
8234 Posts
New agreement will address urgent health challenges

New agreement will address urgent health challenges

Niël Terblanché Namibia became one of 12 countries in Africa that have embarked on an ambitious initiative aimed at strengthening Emergency Preparedness and Response, Disease Surveillance by signing a Memorandum of Agreement with the World Health Organisation. The new MoA will increase Namibia’s capacity to manage and reinforce the prepare–detect–respond phases of future public health emergencies. At the same time, the WHO made more than N$50 million available to assist with funding for the initiative. While officiating at the signing ceremony the Minister of Health and Social Services, Dr Kalumbi Shangula, said the initiative is designed to build capacities in…
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BoN calls for competent and accountable institutions in energy sector

BoN calls for competent and accountable institutions in energy sector

Martin Endjala The Bank of Namibia has made a call to government that there is a need for Namibia to build competent and accountable institutions in order to ensure a level playing field for all actors operating in the energy industry. The central bank’s Governor Johannes !Gawaxab said that the integrity of government institutions is vital to ensure that Namibia maximizes the benefits of its oil industry. He was speaking at the 5th edition of the Namibia International Energy Conference, held under the theme, ‘Shaping the Future of Energy Towards Value Creation’. The conference drew policymakers, energy leaders, and industry…
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Engela Hospital staff accused of untidiness

Engela Hospital staff accused of untidiness

Hertta-Maria Amutenja Engela District Hospital, one of the biggest hospitals in the north has dozens of stray cats roaming the halls of the hospital and have become a nuisance to patients and the medical staff. The hospital not only caters for the 10 surrounding constituencies but also to Angolan nationals, who cross the border daily for various medical services, including antenatal care and collecting various medications. The Engela Hospital is situated at the border town of Helao Nafidi. Concerned patients and nurses recently revealed to the Windhoek Observer that stray cats frequently prowl the wards and hallways, especially at night,…
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“Only full reparation can remedy past wounds”

The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHCR) Special Rapporteurs are requesting for answers from both the Namibian and German governments regarding the way in which they have been dealing with the issue of Genocide, Apology and Reparations. While it has written to both governments this February, this has become public only this month. But be that as it may be, the UN is raising pertinent questions as well as making very fundamental observations. Observations which descendants all along have been raising and impressing upon our Namibian government and its German counterpart. With regard to the Namibian government, they are observing…
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International Workers’ Day is a cliché

May 1st is a holiday on automatic. With the theme of: 'Workers United in Ensuring Productivity for National Economic Growth and Guarding Against Unfair Labour Practices in the World of Work,' it is no wonder that International Workers' Day is not taken seriously. Whoever heard of a 19-word title that is so convoluted and cobbled together that it is meaningless? The holiday for workers is no longer an empowering call to arms for workers to unite around co-ownership of the means of production, profit sharing, better and safer working conditions, and labour union representation in all workshops and factories. Instead,…
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Swapo regalia on Cassinga Day confuses people

Swapo regalia on Cassinga Day confuses people

Stefanus Nashama The wearing of Swapo Party regalia has left many people in a state of confusion with mix feelings, questioning if Cassinga Day is a national public holiday or a Swapo day. This comes after Swapo Party Secretary General, Sophia Shaningwa and many other party members and Cassinga Survivors in party colours went to commemorate the Cassinga Day at the Swapo Party Office at Okandjengedi in Oshakati, Oshana Region yesterday. As declared by the Namibian Government, Cassinga is a national public holiday in Namibia, the Day in which Namibia remembers the Cassinga Massacre, commemorated annually on 4 May, the…
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Namibia reigns supreme in press freedom

Namibia reigns supreme in press freedom

Niël Terblanché Namibia has reclaimed the top spot in Africa as the country with the freest press. According to World Press Freedom Index, Namibia is not only ranking high on the African ladder but is also 22nd from the top, globally. On Wednesday, the world commemorated Press Freedom Day. In a statement, President Hage Geingob stated that the media is crucial to democracy, plays an essential role in keeping the public informed and is there to keep Government institutions accountable. “Therefore, the media is an important pillar of effective governance and should be assured that I will guarantee freedom of…
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Bloody massacre remembered on Cassinga Day

Bloody massacre remembered on Cassinga Day

Niël Terblanché THE 1978 attack on Cassinga, led by airborne soldiers of the South African army where more than 600 people died, after 45 years, still serves as a sombre reminder of the resolute resolve of Namibians during the long and bitter struggle for freedom. President Hage Geingob, in a special message, said that during the Cassinga attack and for many years after that, untold sacrifices were made, blood was shed and many lives were lost during the protracted war for the eventual liberation of Namibia. “Today marks 45 years since the fateful day on May 4, 1978, when hundreds…
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DRC sanitation standards get elevated

DRC sanitation standards get elevated

Niël Terblanché The community of the DRC informal settlement in Swakopmund has been working hard to improve sanitation and by default, health standards in their neighbourhood. The efforts by community-based organisations follow short on the heels of a recent report by the World Health Organization and UNICEF’s Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP) 2020 data that states Namibia is one of the worst countries in the world regarding rates of open defecation. According to the report, more than 40 percent of Namibians, about one million people do not have access to proper toilet facilities and the negative trend is getting worse. The…
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Baby killer still on the run

Baby killer still on the run

Hertta-Maria Amutenja The Namibian police in Omusati Region is still looking for the woman who allegedly murdered and dumped her new born baby boy last Saturday. The body was discovered by a woman who was collecting empty disposed tins around the Ogongo settlement. “We have not been able to arrest the suspect yet and no one from the community has come forth with any information regarding the incident. The suspect is still on the run, ”Basson said. Postpartum psychosis Registered Psychological Counsellor Diemut Amushila said women who suffer from postpartum depression usually have thoughts of self-harm or harming their newborn.…
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