Ambassadors keep jobs despite reaching retirement age

Ester Mbathera

The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Dr Peya Mushelenga, explained that civil servants in diplomatic missions who have reached retirement age will retire as per public service rules.

Mushelenga was responding to questions about diplomats beyond retirement age who are still serving on missions during a public briefing on the ministry’s activities.

“There are two streams of diplomats: Career diplomats, who are employees of MIRCO, and non-career diplomats. The president appoints heads of mission from both streams. There is nothing that precludes the president from appointing individuals of a certain age,” Mushelenga said.

He added that there is also nothing that prevents political parties from selecting National Assembly candidates of a particular age.

Elia Kaiyamo, 73, is currently serving as Namibia’s ambassador to China.

Selma Ashipala-Musavyi, former Executive Director of MIRCO who retired in 2020, is now serving as Namibia’s ambassador to Ghana.

Namibia’s High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, Sabine Bohlke-Moller, reached the retirement age of 60 in 2023.

Margaret Mensah-Williams, the ambassador to the United States, is currently 62 years old.

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