Authenticity of a notice about a nationwideprotest against unemployment questioned

Stefanus Nashama

In a preliminary response to the notification of the planned nationwide protest against unemployment on March 21, 2024, in the country, the Namibian Police Force has questioned the authenticity of the author of the notification letter from the Namibia Economic Freedom Fighters (NEFF).

A notification for the protest next year was submitted to the police last week, signed in the name of the NEFF by an individual named Gregory Cloete.

The Inspector-General of the Namibian Police, Lieutenant General Joseph Shikongo, wrote to NEFF Leader Epafras Mukwiilongo last week, asking whether Cloete, who is said to be the party’s Head of Planning and Mobilization, was mandated to act on behalf of the party.

“This office received a letter dated December 13, 2023, on the subject matter, ostensibly from your organization. However, it was signed by a person named Gregory Benit Cloete, whose authority I am struggling to substantiate,” Shikongo wrote.

Shikongo stated that he would only provide an applicable response on the subject matter if the party pronounced itself concerning the matter.

“It is for the aforementioned reason that I am hereby requesting your good office to assist my office in substantiating and/or refuting the authenticity of the aforementioned letter to enable me to provide your good office with an applicable response,” he maintained.

To obtain information regarding the matter, a close source to NEFF informed the Windhoek Observer yesterday that Mukwiilongo has responded to the police.

The opposition party leader has responded, urging Shikongo to inform men and women in uniforms to encourage their unemployed family members to join the protest on March 21, 2024, the source said.

However, it is not yet confirmed if Shikongo has received a response from Mukwiilongo on the matter.

It is also not yet clear if the protest will be approved or not.

Regarding new developments on the matter, efforts to obtain comments from the police and Mukwiilongo were not successful.

In the latest development, Cloete is inviting other political parties, including the ruling Swapo Party, to sympathize with the protest next year.

“Unemployment is not a politically affiliated issue; that is the reason we are inviting all political parties to participate,” he said.

Last week, Cloete officially informed the police about a nationwide peaceful protest against unemployment scheduled for March 21, 2024, the Day of Independence Celebration.

His decision to notify the police well in advance stems from concerns over the violation of fundamental freedoms guaranteed by the Namibian Constitution.

He referred specifically to Chapter 3, Article 21 (1) (d) of the Namibian Constitution, which asserts that all individuals have the right to assemble peaceably and without arms.

“We are giving the Namibian Police enough time to ensure that they will mobilize sufficient resources and manpower to ensure that we can exercise our Fundamental Freedoms to assemble peaceably and without arms,” emphasized Cloete.

This is not the first time such a protest has been organized; a similar demonstration took place in March 2023. Activists Michael Amushelelo, Dimbulukeni Nauyoma, and parliamentarian Inna Hengari were arrested and detained for their role in organizing the protest.

At the time, they were ordered by the Magistrate Court to select a different date for their demonstration, separate from the Independence Day commemoration on March 21.

Cloete accused the police of using excessive force against unarmed protesters during the previous year’s demonstration.

He also stressed the denial of fundamental freedom to protest, citing reasons such as insufficient resources and manpower.

“The brutality was so severe that a pregnant woman, who was assaulted by the police, lost her baby due to injuries she sustained,” Cloete claimed.

He drew parallels between the scenes from this year’s protest against high unemployment and the Sharpeville Massacre, where 69 people were killed while demonstrating against pass laws in South Africa in 1960.

Meanwhile, Michael Amushelelo commented on the need to address unemployment in the country, emphasizing that celebrating Independence Day with state resources while people suffer from joblessness is unjustifiable.

“We can’t be wasting money to celebrate Independence Day when our people are still living in poverty because they don’t have decent-paying jobs to provide for themselves and their families,” Amushelelo said.

Last week, the Namibian Police’s Spokesperson, Deputy Commissioner Kauna Shikwambi, confirmed the receipt of the protest notification, stating that it was received by the Office of the Inspector General.

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