
8220 Posts
Omusati appreciative of food assistance

Omusati appreciative of food assistance

Hertta-Maria Amutenja The Omusati Regional Governor, Erginus Endjala, has expressed his gratitude for the food assistance from the government, after his plea that the people of the region have become vulnerable because of the drought. Endjala made these remarks after the recently completed a two-week-long training workshop on Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC / IFSPC)) in Swakopmund. “The rainfall in Omusati was not favourable and it affected all humans and animals. As a result, people are in dire need of food and animals in need of fodders for animals. When we try to intervene, we need to consider both…
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Nedbank threatens Nafinu with defamation lawsuit

Nedbank threatens Nafinu with defamation lawsuit

Niël Terblanché Utterances made by the Namibia Financial Institutions Union (Nafinu) General Secretary Asnath Zamuee compelled Nedbank Namibia to seek legal recourse, Gernot De Klerk, the bank’s Spokesperson said. According to de Klerk, the financial institution will now assert and reserve its rights in terms of the various statements made and published, which he said are intended to cause significant reputational harm and spread unfortunate, and even intentional, falsehoods. “Some of these matters are currently under legal review, and given their malicious intent and false assertion of fact, will be dealt with through legal recourse,” he said. Zamuee said in…
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Foreign reserves peak to N$51.8 billion

Foreign reserves peak to N$51.8 billion

Chamwe Kaira The Bank of Namibia’s stock of international reserves increased in April to N$51.8 billion relative to the N$48.3 billion at the end of March, the central bank said. This is the highest figure the stocks have reached this year. The increase was on account of higher Southern African Customs Union receipts, diamond sales proceeds and FDI inflows in the manufacturing sector from the sale of Namibia Breweries Limited to Heineken as well as revaluation gains. “The foreign reserves translated into 5.4 months of import cover higher than the 5.1 months of import cover a month ago, remaining above…
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Locals can form JVs with foreigners for Green Schemes…. Investors required to have financial capacity of up to N$650m

Locals can form JVs with foreigners for Green Schemes…. Investors required to have financial capacity of up to N$650m

Chamwe Kaira Local investors who do not have financial capacity to bid for the leasing of Green Schemes may form joint ventures with foreign investors to bid for the leasing of the Green Schemes. The investors will be required that to access to, or has available, liquid assets, unencumbered real assets, lines of credit, and other financial means sufficient to meet the investment value requirement ranging from N$550 million to N$650 million. “The amounts required are not exaggerated or blindly put there, they’re real costs need to run each green scheme. These amounts vary from one scheme to another,” Ministry…
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More local companies need to list on the NSX

More local companies need to list on the NSX

Namibia Stock Exchange (NSX) CEO, Tiaan Bazuin this week gave Observer Money an update of the performance of the stock exchange, the impact of new legislation and the possibility of more companies listing. Observer Money (OM): What has been the performance of the NSX in the past year? Tiaan Bazuin (TB): Selected highlights of the NSX contributions to deepening and diversifying the capital markets in Namibia during 2022 and Performance on the NSX listed companies for the past year (2022) include: In the capital market, the overall comparative value traded was N$ 13,782 billion for the year ending December 2022…
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Loans holiday relief applications hit 377 875…. Value of loans approved under moratorium is N$5.8 billion…. Ministry of Justice planning amendment to restrict sale of property

Loans holiday relief applications hit 377 875…. Value of loans approved under moratorium is N$5.8 billion…. Ministry of Justice planning amendment to restrict sale of property

Chamwe Kaira The Bank of Namibia has disclosed that as of 30 April 2023, commercial banks received a total of 377 875 applications for holiday relief since a rollout in April 2020 to provide relief on property loans that were hard hit by the Covid 19 pandemic. Of this amount, 370 816 applications were approved. Kazembire Zemburuka, Director of Strategic Communications and International Relations told Observer Money that the banking industry is aware of the concerns raised regarding repossessions of houses and other property. He said it is for this reason; commercial banks continue to implement the measures instituted by…
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Oshikoto Man(31) rapes pensioner

Oshikoto Man(31) rapes pensioner

Hertta-Maria Amutenja A 31-year-old man was arrested after he allegedly raped a 79 year-old pensioner at Oshivelo in Oshikoto region. Oshikoto Regional Commander Commissioner Teopoline Kalompo-Nashikaku said in a report that the suspect entered the victim’s bedroom last Wednesday and sexually assaulted her. “It’s alleged that the victim was in the house sleeping in her bedroom when she saw the suspect opening the door of her room that was not locked and came inside the room. The victim then woke up asking who the person was, but the suspect started threatening her telling her to keep quiet otherwise he would…
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TransNamib to upscale manganese transportation to 30 000 tonnes

TransNamib to upscale manganese transportation to 30 000 tonnes

Chamwe Kaira TransNamib Holdings plans to double the transportation of manganese to the port of Lüderitz from the current 15 000 tonnes to 30 000 tonnes. The manganese comes Northern Cape in South Africa for export via Lüderitz. This development follows the reviving of the Aus to Lüderitz railway line after 20 years of dormancy. It is currently moving about 15 000 tonnes of manganese per month between Ariamsvlei and Lüderitz. “This route has become a major revenue-generating source for TransNamib, and we are in the process of upscaling the tonnage of manganese moved to 30 000 tonnes per month,…
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GIPF vows to invest more in the development of the country

GIPF vows to invest more in the development of the country

Martin Endjala The Government Institutions Pension Fund (GIPF) has reiterated its commitment to invest more in the country’s developmental sectors in an effort to uplift the livelihoods of people in all of Namibia’s regions by bringing services closer to them. The Fund’s Board of Trustees Chairperson, Nillian Mulemi revealed the plan during the official opening of a GIPF satellite office in Mariental in the Hardap Region on Wednesday. Mulemi said the opening of the satellite office was necessitated by a call from its members in the region who had to travel long distances to and from Keetmanshop or Windhoek to…
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Natural ambassadors are key to development of their home countries

Natural ambassadors are key to development of their home countries

Niël Terblanché The International Organisation for Migration (IOM), with the support of the Southern Africa Migration Management (SAMM) project, organized a regional capacity development workshop on the engagement of people living in the diaspora as natural ambassadors for their countries. The capacity development event contributed to building the technical and institutional mechanisms at the national levels on diaspora engagement and ensuring that the member states have the requisite capacity to engage their community in the diaspora, effectively. In order to support the creation of common approaches towards diaspora mapping and engagement, the IOM Diaspora Mapping Toolkit provides users with practical…
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