping N$2.3 million in duplicate payments, made by the Department of Home Affairs and Immigration during the 2020/21 financial year, the Auditor General Junias Kandjeke has revealed. He has thus recommended to the accounting officer to put controls in place to ensure that double payments will not happen again in the future. "You should recover the amount and provide such proof for audit purposes, however the accounting officer indicated that the amount be collected from the respective suppliers," stressed Kandjeke. In addition, Kandjeke also revealed that the main division [minister's office] overspent by…
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Economic activities supporting oil and gas more impactful

Economic activities supporting oil and gas more impactful

Tujoromajo Kasuto Tom Alweendo, Minister of Mines and Energy, said economic activities in the oil and gas sector have a greater economic impact than direct revenue from petroleum extraction activities and licences issued by the National Petroleum Corporation of Namibia (NAMCOR). ‘’To me, local content has a greater economic impact than direct revenue from the oil sector because, if done well, it can generate more value than direct revenue from the oil sector. Consider the engineering services that must be provided to these companies, transportation, catering, and so that must be built, and I believe that is where the value…
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Parliament approves LARC members

Parliament approves LARC members

Martin Endjala The National Assembly has approved the appointment of four Land Advisory Reform Commission members by the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform after a heated debate over the fitness of one of the members to serve on the body. Minister Carl Schlettwein thanked the MPs for finally endorsing them. The endorsement of the four was adjourned last week following the heated and uncompromising exchanges. Today the chairperson of the Standing Committees on Natural Resources Kletus Karondo said the candidates fully qualified in over seeing their duties, while emphasizing that people should not be judged based on party…
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Southern caucus proud of its victory at PAP

Southern caucus proud of its victory at PAP

Martin Endjala The Southern Caucus of the Pan-African Parliament is determined to support the newly elected president of PAP from its midst to validate the slogan of One Africa, One Voice. President Chief Fortune Charumbira from Zimbabwe was elected last week to head PAP. The caucus said that they will ensure that the office of the president receives to promote democracy, unity and inclusiveness for all Africans. This approach the cluster said is part of its efforts to achieve and tackle challenges in the delivery of health services and sanitation. The group impressed upon Charumbira to lead the PAP in…
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Old Mutual targets small businesses for empowerment

Old Mutual targets small businesses for empowerment

Tujoromajo Kasuto The Old Mutual Sustainable, Economic, and Empowerment Drive (OM SEED) initiative, launched in collaboration with Launch Namibia, the Financial Literacy Initiative (FLI), and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Accelerator Lab, aims to empower 180 entrepreneurs with N$85 000. Old Mutual Foundation manager of communications Mufaro Nesongano states OM SEED is an initiative that they have endorsed for the next three years, beginning this year. Every year, they will target the grassroots market in three randomly selected towns across the 14 regions. ‘’This year we have specifically selected Keetmanshoop, Oshakati and Windhoek, as these towns are strategically located…
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