
8220 Posts
Geingob pays tribute to Ngavirue

Geingob pays tribute to Ngavirue

Tujoromajo Kasuto President Hage Geingob lauded late Ambassador, Zedekia Tjitana Ngavirue, as “a proud Son of Namibia and one of the finest diplomats this country has produced”, stating that he has left a huge void which can never be filled.” Ngavirue was laid to rest on Tuesday, 6 July in Okakarara, Otjozondjupa Region, as per his wish. Geingob stated at the funeral, “It was with great shock and dismay that we learnt of the passing of this renowned and respected colleague on June 24, 2021. Even though it has been more than a week since we received that sad news,…
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Schools to re-open August 4

Schools to re-open August 4

Staff Writer Schools meant to resume face-to-face learning later this month will now start their classes on 4 August, the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture has revealed. All learners from pre-primary to Grade 9 and Grades 10 to advanced subsidiary learners (AS) who were to start classes on 26 July and 19 July respectively, will now be back in classes on 4 August, despite President Hage Geingob last week warning that according to expert opinion, the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic could yet reach its peak in August. “Expert projections and simulation tools indicate that the rising incidence…
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Geingob appoints 4IR Task Force

Geingob appoints 4IR Task Force

Tujoromajo Kasuto President Hage G. Geingob has appointed an eight-member Task Force to harness opportunities in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). The Office of the Presidency in a media release says the inception of the Task Force is “informed by the fact that the world has undergone a paradigm shift with the convergence of technologies, requiring deeper understanding of the disruptive impact of 4IR on society. In establishing the Task Force, President Geingob is also fulfilling a commitment made during the 2021 State of the Nation Address.” “The 4IR Task Force is comprised of members drawn from academia, the private…
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Delta presence won’t change approach – Ministry

Delta presence won’t change approach – Ministry

Andrew Kathindi The Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS) says it will not change its approach in pooling for resources despite confirming the presence of the Delta variant in Namibia. “Whether it’s the Delta variant, Beta variant or some other variant. They spread in the same manner. It’s a question of wearing your mask and sanitising your hands. We are being told that this variant is more transmissible. It just means that people need to comply with the regulations,” MoHSS Executive Director, Ben Nangombe, told Windhoek Observer. He further informs the ministry has set up a field hospital bringing…
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Long live Republic of Cuba!

Kae Matundu-Tjiparuro Global news has it that Cuba has developed her own Covid-19 vaccine with an efficacy of 92%. For any internationalist this is surely good news and one cannot but wish the Cuban people all the best in this great feat. Which, ultimately, knowing the international solidarity that Cuba has been renowned for years in not only believing and espousing it, but practically manifesting it, she is bound to benefit not only the Cuban people, but at one point or another she is bound to practically extend her achievements on the medicinal sphere, relating to the Pandemic on this…
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Stalemate over Rukoro, Kerina burial

Stalemate over Rukoro, Kerina burial

Staff Writer Stalemate, is how the situation can appropriately be described regarding the commitment to eternal earth of both the Paramount Chief (PC) of the Ovaherero, Vekuii Rukoro, and liberation petitioning stalwart, Mburumba Kerina. Both are destined for the burial at Ovaherero Heroes and Heroines’ Acre in Okahandja. PC Rukoro naturally as has been the tradition for many years pre-colonial with the likes of Tjamuaha and Maharero laid to rest in Okahandja. And in later years Samuel Maharero since 1923 with the re-interment of his remains from Botswana. With late Kerina this is by his own wishes being first among…
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AfCFTA: SADC PF symposium shines light on key pitfalls

AfCFTA: SADC PF symposium shines light on key pitfalls

Moses Magadza A regional symposium convened by the SADC Parliamentary Forum (SADC PF) for SADC parliaments last week has revealed pitfalls on the road towards full realisation of the Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) and galvanised parliamentary action as the region angles for rich pickings from the colossal trade agreement. The AfCFTA Agreement was signed in 2018. It came into force in January this year. Its newly-appointed Secretary General, South African Wamkele Mene, said with a membership of 55 countries, the AfCFTA is poised to be “the largest Free Trade Area (FTA) in the world in terms of membership,…
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Kerina to be laid to rest on Sunday 4 July

Kerina to be laid to rest on Sunday 4 July

Tujoromajo Kasuto The late Professor, Mburumba Kerina, who passed away on 14 June, will be laid to rest at the Heroes and Heroines Cemetery in Okahandja, Otjozondjupa Region this Sunday, 4 July. According to a statement on Thursday by the office of the Executive Director of the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (MICT), the memorial service will be held on Saturday, 3 July at Parliament Gardens in Windhoek. The memorial and burial ceremonies will be broadcasted live on the MICT official Facebook pages. The statement also reiterates that, “the State Funeral of the Late Professor Mburumba Kerina will be…
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LPM questions stricter regulations

LPM questions stricter regulations

Andrew Kathindi Landless People’s Movement (LPM) Leader, Bernardus Swartbooi, is questioning the decision of the Government on stricter regulations stating that it has not been proven that lockdown has helped curb the spread of COVID-19. The new regulations, which came into effect at midnight on 1 July until 15 July, are meant to stop the further spread of COVID-19 as Namibia grapples with the reality of a fierce third wave. The LPM Leader, however, argues that the Government has no basis to measure or declare the regulations as successful. “1524 deaths and people are claiming that the lockdown has been…
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President warns third wave peak yet to come

President warns third wave peak yet to come

Andrew Kathindi President Hage Geingob has warned that the third wave of COVID-19 that has been ravaging the country could yet get worse, stating that the spread could reach its peak in August. This comes as the country has recorded over 34 000 cases in the month of June alone. “Expert projections and simulation tools indicate that the rising incidence curve, during this Third Wave, is expected to peak around mid-August, and may continue well until mid-September 2021. The darkest hour of the night, comes just before day-break. It is expected to get worse, before it becomes better. We must…
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