Nyambe appointed AIEN president

Shakwa Nyambe Managing Partner of SNC Incorporated, has been appointed as the President-Elect of the Association of International Energy Negotiators (AIEN) for the period of 2024 -2025.
His appointment was confirmed at the AIEN Board of Directors meeting held on the 10th of June 2024 in Bangkok, Thailand. This will pave the way for him to become the Substantive President of the AIEN for the period 2025-2026.
Nyambe said his appointment acknowledges his exceptional leadership and extensive expertise within the global energy sector, and his contributions to educational and networking programs as well as the development of model contracts for the energy sector. Notably, Nyambe is the first African to lead and be elected as President-Elect of the AIEN in its history since it was founded in 1982.
Report: Erasmus Shalihaxwe

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