
8150 Posts
Auditor General not taken seriously

Auditor General not taken seriously

Accounting officers at government ministries, including State House are failing to implement recommendations and advice by the Auditor General in his audit reports. This is becoming a cause for concern as the same recommendation and observations are made by the Auditor General over some years. While the Auditor General is doing commendable work in thoroughly auditing the finances of government, it goes to waste if his recommendations are simply ignored. In three financial reports tabled by the Auditor General in the National Assembly recently, the AG repeatedly express concern over recommendation that were made in previous reports not implemented. The…
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MPs question effectiveness of unemployment interventions

MPs question effectiveness of unemployment interventions

Martin Endjala A comment by the Deputy Minister of Works and Transport that he does not agree with the sentiments that government is not doing enough to address the high unemployment in the country got opposition MPs hot under the collar. Veikko Nekundi’s comment was not well received by PDM MP Vipuakuje Muharukua, but the Swapo deputy minister said the motion, that was tabled by PDM’s Inna Hengari, is aimed at downplaying good things done by the ruling party. The motion, Nekundi said, is very important, but is coated in an amateurish content that seems to be geared for campaigning…
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Alweendo calls for positive attitude

Alweendo calls for positive attitude

Martin Endjala The Minister of Mines and Energy has called for a positive attitude among Namibians during his information sharing sessions in the two Kavango regions. Tom Alweendo explained that the country is in a very good position to become one of the biggest producers of green hydrogen energy in the world, given its geographical location. The green Hydrogen project has received worldwide publicity with three European countries such as Germany, Netherlands and Belgium already at the forefront of transitioning to renewable energy to counter fossil fuels, which are regarded as the main contributors to global warming. About 40 million…
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SADC PF wants right to health enforceable

SADC PF wants right to health enforceable

Moses Magadza THE Secretary General of the SADC Parliamentary Forum, Ms Boemo Mmandu-Sekgoma has made the case for the right to health to be recognised as a justiciable one that can be enforced in the courts of law, which is not the case in most African countries. Mmandu-Sekgoma made the call when she addressed the opening session of the second continental conference on the impact of Covid-19 on HIV responses in Africa that was held in Windhoek, Namibia on 30 June, 2022. The conference was organised by the reconstituted Committee on the Protection of PLHIV under the aegis of the…
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Exhibition gives voice to voiceless<br>descendants of victims of genocide

Exhibition gives voice to voiceless
descendants of victims of genocide

Staff Writer “ONDJEMBO YO NULL VIER” is the title of the exhibition by a German national, which opened on Thursday at the National Art Gallery of Namibia (NAGN). It is not accidental that the exhibition has been titled as such with “Ondjembo” meaning gun in Otjiherero and “Null Vier” being reference in German to 1904. Thus the exhibition is about the wars of the indigenous Ovaherero, Ovambanderu and Nama people during which they fought intense battles fought. The 1904 to 1908, years are ordinarily but erroneously came to the associated with the battles of the indigenous against German colonialism, and…
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Katjiua proclaims paramountcy

Katjiua proclaims paramountcy

Tujoromajo Kasuto Professor Mutjinde Katjiua, the Paramount Chief of the Ovaherero says that the storm is over and there should be no doubt that he is the legitimate leader after chaos had erupted within the leadership of the OvaHerero Traditional Authority with former council chairperson Vipuira Kapuuo also wanting a seat at the table. ‘’The Ovaherero Chiefs Council has nominated, designated and elected me following an established process, and then as part of that process has taken me through the established process at specified holy fires to link my being with the ancestors,’’ said Katjiua at a media conference today.…
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Incompetence blamed for missing 241 vehicles

Incompetence blamed for missing 241 vehicles

Obrein Simasiku The Auditor General Junius Kandjeke has flagged the Ministry of Health and Social Services for the recurrence of missing vehicles for the past five years, despite efforts and measures to seal the loopholes. This is after the AG uncovered that from a total of 1888 ministry fleet, 241 cannot be accounted for, a situation he says, has been recurring for the past five years, while another issue of incompetence involves that of an employee who resigned in August, but still managed to process 76 transactions amounting to N$1 565 487. "The master list of all vehicles owned by…
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Late Ludik described as a trailblazer in forensics

Late Ludik described as a trailblazer in forensics

Martin Endjala The late Paul Stefan Ludik who died last week due to a long illness has been described as a trailblazer who has opened doors for his peers and compatriots and as someone who has set the bar high. The former head of forensic at the Namibian Police was a renowned academic in the forensic world. This was said by President Hage Geingob in his message of condolences today. “On behalf of theGovernment and people of the Republic of Namibia, I extend our heartfelt condolences and sinceresympathies to the Ludik family, friends and compatriots of the late Dr Paul…
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Namibians urged substitute expensive imported goods with local products

Namibians urged substitute expensive imported goods with local products

Tujoromajo Kasuto Minister of Industrialisation and Trade, Lucia Ipumbu has called on Namibians to consume local products to mitigate high international price hikes. The Minister said this on the occasion of the Buy Local Grow Namibia Informal Sector Engagements campaign launched today which supports the recovery of Namibia’s local businesses by calling on all Namibians to Buy Local and Grow Namibia by purchasing local products first. Additionally, the campaign aims to help Namibian businesses promote their products and services and encourages Namibian’s to support their community by shopping locally. Ipumbu said ‘’this is critical especially given the commodities supply constraints…
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MICRO continues to value diplomatic collaboration

MICRO continues to value diplomatic collaboration

Staff Writer The Minister of International Relations and Corporation Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah says Namibia values all its bilateral partnerships. Nandi-Ndaitwah said this today addressing members of the Diplomatic Corps accredited to Namibia at the annual diplomatic briefing. “For Namibia, these in-and-outbound trade missions took place to countries such as Angola, Ghana, India, Nigeria, Qatar, Spain, Switzerland and the United States of America, to mention but a few. We look forward to continue working with you, Your Excellencies on the trajectory of further strengthening economic ties between Namibia and your respective countries and how we can link up our private sectors who…
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