Aussenkehr fire victims need assistance

Martin Endjala

In the wake of a devastating fire that destroyed 72 reed houses in Aussenkehr last week, affected families and farm workers are receiving emergency support from local grape companies and the Aussenkehr Village Foundation.

Carien Goosen, the foundation’s manager, confirmed that cleanup efforts and debris removal have already commenced.

“Seeing that the village population is growing, we will be building a second firefighting unit this month to help equip ourselves to assist the village. We only started last year in October, but we have done a lot so far, and more projects are on the way,” she said.

In addition to the cleanup, she said the foundation is actively collecting funds and compiling a list of those affected to ensure proper assistance.

Donations from kind-hearted individuals and organisations have been pouring in to assist the victims.

Although the reported figures indicate that 72 houses were affected, Joosin said the reality on the ground shows a different picture, as some small shops were also destroyed.

Joosin added that the people have suffered significant losses and are in dire need of assistance.

She has appealed to individuals and organisations to assist in any manner possible.

The Aussenkehr Village Foundation started its operations in October last year and keeps Assuenkehr clean.

With a team of 12 cleaners, 4 managers, a fire fighting unit, and a village police station, the foundation has stepped in where a local municipality would typically provide essential services.

Monthly contributions from the local grape companies fund the organization, allowing it to maintain the village’s cleanliness and functionality.

The foundation is in the process of installing about 400 bins at Aussenkehr along the road.

“We have 27 water stations in the village that are supplied from the pipe that we have connected to NamWater to supply water,” she said.

Last week, the Karas Regional Police Commander, Commissioner Marius Katamila, urged residents of Aussenkehr to be extra cautious when dealing with fire during this time of year when the area is experiencing strong winds.

He said any mistake, it only takes one spark to start a fire and given the demographical locations of many areas in the region, emergencies may not arrive in time to put out the fire.

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