
9405 Posts
Namibia needs to be smarter when dealing with investors-Smith

Namibia needs to be smarter when dealing with investors-Smith

Martin Endjala Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) MP Nico Smit told the National Assembly yesterday that Namibia needs to be smarter when dealing with investors, who undertake mining activities in the country. Smit made this observation in the light of the recent oil and gas discoveries in the country that of late has the talk of the nation. Smit’s contribution was in support of the findings and recommendations by the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Natural Resources chairperson Tjekero Tweya. The report recommends that the Ministry of Mines and Energy review its ownership license and conduct regular monitoring on companies involved in…
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Trouble in AR family<br>…Job accused of taking bribes

Trouble in AR family
…Job accused of taking bribes

The big wigs of the Affirmative Repositioning Movement (AR) are at each other's throats relating to alleged financial mismanagement, misuse and bullying of other members. This revealed evident in a warning letter to the leader of the movement Job Amupanda penned by AR spokesperson, Simon Amunime and AR election coordinator Paulus Paulus. IN the letter the two unleashed their anger in a scathing manner to AR activist in Chief Job Amupanda, who they are accusing of character assassination, as well as implicating them in financial scandals. They say if he does not stop tarnishing their names they will be left…
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Omuthiya council faces patent lawsuit

Omuthiya council faces patent lawsuit

Obrein Simasiku The much hyped about Omuthiya Othithiya Festival and Career Fair, which is slated for the end of this month, is now hanging in the balance, as a lawsuit relating to Intellectual Property has been brought against Omuthiya Town Council. However, the council is adamant to fight the lawsuit and go ahead hosting the jamboree.This comes after an aspirant host of Othithiya Festival, Samuel Shinedima through his lawyers, Salmon Kanyemba Legal Practitioners, demand answers on why the town council copied an idea he had initially presented to them [council] on 16 July 2019. He claims that without responding to…
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Venaani wants value added on country’s rwa materials

Venaani wants value added on country’s rwa materials

Martin Endjala President of the Popular Democratic Movement McHenry Venaani says Namibia’s inability to add value to its natural and raw materials in the major contributing factor to the high unemployment rate in the country.Investors, he said, export these materials in the raw form, only benefiting their countries of origin. Venaani echoed this narratives during yesterday’s National Assembly session in support of a motion moved by Inna Hengari calling for a State of Emergency on Youth Unemployment. The PDM leader raised concerns about policy frameworks that are seen to be exacerbating the youthunemployment. He said the fact that foreigners have…
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Biomass offers another income stream to farmers

Biomass offers another income stream to farmers

Obrein Simasiku The Agricultural Bank (AgriBank) and Namibia Biomass Industry Group have sealed an agreement to work on the development and amendment of financing products aimed at scaling-up projects in bush control and biomass utilization, as well as the sharing of data required to develop loan products that are responsive to market needs. In addition, the Biomass Group will provide expertise through the Advisory Service component, more especially on risk assessment of bush control and biomass utilisation loans, in line with the Bank’s policies and regulations. These were outlined during the signing of a five-year Memorandum of Understanding today, where…
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Model law on PFM Adopted

Model law on PFM Adopted

Moses Magadza in Malawi LILONGWE – The 51st Plenary Assembly session of the SADC Parliamentary Forum has today (14 July, 2022) adopted the much-anticipated Model Law on Public Financial Management (PFM), raising hopes in a region in which lack of accountability in the use of public funds has perennially jinxed socioeconomic development. The Plenary Assembly is the highest decision making body of SADC PF, the deliberative body that brings together 15 national parliaments of the SADC PF. It met under hybrid conditions - largely physically and partly virtually - in the Malawian capital city of Lilongwe and was taken through…
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TransNamib facing strike action

TransNamib facing strike action

Obrein Simasiku TransNamib is developing cold feet ahead of the looming strike set to begin on Monday across nine centres of the state rail and road transport entity. The strike is led by the Namibia Transport and Allied Workers Union (Natau). TransNamib is pleading with the union to avert the strike, saying it will just result in more repercussions on the financially embattled organisation. The strike is related to a protracted wage dispute as well as TransNamib's adopted strategy to lay-off employees through a voluntary retrenchment, dating back to 2020. "The management has also opened the books to the Union…
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Gender completes new verification system

Gender completes new verification system

Staff Writer The Ministry of Gender Equality, Poverty Eradication and Social Welfare has completed the verification of the beneficiaries of its social welfare programmes. Through this verification process the ministry has removed 18 503 beneficiaries from its register, saving the government five million dollars. This figure included 4156 deceased beneficiaries and 249 expired Disability Grants. “The deletion of the 4156 deceased beneficiaries has already realised a saving of N$ 5 million. The reason for the disparity is that some of the data transferred from SAS to ISAS, could not be positively verified against the NPRS as an authentic record of…
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Women officers take charge of northern regions<br>…. Ndeitunga says patience is a virtue

Women officers take charge of northern regions
…. Ndeitunga says patience is a virtue

Obrein Simasiku The Police have promoted three women as regional heads breaking with the tradition that most senior positions were reserved for men. Police Chief Sebastian Ndeitunga says he is happy that they exercise patience, which is a virtue, "I told them to be patient and not rush, their time was coming, and it has now happened." Recently Ndeitunga announced the promotion of Commissioner Julia Sakuwa-Neo, as the new regional commander of Kavango West, taking over from Josephat Abel, who retired. Sakuwa served as head of administration in the Oshikoto region and 26 years of experience in the force. Teopoline…
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PM defends extradition draft with Russia

PM defends extradition draft with Russia

Martin Endjala Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila defended a draft extradition treaty between Namibia and Russia in the National Assembly yesterday. She said that the treaty between Namibia and Russia on extradition of persons for criminal matters is in accordance with the Namibian constitution and therefore supports the draft treaty for tabling in the chamber.Deputy Leader of the Landless People’s Movement, Henny Seibeb who said the draft treaty, creates the impression that the treaty will be retrospective, which he strongly denounced as not allowed in terms of the constitution. The provision, Seibeb referred to, suggests that assistance for extradition shall be…
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