Rukoro group dragged to court for illegally seizing NUDO offices

Erasmus Shalihaxwe

Kadhila Amoomo, who represents the National Unity Democratic Organisation (NUDO), has formally cautioned Barry Rukoro and six others to refrain from calling themselves the party leaders and interfering with party leadership activities.

Additionally, Rukoro’s team received instructions to stop using the party letterhead or risk legal action.

According to summons documents seen by the Windhoek Observer on Wednesday, the defendants (Rukoro and others) unilaterally seized the plaintiff’s (NUDO) rental premises at Clemence Kapuuo Street, Windhoek, between August and September 2024.

The lawyers claim that the group incorrectly assumed leadership.

Under a lease agreement between the plaintiff and the property owner, the plaintiff maintains the right to occupy the aforementioned property at all material times.

“Because of the defendant’s continued occupation of the property, the plaintiff is exposed to damages occasioned by the breach of contract, in as far as the lease agreement is concerned. The plaintiff apprehends that the defendants will not vacate the property unless ejected by an order of court,” reads the documents.

Amoomo added that an interdict restraining the defendants from passing off as the plaintiff’s de facto leaders, an interdict restraining the defendants from disseminating correspondence on the created “fake” letterhead in respect of the claim, and an order ejecting the defendants from the property were then issued.

“Payment of any damages occasioned by the breach of contract as far as the lease agreement is concerned in respect of claim 2; costs of suit, further, and/or alternative relief,” said the lawyer.

Rukoro, who was also elected as the party president at a congress held last week by his followers, did not answer phone calls to his number.

One of the defendants, Tjizapouzeu Uahupirapi, acknowledged receiving the court documents but declined to comment further, saying they were busy studying them and consulting with their lawyers.

“Yes, we have received the documents, but at this point, we are not commenting on anything. We are busy studying the documents, and it is a very thick document, but we are also in the process of consulting our legal department,” said Uahupirapi.

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