A must for GNU choice to radically tackle socio-economic deficit in SA

Cannot imagine how many analysis has been written, spoken and if you like proffered if not ram down the throats of many especially South Africans by an eclectic eminent family of analysts who before, during the South African elections have descended on her electoral-politico-economic terrain to make us wiser, if at all, about the developments there. No so much in an independent and neutral sense but desirous of the political pendulum swinging their own way, known o themselves.

Because regime-change had written over some of them, echoing mutely that the African National Congress (ANC) regime be changed. Which was the political agenda, and surely remains, of most if not all political parties.

To the extent of fantasies with fronts of all kinds of political parties that ideologically would never see eye to eye. During which then the reality of the socio-economic situation in South Africa seemed to have been essentially put under the carpet.

“CAN any one coming from the background of the colonial project of the West put any premium on the much vaunted developments in South Africa, which are very much still work in progress if not very much fantasies of white liberalism as well as opportunists and liberation pretenders running out of ideas and their grands schemes being shown for what they really are and have been.?”, I opined pessimistically in one of the columns, headline Not much in South African GNU given colonial project of capitalism, last month.

Noting the socio-economic deficit of South Africa. Because few of the political parties in South Africa, can be said o have their uppermost genuine interest in fundamental and true socio-economic transformation That the ANC for th last 30 years have not been able to. Hence the scenario in which currently finds herself.

Because than indeed if the ANC may have made a beginning in this regard, save for the last minute pushing through of, for example, the National Health Insurance Bill, it’s only inconceivable how they have been voted out of power. There’s no any other way that the regime-change agenda of the other political parties worked. Which is now rationalised as the will of the people. What people?

If the ANC for the last 30 years has not been able to in the least start to serious prepare for a serious socio-economic radical transformation it is mesmerizing and beyond comprehension that hope and focus is now shifted on Government of National Unity (GNU). Which is a result of the regime change capitalist project.

On which few ordinary South Africans can pin any hope but instead with their fears, which cannot be equated with those of the market and capitalists, cannot understandably otherwise but intensify.

Yours Truly Ideologically thought his may have been a lone voice, for that matter in the wilderness. For if South Africa, not excepting Namibia, a realistic assessment of any situation have been few and far in between with society going for the easy way out or mainstream following anything however senseless and/or unreasonable and even ideologically empty as long as it is seemingly popular.

Just like currently in Namibia where voters have been for the last 34 years been keeping the Swapo Party of Namibia in power while it has been unmistakably and undeniably been from year to year, driving the country deeper and deeper into the doldrums. As evidenced by absolute poverty, squalor, destitute, inequality.

In both South Africa there is no denial that many of the socio-economic problems that has the two countries are currently entrapped with, comes from years of their continued entrenchment through the infamous Apartheid policies.

Whereby some citizens were denied equal access to the natural resources of the said countries. In fact a phenomena of the capitalist imperialist mechanisations. As a result for years, since the emergence of capitalist colonialism in Namibia starting with the infiltration of so-called explorers and eventual settlement, there has been zero development in Namibia.

Likewise in South Africa where when the Nationalist Party (Afrikaners) assumed power in 1948, introduced Apartheid whereby the economy was exclusively controlled for the benefit of the white minority in that country. Meaning all these years of capitalist Apartheid South.

This is a good 46 years, that until 1994 when South Africa gained flag independence. Is there anything South Africa could have done for the last 30 years? If only to halt the situation.

Given the realism that her independence was essentially ushered in and thus not a revolution taken to its logical conclusion following the triumph of truly revolutionary forces.

A nominal independence midwifed by the capitalist imperialist project masterminds. With the release of Nelson Mandela no more than just an expedience veil and political trickery of the capitalist project. In a recent Reuters article describing the Cyril Ramaphosa’s cabinet, if such can by any definition be referred to as such, Jee-A van der Linde at Oxford Economic a, “business friendly outcome”.

Yours Truly Ideologically is even hesitant to give it any label. For it is just too early. Hence the articles in South Africa that has been replete with nothing but vacillation between hope and fear. Van der Linde may have been realistic that it remains to be seen if it could solve South Africa’s economic woes.

Exactly Yours Truly Ideologically’s contention regarding the country’s socio-economic deficit inflicted by the capitalist project. But which as things have been developing lately find little mention with the obsession being on power-sharing by all and sundry. Power to achieve what.

For its own sake far from arresting, if only for starters, the socio-economic deficit. Prevalent in many of South Africa’s decaying so-called informal settlements. A problem akin to Namibia as well.

It is amazing how among the analysts seem to think how any portfolio holder in the new cabinet may matter, either individually or in terms of his/her party policies are concerned. Yes, no doubt any would strive at having influence in one way or another but this is a new political reality whereby collectively all of them have as yet have to define the agenda for the country.

Not so much based on own political party policies, if at all and ever, but on the policies addressing the socio-economic realities of the country. Acrosss all sectors without exception.

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