Mootu demands Tjongarero’s resignation over Independence Stadium renovation failures

Erasmus Shalihaxwe

Utaara Mootu of the Landless People’s Movement (LPM) and member of parliament called on Agnes Tjongarero, the minister of sport, youth and national services to apologise to the public and resign for failing to start the renovation of Independence Stadium on time as she promised.

Tjongarero has been under fire since Saturday when Vice President Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah accused her last week of lying about the progress of the renovation.

However, nothing has been done to date.

On Tuesday, while posing her questions to Tjongarero in parliament, Mootu asked the sports minister if it was not the honourable thing to do, given her stature as an elder and iconic sports figure, to apologise to the nation and resign.

‘’When will you resign, as minister, given that it appears that this ministry is beyond your capacity perhaps? Why have you misled the nation and the Vice President regarding the status of the renovations? What is the truthful explanation behind these delays?’’ Mootu asked.

The opposition member noted that the stadium renovation received a significant allocation of N$50 million in the 2022/23 budget. Yet no substantial renovations have taken place.

‘’On 15 February 2023, your executive director, Mbumbu Erastus Haitengela, assured the public that the government had not abandoned its plans to upgrade the stadium. Furthermore, in June 2024, you attributed the delays to the procurement process. Given these facts and considering that the Landless People’s Movement has consistently raised concerns to no avail, can you clarify why the Vice President recently accused you of misleading her and the nation about securing a contractor?’’ she asked.

The national senior men’s football team is currently playing World Cup and African Cup of Nations qualifiers in South Africa, which, according to Mootu, is an embarrassment to the country.

On Monday, the Popular Democratic Movement’s (PDM) member of parliament, Maximalliant Katjimune said the timing of Nandi-Ndaitwah’s criticism of her former fellow cabinet member is questionable.

He said she has been part of the government for years and has been aware of such issues for a long time.

‘’It’s too little, too late, and her criticism was done purely for electioneering purposes. The truth of the matter is that her government has failed terribly, not only with the Independence Stadium but with all other sporting infrastructure across the country as well. It’s a terrible indictment of their incompetence, and voters should punish them on 27 November,’’ said Katjimune.

Tjongarero is expected to provide answers to these questions in the National Assembly on Thursday.

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