Criminal case filed against Nawatiseb and his wife

Hertta -Maria

Engel Nawatiseb, the former deputy minister of information and communication technology and his wife are facing criminal charges in connection with the sale of a property in Windhoek

The Makumbi family initiated the case, bringing to light the allegations of misconduct and the pursuit of justice in the property sale by Nawatiseb and his wife Lina Nawatises.

According to court documents filed in May 2023, Godfrey Makumbi entered into a sale agreement with the Nawatisebs for the property in question.

However, the transaction soon became a point of contention.

In a letter dated 10 August 2024, Boniface Makumbi, on behalf of his brother Godfrey Makumbi, outlined their concerns regarding the sale.

“The sale agreement contains discrepancies that warrant further investigation,” the letter stated.

The Makumbi brothers claim that the Nawatisebs did not adhere to the conditions of the sale agreement.

The property was allegedly undervalued, and the Makumbi brothers believe the sale was not conducted according to the terms agreed upon.

“The property was significantly undervalued, raising questions about the integrity of the transaction,” Makumbi noted in his correspondence.

The Nawatisebs did not adhere to the stipulated conditions of the sale agreement, which the Makumbi family contends led to an unfair transaction.

The latest documents in the matter were filed on 5 August 2024.

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