APP pushes for LGBTQI rights

Hertta-Maria Amutenja

The All People’s Party (APP) has reinforced its commitment to human rights, specifically addressing the rights of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex (LGBTQI) community in its 2024 manifesto, launched in Rundu this weekend.

The party pledges to work towards combating discrimination, decriminalising sexual orientation, and ensuring legal protections for LGBTQI individuals.

The party highlights the universality of human rights and stresses that every Namibian, regardless of their sexual orientation, deserves equal treatment under the law.

The manifesto sets out several objectives aimed at protecting and advancing the rights of the LGBTIQ community.

According to the manifesto, it commits to combating hate crimes and discrimination by introducing legislation and robust enforcement mechanisms.

In schools, public spaces, and workplaces, the party aims to create inclusive and safe environments for LGBTIQ individuals, promoting equal access and opportunities.

The objectives also include decriminalising sexual orientation.

The APP stresses the necessity of amending current laws that discriminate against the LGBTIQ community and guaranteeing legal protection from prejudice.

This includes advocating for legal equality and supporting organisations that work towards these goals.

The party also plans to eradicate schools operating under inadequate conditions, such as trees or tents, by providing modern structures within three years. APP pledges to phase out the platoon system, which has caused a strain on educational resources within two years.

The APP also highlights its commitment to public education on LGBTIQ rights, with plans to launch public campaigns to challenge stereotypes and promote understanding.

“By implementing these measures, we aim to create a society where every individual, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, can live freely, safely, and with dignity,” the manifesto states.

The manifesto quotes Ignatius Shixwameni, the late founding president of the APP, and the party affirms that his vision continues to guide their policies.

“His visionary leadership and unwavering commitment to a just and equitable society have left an indelible mark on the nation,” reads the manifesto.

Meanwhile, the Stop Homosexuality and Same-Sex Marriages committee in Namibia, as a civic organisation, is planning a national demonstration to remove the LGBTQI flags from all pre-primary schools across the country.

The demonstration is planned for Tuesday.

The group is also calling for the United Nations to stop promoting LGBTQI agendas in Namibia.

The group chairperson, Pendapala Nakathingo, said they also want the Ministry of Education to suspend or withdraw the Be Free/Dreams chapter in the new curriculum.

“We don’t want Sodom and Gomorrah in Namibia! Homosexuality is a curse; that’s why we are in poverty! The same is true poverty is a curse and we are tired of poverty. Question: Did the President of Namibia go to America to sign a pact for the future to come and destroy the future of our young generation?” he said.

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