Lüderitz NUST campus faces accommodation shortage

Martin Endjala

The Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST) satellite campus that will be launched on Wednesday faces an accommodation shortage due to a lack of serviced plots.

The mayor of Lüderitz, Phillippus Balhao, raised these concerns with the Windhoek Observer.

“I wish I knew more about the accommodation because it’s a pressing concern for everyone in Lüderitz at the moment, and the construction and servicing aren’t quite responsive enough for the market demands,” he said.

He said the NUST satellite campus is currently accommodated in the old power station as part of the waterfront development.

He explained that the satellite campus offered bridging courses before, but that it now will become a research institute.

“I’m honestly not sure where the students will be accommodated. NUST is in the middle of acquiring a plot where they’ll construct a campus with all amenities. Council recently approved their request, but this is subject to their formal acceptance of our terms and subsequent municipal approval once the advertisement processes have been concluded per the statutory processes in accordance with the Local Authorities Act,” he explained.

Questions sent to NUST spokesperson Nashilongo Gervasius went unanswered.

The campus will offer full-time, part-time, and online modes of study, from bridging courses to master’s degree programmes.

In June this year, the Lüderitz municipality’s chief executive officer, Otto Shipanga stated that the council expects accommodation to become more critical over the next few years due to the expected developments.

Shipanga explained that the town’s input cost for servicing land is very high.

The demand for housing by Lüderitz residents, as well as the influx of people from abroad, are straining the town’s housing provision initiatives.

The town has attracted attention from potential investors from all over the world due to its green hydrogen prospects.

This makes it appealing to people looking for business opportunities and jobs, and as a result, there has been an increase in demand for housing.

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