Green light pending for sulphuric acid facility at Walvis Bay


The Cooperative Bulk Handling Terminal (Pty) Ltd. (CBHT) has appointed A. Speiser Environmental Consultants (ASEC) to conduct an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the construction and operation of the sulphuric acid storage and handling facilities at the port of Walvis Bay and the transport of sulphuric acid to the Etango Mine, documents showed this week.

CBHT is a subsidiary of Bannerman Investments Namibia (Pty) Ltd. and part of the Bannerman Energy Ltd. Group of Companies.

CBHT) was awarded an area within the port of Walvis Bay for its sulphuric acid storage and handling facility.

The company manages the logistical import and export of materials, including sulphuric acid, an essential reagent in the mining industry’s uranium (U3O8) extraction.

Sulphuric acid is required at Bannerman’s Etango Mine.

Documents showed that an Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) needs to be granted by the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism for the construction and operation of the sulphuric acid facilities at Walvis Bay Port and the basis of an approved application and associated Environmental Impact Assessment process.

The Ministry of Mines and Energy awarded Mining Licence 250 to the Etango Uranium Project on 14 December 2023.

CBHT said the sulphuric acid will either be sourced from a local Namibian supply or from abroad, either transported by rail within Namibia or shipped by vessels to the port, and decanted into the storage tanks in the harbour.

It will then be delivered to the mine by road trucks.

Documents showed that the facilities to be provided in the harbour include a storage capacity of 40 000 tonnes of 98% sulphuric acid in four tanks, related infrastructure for the transfer of acid into the storage tanks from shipping vessels or rail acid tankers, related infrastructure to transfer acid from the storage tanks to acid road tankers to transport the acid to the Etango Mine and related infrastructure for safe operation of all facilities.

The company said Bannerman’s metallurgical process will use sulphuric acid leaching to extract the uranium from the ore.

Early works on the construction of the Etango Mine began in January, with the major construction commencing in September. It is anticipated that the mine will go into production in 2027.

The construction of the sulphuric acid storage and handling facilities in the port depends on an approved EIA (and ECC). The construction period is estimated to take 18 months and needs to be operational prior to the commissioning of the Etango Mine.

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