AR inquires about unpaid wages at Goreangab housing project

Hertta-Maria Amutenja

The Affirmative Repositioning movement (AR) has raised concerns over alleged non-payment of workers’ salaries at the 113 House Construction Project at Goreangab Dam Extension 4.

In a letter dated 13 August, AR Khomas Regional Chairperson, Sem David called on the minister of urban and rural development, Erastus Uutoni, the minister of labour, industrial relations and employment creation, Utoni Daniel Nujoma, and City of Windhoek CEO Moses Matyayi, to address the matter urgently.

David commended the government’s and the City of Windhoek’s efforts in completing the 113 houses, but he highlighted unresolved issues.

“A total of 28 employees working for Capital City Construction, owned by Mr. Tjirondero A. James, have not received their wages since March 2024,” he stated. Workers have also complained of a lack of employment contracts and unpaid salaries, despite agreements to compensate for overtime and public holiday work.

MJ Construction Services CC was also mentioned as failing to pay its employees on time.

The company has reportedly made incorrect wage deductions without reimbursing workers.

David said one worker is owed N$14 380, with the payment still outstanding.

A prior correspondence on 3 April highlighted similar issues.

AR now seeks intervention to ensure prompt wage payments, an investigation into the contracting companies’ financial obligations, and clear timeframes for the completion of the Havana Four-way road project.

A response is expected by 23 August.

Attempts to reach Nujoma for comment were unsuccessful, and no response was received from Uutoni and Matyayi.

The government launched the construction of 113 houses in March 2024 through the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development.

The project aims to improve living standards in informal settlements, with a focus on eliminating shacks.

Evelyn !Nawases-Taeyele, the deputy minister, reported that the program has provided 694 affordable houses since 2021 and noted the increasing demand.

503 plots serviced under the Mass Urban Land Servicing Project are expected to be ready by 2025, adding another 400 housing units.

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