Headspring Investments avails N$500 000 for training artisans

Martin Endjala

Twenty young people from the Leonardville village in the Omaheke region will receive artisan training through a partnership between Headspring Investments (PTY) Ltd. and the Namibia Institute of Mining Technology (NIMT).

The cooperation agreement, valued at over N$500 000 for the 2024/2025 year, covers tuition and accommodation fees for the trainees.

The agreement was signed recently and aimed at providing ongoing support for skill development in the community.

Kirill Egorov-Kirillov, director of Headspring Investments, said the initiative is proof that the company is ready to contribute to Namibia’s economic landscape.

“Even though we are only in the exploration phase of our project, we must prepare for the day that we go into full production of uranium. This agreement will not only help Headspring Investments to create a well-qualified workforce for the company but will ensure that more highly skilled people are available in the mining sector in Namibia,” he said.

According to Ralph Bussel, the NIMT director, trainees can obtain their Level 3 certificates after successfully completing the courses.

“The students could return after this initial training, whereafter they can obtain their full accreditation. I believe that this initiative will have a major positive impact on the local community of Leonardville,” said Bussel.

Randy Erkana, the acting principal of NIMT at the NET campus, said this agreement will support the government’s Vision 2030 initiative to reach a total of 35 000 Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET).

“NIMT is excited by this agreement since it proves that the private sector and government can achieve common goals through an institution like NIMT. I look forward to personally welcoming the trainees at the NET campus in Arandis,” he said.

According to the agreement, NIMT will evaluate 40 young people from Leonardville and then select 20 from the group.

The 20 young people will then move to Arandis for their training in areas like fitter, turner, boiler maker and other artisanal directions.

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