
8195 Posts
ACC arrests Education officials over tender involving N$ 3m

ACC arrests Education officials over tender involving N$ 3m

Martin Endjala The Anti-Corruption Commission has confirmed the arrest of two government employees and one local businessman in court for alleged corruption. The suspects, two of them employees at the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture were arrested last Wednesday. The trio is accused of conducting a string of corrupt activities dating back to 2018. The MoEAC employees are the 53-year-old Cornelius Willemse, a Stock Control Officer, the 54-year-old Veronica Goagoses, a Control Administrative Officer, and the 56-year-old, Desmond Kays a businessman. The Anti- graft watchdog said the suspects corruptly connived to defraud the Ministry of nearly N$3 million that…
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Zimbabwean Judge sworn in as Supreme Court Justice

Zimbabwean Judge sworn in as Supreme Court Justice

Hertta-Maria Amutenja Despite the backlash by opposition parties in appointing Zimbabwean Judge Rita Makarau as an acting Judge of the Supreme Court of Namibia, Makarau was sworn into her position yesterday. Makarau was sworn in by Chief Justice Peter Shivute and will serve from April 2023 to March 2024. Shortly after the announcement of Makarau’s appointment in March, opposition parties such as the Independent Patriots for Change (IPC), the Popular Democratic Movement (PDM), and the Namibia Economic Freedom Fighters (NEFF) questioned the appointment. She was appointed alongside Judge Hannelie Prinsloo and Judge Esi Schimming-Chase to serve as Acting Judges of…
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Home Affairs finally responds to same-sex marriage ruling

Home Affairs finally responds to same-sex marriage ruling

Martin Endjala The Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety and Security says that it will implement the immigration act as per the Supreme Court Judgement on the treatment of same-sex marriages validly concluded between Namibians and foreign nationals outside Namibia. The Ministry’s Executive Director, Etienne Maritz said, in a much anticipated statement that the government and the Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety and Security have taken note of the judgment and acknowledge the independence of the Courts and finality of Supreme Court decisions and in circumstances, the Ministry will comply with the judgment accordingly. In a telephonic interview with…
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CoW urges residents to pay for services

CoW urges residents to pay for services

Stefanus Nashama The City of Windhoek has urged its residents to prioritize paying for water and electricity and other city services, in order for the Municipality to continue delivering the services required in the informal settlements in the City. The City of Windhoek Mayor, Joseph Uapingene, made these remarks yesterday in an interview with the Windhoek Observer. Uapingene said all the services required to improve informal settlements need money, and they should be budgeted for because of the limited resources every year. “Our informal settlements are increasing daily, making it difficult for the Municipality to control communities and deliver services…
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Keetmanshoop farmer loses fight against MEFT over cheetahs

Keetmanshoop farmer loses fight against MEFT over cheetahs

Hertta-Maria Amutenja A Keetmanshoop farmer, Ingrid Mariana Nolte has lost her fight against the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism to have two cheetahs registered to her farm in a judgement delivered in the High Court yesterday. Judge Collins Parker said there was no sufficient evidence presented to the Minister of Environment, Forestry and Tourism, Pohamba Shifeta to how the Nolte came in possession of the two cheetahs. “I find that no sufficient or satisfactory evidence was placed before the minister as to how the applicant came in possession of the two cheetahs. When the applicant was making the application,…
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SADC education ministers to implement programmes in Open Science and Access

SADC education ministers to implement programmes in Open Science and Access

Hertta-Maria Amutenja The Southern African Development Community (SADC) Joint Committee of Ministers responsible for Education, Training, Science, Technology and Innovation has endorsed the recommendations from UNESCO to implement programmes in Open Science and Access. UNESCO’s Recommendation on Open Science provides an International Framework for Open Science Policy and practice that recognises disciplinary and regional differences in open science perspectives. The decision was taken at a meeting of the Committee of Ministers responsible for Education and Training and Science, Technology, and Innovation of SADC in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The meeting was chaired by Muhindo Nzangi Butondo, the Minister…
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Tabled Banking Bill to empower BoN in holding banks accountable

Tabled Banking Bill to empower BoN in holding banks accountable

Martin Endjala The Bank of Namibia will soon have the authority to deal with commercial banks that are contravening the Banking Institutions ACT following the introduction of the Banking Institutions Bill tabled in parliament which is intended to repeal the Banking Institutions Act, Act No. 2 of 1998 as amended. During the tabling of the Bill, the Minister of Finance and Public Enterprises, Iipimbu Shiimi said that the banking regulatory framework should be effective and responsive to the needs of the people and when promulgated, it will enhance the regulatory and supervisory framework for banking institutions and contribute to the…
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Retrenchments looming at Momentum

Retrenchments looming at Momentum

Hertta-Maria Amutenja One of the leading financial service providers, Momentum Metropolitan Namibia (MMN) has announced to its employees that it will embarked on a retrenchment exercise to save N$10 million on its payroll cost. The decision follows a business update engagement held between Group Chief Executive Officer Sakaria Nghikembua and all MMN employees, via the Microsoft Teams platform, on Monday. According to an internal memo seen by this publication the company has invited all employee levels in the Life Business, except for Sales Managers and Salespeople to apply for a voluntary retrenchment which is due end of next month. The…
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NCCI hosts Namibia’s first State of Business Address

NCCI hosts Namibia’s first State of Business Address

Martin Endjala It is no secret that geopolitics is becoming a factor in investment attraction and international trade and Namibia is said to be sailing in such turbulent waters. Hence the need to adopt a collective approach to navigate stormy waters. These were the words of the Namibia Chamber of Commerce and Industry President, Bisey Uirab during the first-of-its-kind State of Business Address in Namibia held in Windhoek on Monday, which will become an annual occurrence. Uirab said that there is a trend emerging from some quarters globally, among which there are developed countries that favour, and some would say…
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Namibia first to launch ROAM-X in Southern Africa

Namibia first to launch ROAM-X in Southern Africa

Stefanus Nashama While the mastery of technology continues to be one of the most modern development targets, Namibia has become the first country in Southern Africa to conduct a national assessment of the Internet Universality Indicators. The Deputy Minister of Information and Communication Technology, Emma Theofelus, yesterday officially launched the Namibia National Internet Universality Indicators (ROAM-X) Assessment at the Namibia University of Science and Technology HTTP Centre in Windhoek. The ROAM-X assessment aims to develop policy recommendations and practical initiatives that will enable Namibia to improve the national Internet ecosystem as advanced ICTs evolve, among other things. This assessment framework…
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