Irene !Hoaës
Kaomo Vijanda Tjombe, an editor par excellence, the “Value Editor”, one who could add value to your story. You give your script to Kaomo and it will always come back with additional information that you may not even have been aware of, as a rookie in the newsroom.
Kaomo, Cousin, as he was also known, had the ability to transform your story into a masterpiece. He was that one Editor that you could give your story to and knew, it is in good hands. No additional propaganda to please the bosses, but just the real story at hand with important, valuable background information concerning the issue at hand. You would always learn a thing or two from Kaomo’s editing.
He would quietly emerge from his corner office and smilingly say, “IH, your story is ready. You can go and voice it. Good work IH,” he would say that while he is the one who made my “story good”. That was the kind of person Kaomo was. A humble soft-spoken man, a man of few words.
His dedication to the craft and unwavering commitment to helping others grow was truly inspiring. Kaomo, you have a way of seeing potential in people, even when they don’t see it in themselves. Your patience, wisdom, and kindness have helped countless individuals work through the challenges of their personal and professional lives.
Having the “Combo” of Kaomo and Zack Kadhikua to your avail, in any newsroom, I believe would be anybody’s winning combination. I would always make sure to get hold of Zack, our newsroom Researcher at the time, especially when I had to write an economic or financial story to give that extra, to impress my editor. Once I had the two on my side, I knew I would have a brilliant “actuality” for “Update Namibia or the World@Six”.
Kaomo was not the “boss type” but the “friend, the older brother, the cousin, the mentor”. We would feel free to walk into his office anytime and share anything, whatever the issue at hand was. He was no man of conflict; he was not vindictive but a kind and also very stern and strict man, when need be.
I’ve had the privilege of knowing Kaomo for the short five years I was at NBC Radio Current Affairs, and I can say without a doubt that he had been a guiding light in my life.
Kaomo, it is a pity that you had to leave so soon, that I did not tell you this, but I can thank you for guiding me into my career. You gave me tools to survive in the industry and I believe you had given those same tools to your family, Mrs. Tjombe, and especially your son Katjo to continue life without you.I shall say not in grief, ‘he is no more’ but in thankfulness that “he was”, and we benefited from his existence.
Rest in eternal rest, Kaomo.
I salute you my Value “Editor”.
Kaomo Vijanda Tjombe a veteran journalist and former Radio News Editor and NBC died following a battle with cancer on Saturday. .
He was also a former member of the People’s Liberation Army of Namibia.