
8195 Posts
Namibia records 100 Covid-19 deaths in a month

Namibia records 100 Covid-19 deaths in a month

Kandjemuni Kamuiiri Namibia’s COVID-19 death toll continues to grow at an exponential rate, with the country recording over 100 deaths in one month. Since the outbreak of the virus up to January 21, Namibia had recorded a total of 300 deaths. The country’s COVID-19 deaths have now surpassed the 400 mark according to the latest figures from the Health ministry, with a total of 406 deaths recorded. Over the last three days, the Health Ministry has announced seven COVID-19 related deaths. Minister of Health and Social Services, Kalumbi Shangula, said the four new deaths were recorded in Windhoek, Onamdjokwe Mariental…
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No new national airline on the horizon

No new national airline on the horizon

Andrew Kathindi Public Enterprises Minister, Leon Jooste, has ruled out the establishment of another airline after the liquidation of Air Namibia. The pronouncement by the minister comes after a mass demonstration led by National Union of Namibian Workers (NUNW), which called for the reversal of Cabinet’s decision on the airline, and for the immediate removal of the State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) minister ended in failure after government reiterated its stance on the closure of Air Namibia. Jooste told Windhoek Observer, “At the moment, the answer is no. So of course, strategically in our normal planning, that's where the Director of…
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Trade unions relevant as long as workers’ exploitation continues

Kae Matundu-Tjiparuro Increasingly aspersions have been cast by different sectors of society including social, political and economic analysts and commentators, as well as the media, on the efficacy and efficiency of local trade unions and unionists. Some commentators and analysts even doubting and questioning the relevance of trade unions, unionists anymore. Any ideologues worth the salt cannot but seriously ponder such postulations if not dismiss the all together. Because the essence of trade unions and unionists is the old age struggle of the workers in any society against the exploitative system. In the true principle of dialectical materialism workers, and…
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The Time Traveler: Air Namibia, and building things that last

Hugh Ellis Everyone who came back from exile has different memories of the trip home. One that stands out for me is my first sight of the Air Namibia (then still Namib Air) airplane, with its distinctive logo, through the window of Frankfurt Airport. I was only 12 years old then, but it was the first time I remember feeling a sense of national pride. Air Namibia’s forthcoming liquidation hurts. It hurts hard. For 600 employees who will now lose their jobs, this hurt is doubtless far, far worse. I am truly sad that Air Namibia, at least for a…
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Abortion debate huddles in Parliament

Abortion debate huddles in Parliament

Kandjemuni Kamuiiri The much anticipated Parliamentary debate on legalizing abortion in Namibia could fail to materialize this year, with the National Assembly confirming that the motion, which lapsed last year, had not been re-tabled and thus not scheduled to be debated by the house. This comes after Deputy Minister of Health, Ester Muinjangue who tabled the legalization of abortion last year, had maintained that the discussion will happen at the beginning of the year when the Parliament reopens for 2021. “As far as I am concerned the matter was still up for discussion, the motion has not lapsed, it is…
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Challenge Air lawyers start hunt for Air Namibia’s assets

Challenge Air lawyers start hunt for Air Namibia’s assets

Andrew Kathindi Lawyers representing Anicent Baun, liquidators representing Challenge Air on Friday served Air Namibia with a writ of execution after the airline breached a settlement agreement, where it was supposed to have paid N$ 103 million by end of day Thursday. According to the writ of execution, in possession of Windhoek Observer, a public auction of the airliner’s assets is to be held in order to raise EURO 5,800,000.00, or its equivalence in Namibian dollars at the rate of 20 per cent. This amount is to be deemed tempore morae, a legal term meaning the interest on a claim…
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RMB wins global finance magazine award

RMB wins global finance magazine award

Staff Writer RMB Namibia has been recognised by Global Finance magazine as the 2021 Best Treasury and Cash Management Bank. “We are extremely proud of Global Finance’s recognition of the long-term value we orchestrate for our clients. With the advent of Covid-19, the importance of innovative and self-service electronic banking channels that enable multijurisdictional optimisation of liquidity and cash management have become even more vital for corporates.” RMB Namibia CEO Philip Chapman said. RMB’s launch of multiple country online balance viewing and local and cross-border online payments, including the ability to invest through online channels, has enabled global treasurers to…
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Alternative channels: affordable and accessible to all

Alternative channels: affordable and accessible to all

Staff Writer “Over the past few years, FNB Namibia has focused on developing a strong financial service offering, with special emphasis on digitisation, says Rodney Forbes, Executive Officer: FNB Points of Presence. “This means that we are constantly finding ways and means to ensure that every customer of ours has access to banking services without a physical branch”. Forbes advised that the digitisation strategy of FNB has been successful thus far and has cemented the outlook of the bank that expanding and increasing its branch and ATM footprint is not part of the bank’s overall digitalisation strategy. “We review our…
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Health ministry rules out test for Chinese vaccine

Health ministry rules out test for Chinese vaccine

Maria Hamutenya Ministry of Health and Social Services (MOHSS) says no compatibility tests will be made on the donated Chinese vaccine, which is set to arrive in Namibia soon. This comes after the Chines Ambassador Zhang Yiming yesterday, (Thursday) announced that it will be donating 100 000 Covid-19 vaccine doses on the request of the Namibian government. Despite findings that another Covid-19 drug developed by AstraZeneca and also due to arrive in Namibia at the end of the month under the COVAX facility is less effective on the new Covid strain, the ministry’s Executive Director, Ben Nangombe, is adamant there…
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Government stands firm on Air Namibia liquidation

Government stands firm on Air Namibia liquidation

Andrew Kathindi The Government is not backing down from its decision to voluntarily liquidate Air Namibia, after Finance Minister, Iipumbi Shiimi, yesterday (Thursday) defended government’s stance on the matter. “At this stage, the country’s economy can no longer afford to perpetually provide financial support to Air Namibia at the expense of supporting economic growth and critical social services. It is, therefore, with that consideration that government took a decision to file for the voluntary liquidation of Air Namibia,” said the Finance minister. This comes as Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa was also quoted by the local media saying government will not…
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