RPZ Donates donates state-of-the-art digital teaching equipment to public schools

Allexer Namundjembo

Rosh Pinah Zinc (RPZ) has contributed advanced digital teaching equipment worth N$300 000 to Hoeksteen Primary School and Tsau//khaeb Secondary School in Rosh Pinah.

RPZ’s General Manager, Sheron Kaviua, presented the equipment, highlighting the company’s commitment to transforming education, empowering educators, and enhancing student engagement.

“This sponsorship is rooted in the belief that access to digital teaching resources is vital to support students’ access to different career opportunities,” she added.

During the handover, Kaviua said RPZ’s long-standing commitment to community development, stating that RPZ’s purpose extends beyond mining.

She also announced that the company has received approval from the Ministry of Education to introduce computer studies into Tsau//khaeb Secondary School’s curriculum in 2025.

As part of this initiative, RPZ will hire a teacher for the subject and cover their salary until the Ministry takes over in 2026.

The equipment was received by Jasmine Magerman, the Kharas regional director of education, on behalf of the schools.

“This digital partnership ties in perfectly with the Ministry of Education’s Resolution 22, which aims to expose students to world-class teaching aids. RPZ’s investment in the potential of the Namibian pupils empowers them to dream bigger,” Magerman said.

Rochell Domingo, head of the math and science department at Tsau//khaeb Secondary School, expressed her appreciation to RPZ, noting that the sponsorship will promote equality in learning and unlock the school’s potential in STEM education.

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