
8150 Posts
NWR sees return to profitability in 2024

NWR sees return to profitability in 2024

CHAMWE KAIRA The Namibia Wildlife Resorts expects to return to profitability in 2024 after being badly affected by the Covid 19 pandemic, which saw a drop in visitors to the country and to its resorts. Just before the pandemic, NWR reduced its losses from N$171m in 2020 to N$97m in 2021 that is 44% or N$77 million. “We just came back from a difficult phase that almost wiped us out of business. We still expect 2022 to be a hard year for us. We foresee changes only from 2024 onwards,” said Nelson Ashipala, manager of corporate communications. Pressed on the…
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Hyphen tables financing options for hydrogen

Hyphen tables financing options for hydrogen

CHAMWE KAIRA Hyphen Hydrogen Energy is looking at all financing options for its green hydrogen project in southern Namibia. The company says it is making positive progress on its discussions with the government as it moves towards signature of the implementation agreement before the end of the year on its US$10 billion Namibian green hydrogen project. Hyphen is a Namibian registered green hydrogen development company, specifically formed to develop green hydrogen projects in Namibia for international, regional and domestic supply. Hyphen successfully bid on and has been awarded preferred bidder status on 4000 square kilometers of land within the Tsau…
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Russian mine to propel Namibia to uranium big league

Russian mine to propel Namibia to uranium big league

CHAMWE KAIRA The planned establishment of a Russian owned uranium mine in the Omaheke Region could further propel Namibia to grow its contribution to the world’s uranium output. Russia’s Uranium One Group aims to invest up to N$8,5 billion in the Namibian economy. The money will not be raised on the local market. “Uranium One is a state-owned company of Rosatom, thus as a state-owned company it will not be necessary to raise the funds as is the case in a private enterprise,” the company said in response to questions from the Windhoek Observer. The company said the money to…
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Fishrot scandal ultimate test for Whistle-blower Act

Fishrot scandal ultimate test for Whistle-blower Act

Obrien Simasiku The Fishrot scandal, regarded as the biggest corruption cases ever to have happened in an independent Namibia is touted as the most challenging scenario to test the effectiveness and implementation of the Whistleblower Protection Act of 2017, says the Minister of Justice Yvonne Dausab. The high level corruption involves, whistleblower Johannes Stefánsson, the former director of operations in Namibia for the Icelandic fishing company Samherji, who spilled the beans involving hundreds of millions of dollars in which businessmen and politicians benefitted in bribers, while facilitating the access to fishing quotas for Samherji in Namibian waters. At the centre…
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Tsumeb resident sues Shopright for injuries

Tsumeb resident sues Shopright for injuries

Tujoromajo Kasuto A Tsumeb resident, Veronika Neidel is suing Shoprite Namibia N$500 000 for alleged injuries sustained while shopping at a Shopright outlet at the Le Platz Shopping Centre, in Hage Geingob Street at the copper town late last year. According to court documents, on 3 September 2021, and at the defendant’s shop situated at Le Platz Shopping Centre, 1304 Hage Geingob Street, Tsumeb, Neidel allegedly slipped and fell as a result of an uneven and dangerous tile on the floor of the shop. As a result, the she sustained soft tissue injuries and a concealed pelvic fracture, according to…
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GIPF takes a stand against unethical conduct

GIPF takes a stand against unethical conduct

Martin Endjala The Government Institutes Pension Fund (GIPF) is promising to come down on individuals and organizations that are conducting themselves unethically, as it launched today its Ethics Helpdesk and website for whistleblowers, to create and promote a culture of speaking out without fear of retribution or intimidation against corruption. According to GIPF the ethics management strategy standard operations is linked to the implementation of whistleblowers mechanism that will ensure that they are protected and kept anonymous when they lift the lid on possible unethical conduct. The GIPF believes that improper and irregular behaviour will be nipped in the bud,…
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Government to effect civil service increase in October

Government to effect civil service increase in October

Obrein Simasiku Civil servants will receive the arrears of the revised salaries, housing and transport allowance on a new notch at the end of October, while the accumulated back pay will come in November. This comes following a settlement agreement between Government’s Negotiating Team and the employees bargaining units, Namibia Public Workers Union (NAPWU) and Namibia National Teachers Union (NANTU) in August, in which a N$924 million was set aside for the benefits and salaries of the more than 100 000 civil servants. The adjustment which came as a result of protracted wage negotiations between the parties escalated to a…
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Botswana, Namibia bi-national commission talks kick off

Botswana, Namibia bi-national commission talks kick off

Staff Writer The Botswana-Namibia Bi-National Commission, BNC inaugural session began today in Botswana. The BNC is a high-level bilateral platform that replaced the Joint Commission on Coo Operation and the Joint Permanent Commission on Security and Defence between the two countries through an agreement signed during the working visit by Botswana President Mokgweetsi Masisi to Windhoek in late January this year. Last year the two countries disbanded their Joint Permanent Commission on Defence and Security (JPCDS) during the 29th session at Swakopmund and elevated to a bi-national commission (BNC) on defence and security, chaired by the Heads of State of…
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Swapo Politburo done with top three

Swapo Politburo done with top three

Staff Writer Saara Kuukongelwa-Amadhila and incumbent vice president Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah came through as the only candidates at today’s Swapo Party Politburo meeting held in Windhoek to endorse nominations for the position of Vice President, secretary general and the deputy secretary general. Only the position of the president will not be contested and Hage Geingob will be going into the congress unchallenged. Nandi-Ndaitwah did not need any nomination as the incumbent after she declared herself as contesting, while Kuukongelwa Amadhila was nominated by Tobie Aupindi and seconded by Calle Schlettwein. The succession battles were always fought among the older generation or…
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40 Endombo families evicted

40 Endombo families evicted

Obrein Simasiku “Where will we go now, this is the only place our children knew and could call home,” these were the words of some tenants evicted from Tsumeb’s Endombo compound, as hundreds of people including women and children were left homeless today as they languished in the scorching sun, with no food or water, as the messenger of court or sheriff, continued to dump their properties outside. The evictees are from 40 households. The landlord Christo Groenewald said, justice is being served after years of being barred from accessing his property as well as the millions he lost in…
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