Iipumbu claims NEFF deregistration was politically driven

Stefanus Nashama

The Namibia Economic Freedom Fighters’ (NEFF) deputy leader, Kalimbo Iipumbu, claimed the party’s deregistration by the Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) was politically motivated.

Speaking to the Windhoek Observer on Monday, Iipumbu accused the ECN of being captured by the ‘system’.

“It seems that the ECN is weak, incompetent and captured to carry out its mandate,” said Iipumbu.

The NEFF was deregistered by the ECN in July for failing to submit its audited documents and publish them in 2022.

According to Iipumbu, the ECN could have addressed the matter in an alternative way instead of deregistering the party.

“We are a threat to the government. That’s why the ECN was manipulated to take such unlawful actions,” he stressed.

He complained that he had seen some other parties publish their audited reports these days, but they were not deregistered.

“One thing that people do not understand is that we were deregistered because we failed to comply with the law, but that is not an issue. We were deregistered because we are a threat to the government,” he claimed.

According to Iipumbu, the auditing of the party’s books depends on the hired audit firm’s schedule.

Iipumbu said the party has been preparing for the common activities of political parties, regardless of its deregistration.

He added that the party will write to President Nangolo Mbumba to intervene on the matter.

“We do not see it fair for our party to be deregistered because of such claims. We will reach out to the president for the ECN to review its decision,” he reiterated.

Iipumbu urged party members to remain vigilant and consider the case in favour of the NEFF.

“We are the first party to be deregistered in the history of Namibia. But this should not discourage our members from fighting for economic emancipation. We will give the ECN a big whipping,” he said.

He added that the party is looking forward to winning the case on 5 September.

“The matter was set to be judged on the 5th of September, and from there we will provide a clear direction of what to do, whether we win or not,” Iipumbu said.

The matter was not justified by the electoral court, leaving the party with no option but to approach the High Court.

Iipumbu said the NEFF could be the party that launches its manifesto for the upcoming elections.

He said the ECN lacks the competence and independence to handle the upcoming elections.

“You will see people demonstrating after the upcoming elections,” said Iipumbu.

The NEFF was deregistered along with the Christian Democratic Voice (CDV).

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