Lesley Goraseb appointed as Usakos CEO

Martin Endjala

Former Karibib chief executive officer Lesley Goraseb has been appointed as CEO of Usakos on a five-year contract effective 1 August 2024.

This was confirmed by the mayor of Usakos, Irene Kurtz.

Kurtz explained that the post became vacant after former CEO Ivan Lombard resigned on 25 November 2022.

“The position has been vacant ever since and the acting CEO was Reinhold Evenson, the manager of finance and administration,” she said.

She said Goraseb’s appointment not only marks a new chapter but a bold leap forward in their journey towards a brighter future.

“We thank our finance and administration executive, Evenson, who was the acting CEO. Thank you for your time and dedication towards our town,” said the mayor.

She urged residents to embrace innovation, integrity, and inclusivity as their guiding principles.

She called for understanding and unity, ensuring every voice is heard and every idea valued.

She believes that together, they can forge a community where opportunity flourishes, where progress knows no bounds, and where the spirit of Usakos shines ever brighter.

“We are confident that his vision and dedication will drive the council to greater heights and success,” she said.

Goreseb left Karibib town after months of being at loggerheads with the town council over the state of the council’s affairs that was unearthed in an internal audit.

He served as Karibib Town Council CEO for close to two terms of five years each.

Goraseb was also a national executive member of the Namibian Association of Local Authority Officials (NALAO) and concurrent chairperson for the Erongo region in the same association.

Goraseb has 23 years of relevant experience in the local authority fraternity.

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