Upgrade Auas Road in Windhoek set to start

Niël Terblanché

The project to rehabilitate and widen Auas Road, a major road traffic artery in Windhoek, will commence soon.

The announcement was made during a groundbreaking ceremony by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Works and Transport, John Mutorwa on Thursday.

The Auas Road, which leads south to Rehoboth and serves as the main route into the central business district from the densely populated southern neighbourhoods of Windhoek.

According to Mutorwa, the road has long been plagued by heavy traffic, congestion, and frequent accidents.

“Once this project is completed, road safety will undoubtedly be improved because of the dual carriageway and improved intersection layouts. Road users will also enjoy reduced congestion and a significant reduction in the likelihood of motor vehicle accidents,” Mutorwa said.

He added that at the same time, as part of the project, the Dr. Hage Geingob Stadium Road will be upgraded to bitumen standard.

The rehabilitation work will be carried out by China Railway Seventh Group Namibia Pty Ltd, whose general manager, Ma Linlin, stated that the construction will be divided into two phases with an anticipated completion period of 17 months.

Ma assured attendees at the event that the company will strive to mitigate the impact on public transportation and the environment during construction, aiming to deliver a high-quality and swift upgrade and reconstruction of the road.

“Upon completion, Auas Road will be transformed into a four-lane bidirectional road equipped with traffic lights, streetlights, and pedestrian-only sidewalks,” he said.

This upgrade is expected to significantly alleviate traffic pressure and enhance road safety.

Ma added that the construction activities would create much-needed employment opportunities for residents of Windhoek.

The government, through the Road Fund Administration, fully funds the project, with an estimated cost of around N$138 million.

Ma explains that the construction of new lanes on the western side of the existing road will form the new northbound lanes, while the rehabilitation of the existing lanes will serve as the southbound lanes.

A median will separate the two directions of traffic.

Additionally, pedestrian and bicycle lanes will be built to improve safety and accessibility.

The project entails upgrading the road from the Sean McBride intersection to the Mandume Ndemufayo intersection, which will include a new and improved taxi rank.

The objective is to enhance traffic flow on this currently congested road, particularly during peak hours.

A new intersection will also be introduced to link Aviation Road and Springbok Road, along with another taxi rank to improve public transport access.

Major institutions situated on or near Auas Road include the office buildings of Namcor, the Ministry of Mines and Energy, the Mercure Hotel and the Eros Airport.

Mutorwa assured that the project’s completion will significantly improve traffic management and safety for all Windhoek road users.

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