
8220 Posts
LPM wants Otjiwarongo top official booted out

LPM wants Otjiwarongo top official booted out

Staff Writer THE Landless People’s Movement (LPM) wants the Minister of Urban and Rural Development, Erastus Uutoni, to nullify the election of the Chairperson of Management Committee of the Otjiwarongo municipality, Gothard Hoko. In a strongly worded statement, LPM’s Deputy Leader and Chief Strategist, Henny Seibeb, says the election of Hoko (Swapo) was not procedural as his nomination was not seconded. He also urges the Ministry’s Executive Director, Daniel Nghidinua and Chairperson of the Magistrates’ Commission, Philanda Christiaan, to investigate and nullify “the illegal self-appointed and imposed" Chairperson of Otjiwarongo municipality's Management Committee.’ Hoko was nominated by Hilde Noreses (Swapo)…
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Safari hotel comes under Accor wing

Safari hotel comes under Accor wing

Staff Writer THE Accor Group has taken over the management of the Safari hotels and Conference Centre in Windhoek. The iconic city resort located next to Eros Airport and just ten minutes from the city centre, features the 215-room Safari Court Hotel, the 199-room Safari Hotel, and the country’s most prominent conference centre, with 16 venues including a 1 600-square-metre ballroom catering to 2 400 delegates. This expansive hotel complex, considered the capital’s premier leisure and business destination, also offers swimming pools amid landscaped gardens, a selection of dining venues, a modern fitness centre, and a relaxed atmosphere, enhanced by…
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Ministry to lift mineral rights ban

Ministry to lift mineral rights ban

Staff Writer Minister of Mines and Energy, Tom Alweendo, has announced the lifting of the suspension on the application for mineral rights. These includes a proposal to amend the mineral rights law, would give the Minister power to auction certain mineral rights in line with the recommendations of the High Level Economic Panel on the Presidency. A Ministry’s statement on Monday places a temporary suspension on the application for mineral rights on 6 November, 2020, with the suspension/moratorium having expired on 31 August, as per the Government Gazette No.308. “The law will be amended to allow the Minister to determine…
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Hausiku declared national hero

Hausiku declared national hero

STAFF WRITER THE fact that Marco Hausiku died on Heroes Day, 26 August 2021 is not a coincidence but a clear marker of his outstanding contributions to the liberation struggle and the development of an independent Namibia. This was said by President Hage Geingob when he visited Hausiku’s residence to pay his condolences to the family on Monday. Geingob told the family the government had decided to confer on Haufiku the honour of a hero’s funeral. The family accepted the honour. “Under the powers vested in the President by article 32(3)(h) of the Constitution of the Republic of Namibia, read…
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Rietquelle High School has highest cases in Omaheke

Rietquelle High School has highest cases in Omaheke

TUJOROMAJO KASUTO OMAHEKE region has reported a surge in Covid-19 cases over the past few weeks with 230 recorded last week. According Minister of Health and Social Services, Dr Kalumbi Shangula, the region recorded most cases, with 62 recorded yesterday, representing 34 percent of all confirmed cases, 90 percent thereof pupils. Shangula says the majority of cases in the Omaheke region were from the Rietquelle High School, in Gobabis District, where more cases were also reported since last week. “It is a transfer from the community to the school, as it only requires one case from home to come infect…
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NamPower starts 287km transmission line

NamPower starts 287km transmission line

Staff Writer THE country’s power utility, NamPower, has started constructing a 287km long 400 kV Auas-Gerus transmission line. This is part of the N$3,5 billion 833 kilometre expansion programme involving three projects. The line to run from Auas substation near Dordabis to Gerus substation near Otjiwarongo, is part of the company’s investment in expanding its 400kV transmission infrastructure backbone, by more than 800 kilometres. “The construction of the transmission line is a testament of NamPower’s ambition to deliver sustainable security of supply and a least-cost tariff path that will support economic growth and maintain the company’s financial sustainability,” reads a…
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NEEEF no panacea but promises an incremental socio-economic reform

MID-TERM through his second and last term, the clock is no doubt ticking fast for incumbent President, His Excellency Hage Geingob, to establish a governance legacy, foremost for himself, and the country. After 30 years plus of independence, freedom and sovereignty, for any incumbent president the colonial legacy can no longer serve as an excuse for non-performance and non-delivery on the promises of independence. That is why the incumbent president is in the unenviable position that he can no longer hide behind the colonial legacy if unable to deliver. Thirty plus years is enough a time for the necessary foundation…
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Shebeens – The weakest link?

The strength of any chain to protect the nation against the pandemic lies in its weakest link. The restrictive regulations on shebeens and bars vs. the lighter touch for restaurants, casinos, nightclubs and hotels are classist and ineffective in curbing the spread of the pandemic. Shebeens are banned from onsite alcohol sales because their clients supposedly have a higher risk of spreading Covid as they will not follow pandemic social gathering regulations. Restaurants, hotels, casinos, and nightclubs are permitted to consume alcohol on site, supposing they will follow social gathering regulations. We remain unconvinced that this assumption holds. We are…
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KK not one for quiet diplomacy, Nujoma

KK not one for quiet diplomacy, Nujoma

Staff Writer Former Minister of Youth, National Service, Sport and Culture Kazenambo Kazenambo (KK), was one not for quiet diplomacy. Says Founding President, Sam Nujoma, in a tribute read on his behalf by Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Jenelly Matundu. Matundu read the tribute at the Parliament Gardens at memorial service in memory of KK in Windhoek on Friday afternoon. Nujoma described KK, as he was affectionately known, as “one of our fearless and formidable freedom fighters, whose illustrious military and political career speaks volume of his immense contribution to our country before and after independence”. Kazenambo died…
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City demands apology over story

City demands apology over story

Staff Writer THE Windhoek City Council has dismissed as factually incorrect a story published by The Namibian last week concerning allowances for councilors demanding an apology. In a media release on 24 August by the Office of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), the Council is taking issue with an article titled “Fat salaries for city bosses”. The story alleges that Windhoek Mayor, Job Amupanda, is set to be paid a monthly allowance of more than N$70 000 – at least N$5 000 more than his predecessors. Amupanda will also be entitled to numerous perks, including an annual entertainment allowance of…
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