Orphanages excluded from grant increase

Hertta-Maria Amutenja

Orphanages and child welfare organisations have expressed their dissatisfaction with the exclusion of vulnerable children and orphans from an increase in basic state grants for old age pensions, people with disabilities, and children, which is set to take effect in August.

The Ministry of Gender Equality, Poverty Eradication, and Social Welfare (MGEPESW) made this announcement this week.

The assistant caretaker of the Megameno Orphanage in Katutura, Jeremiah Shaalukeni, expressed his disappointment, stating that the lack of an increase in grants for orphans is unfortunate.

“There are so many challenges faced by orphans and vulnerable children. The application process is a major issue. It can take up to a year for a child’s application to be processed, and, in some cases, it never gets approved. It is very unfortunate that the vulnerable children and orphanages did not get an increment for their grants,” said Shaalukeni.

In 2002, the Megameno Orphanage Home officially registered, providing care for 26 orphans.

The founder, Maria Shaalukeni, had been caring for orphans and vulnerable children long before the shelter’s official opening.

The orphanage usually relies on donations from individuals and companies to sustain its operations.

Selma Amushila, founder of Gals Emerge Charity, highlighted the negative impact of the non-inclusion of vulnerable children and orphans in the grant increment.

“Sometimes we have to go around asking for donations and assistance door to door so that we can assist the children. We need more assistance, and so do the children. Increasing their grants would have been a great help from the government to vulnerable children and orphans. We would appreciate it as a nation,” said Amushila.

MGEPESW announced this week that the increased payment will be backdated to 1 April, including an additional N$800 for each of the months from April to July, along with the new increased grant amount of N$1600 for August. This equates to a payment of N$2400.

Executive Director of MGEPESW Martha Mbombo, in a statement, urged beneficiaries to visit their designated pay points in August to collect their grants and allowances.

“All beneficiaries are therefore urged to visit their designated pay points in August 2024 in order to collect their grants and allowances. If any additional information is needed on the above, please do not hesitate to contact the Directorate of Social Protection Services,” Mbombo stated.

Pensioner Heinrich Shivute said he was happy with the increment.

“The increase in our grants is very welcome. It helps us a lot with our daily expenses and makes life a bit easier,” said Shivute.

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