
8183 Posts
Namfisa will not prevent voluntary dissolution of medical aid funds

Namfisa will not prevent voluntary dissolution of medical aid funds

Martin Endjala The Namibia Financial Institutions Supervisory Authority (Namfisa) has reiterated that in terms of its prudential supervision of medical aid funds, it does not necessarily prevent the liquidation or voluntary dissolution of such funds. Namfisa stated that its function is merely to reduce the likelihood of liquidation or dissolution as other unforeseen factors may also adversely impact the business of a medical aid fund. This comes after it was brought to the attention of Namfisa about speculation and circulation of information, regarding the financial status and future sustainability of one of the medical aid funds, namely BankMed Namibia, which…
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A review of the Labour law is long overdue

A review of the Labour law is long overdue

Martin Endjala The Mine Workers Union of Namibia Assistant Secretary, Paul Situmba says as much as he wants to be excited about the review of the Labour Law, he lamented the length of time that the process is taking. Situmba said while the review is underway, workers continue to suffer in their workplaces while the review keeps going on and never concludes. “It is long overdue. They have dragged on with the review for years now. When are they going to conclude so that we can finally see the law addressing some of these shortcomings? I have even lost the…
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Omuthiya Town Council resolves the water crisis in Kaniita Location

Omuthiya Town Council resolves the water crisis in Kaniita Location

Stefanus Nashama Following an outcry from the residents of the Kaniita location in Omuthiya Town, the Council on Sunday met with the community residents to discuss the current water supply crisis and find amicable solutions to have the service restored. Omuthiya Mayor, John Ndeutepo, stated that the Council leadership resolved to provide the residents with new communal water meters free of charge and that the water charges will be discounted to be affordable for all residents. He indicated that the council will charge N$1.00 per 20-litre container. He further indicated that residents, who own plots at the Kaniita location with…
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Giant engines will drive up generation capacity

Giant engines will drive up generation capacity

Niël Terblanché Three giant diesel-powered engines that will be used to generate electricity at the Anixas Power Station in Walvis Bay arrived at the port at the start of the past weekend. The engines along with generators will be used in the new Anixas II development of the power station currently under construction. According to Simson Haulofu, the Managing Director of NamPower, the three engines and their generator units have a combined generation capacity of 54 Mega Watt. The engines can be powered by either diesel or natural gas and along with the older equipment already installed will generate a…
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The consummate business strategist…An exclusive interview with Ndapewa Hangula

The consummate business strategist…An exclusive interview with Ndapewa Hangula

Ndapewa Vistorina Hangula is the Managing Director for August 26 Manufacturing, a position she has held since February 2021. Ndapewa is an avid and solid strategist and business development expert and a mature business leader. She has a combined experience of more than 20 years of which over 10 years has been at senior and executive management level across multiple industries. With a strong Business background, Ndapewa started her career in the IT filed, and later changed her focus to the business side of companies. Her expertise includes Management Consulting, Strategy Development and implementation, Performance Management, Business Development and ICT.…
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Private-funded students owing NUST blocked from registering

Private-funded students owing NUST blocked from registering

Disgruntled self-funded Students owing the Namibia University of Science and Technology(NUST) say the university is failing them after they have been blocked from registering for second semester, saying that the university refuses to listen to their pleas. The university blocked students from registering due to outstanding debts incurred during the previous semester. The institute demands that outstanding debt must be settled before students will be allowed to register for the second semester. Several students have expressed concerns about their future at the institution because they are unable to settle their debts. Maria Amutenya, a student who is self-funded said that…
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Beneficiaries receive houses after a delay of seven years

Beneficiaries receive houses after a delay of seven years

Niël Terblanché Beneficiaries of the Mass Housing Development Programme in Swakopmund were delighted to receive their new homes after a delay of seven years. Erastus Uutoni, the Minister of Urban and Rural Development, officially handed over 108 government-funded houses to their rightful owners and said that all Namibians deserve decent shelter “This is a memorable milestone for this specific project which was at a standstill for a long time. It is yet another demonstration of the continued efforts of the Government towards creating more opportunities for decent shelter for our people,” he said. The project has been halted for close…
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Mbumba calls for morecustodial officers at the NCS

Mbumba calls for morecustodial officers at the NCS

Stefanus Nashama Vice President Nangolo Mbumba has called for an increased effort to ensure that more custodial staff are recruited to improve the effective delivery of services at national correctional centres. Mbumba noted that the shortage of custodial officers has negative implications on the daily responsibilities of the Namibian Correctional Service such as the operating of entrances and exits, guarding of inmates admitted at public hospitals, the manning of guard tower posts, conducting of searches and the escort of inmates to various destinations such as courts, amongst others. He explained that for the Namibian Correctional Service (NCS) to ensure safe…
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NAC receives a good report card

NAC receives a good report card

Niël Terblanché A transitional journey of the Namibia Airports Company over the last three years realistically reflects tangible improvements in leadership, management, and governance. The Namibia Airports Company (NAC) held a successful Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 19 July 2023 for the preceding three financial years, namely 2019/2020, 2020/2021 and 2021/2022 to bring the company in line with compliance and governance requirements as outlined in the Companies Act (Act No. 28 of 2004) and the Public Enterprises Governance Ac (Act No. 1 of 2019). The AGM was attended by John Mutorwa, the Minister of Works and Transport, Titus Ndove, the…
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N$35 million budgeted for roads in Omusati

N$35 million budgeted for roads in Omusati

Stefanus Nashama The Omusati Governor, Erginus Endjala, said the government has availed N$35 million for upgrading the Tsandi-Omugulugwombashe gravel road to bitumen standard. According to Endjala, the construction of the Tsandi-Omugulugwombashe tar road is to be done in two phases for ten months. He said the road stretches 22 kilometres from Tsandi to the Omugulugwombashe Memorial Site. Endjala explained that the construction of this road makes a crucial contribution to the country’s economic development and growth and brings important social benefits to residents in the region. The Governor said this during his State of the Region Address last week while…
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