NUDO calls off elective congress

Erasmus Shalihaxwe

The National Unity Democratic Organisation (NUDO) called off its elective congress, which was due to elect the party’s new leadership on Saturday at Ramatex in Windhoek.

Outgoing party president, Esther Muinjangue announced on Sunday morning that the party’s national executive committee convened an urgent meeting late on Saturday night to discuss the scenario of ‘’chaos and anarchy’’ that prevailed at the venue.

‘’After careful consideration of all facts and issues at our disposal, we as leaders have decided to call off our elective congress until further notice. This is to avert possible loss of lives and unnecessary harm that might befall our members because of the current situation prevailing there,’’ said Muinjangue.

She added that the announcement of the party’s fourth national congress to date will come later.

‘’We plead with our members to remain calm while the leadership will deliberate and announce the way forward,’’ Muinjangue said.

On Saturday, NUDO’s secretary general, Joseph Kauandenge announced that the party’s national executive committee had resolved to ban former Namibia Football Association secretary general Barry Rukoro from contesting for a presidential position or standing for any elected position because he is not a party member.

Rukoro was denied entry to the congress venue.

A few months ago, Rukoro announced his intention to run for the party presidency.

However, NUDO leadership insisted that Rukoro not appear on the party’s database of registered members.

According to Rukoro, the party leadership was not ready to host the congress because many items were missing that were supposed to be presented before it.

‘’As per the constitution, the party president and the secretary general must present financial statements, and that did not happen,’’ said Rukoro.

Rukoro shared a photo of his membership card, which shows that he registered at the Okomukaru branch on 18 November 2003.

Efforts to reach Kauandenge to confirm the authenticity of the membership card.

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